Teldrassil is inescapable

You proved Micah right, eww. Micah is a cursed name amongst the cowboys, and you’re less boy, and more pie.

Not really. I mean everything I say, and don’t put on a character or a show just to antagonize people. I just also know that certain people are antagonized by my mere presence and opinions, and enjoy that side-effect of it.

Wouldn’t call that trolling. I engage in legitimate discussion, I just have some fun with it.

I don’t know about all that. You change your name around like Micah, and she has to change costumes between acts. I’ve only seen you troll these discussions by the definition everyone else apples to trolling. Even the one you use when whining about something else.

Oh, this should be fun. Who’s my secret trolling alt? Or do you think me putting an umlaut in my name cuz Valko was already taken on Moon Guard is some sort of devious attempt to hide my identity.


Your examples don’t seem to be recent of any form and the hearthstone thing was specifically a non-horde aligned character that is specifically antagonistic to night elves.
I’m not really certain how that’s ‘bringing Teldrassil back to the fore’.
If Hearthstone had an actual event/game-mode dealing with burning Teldrassil that’d be one thing, but to get bent out of shape over fluff text is kind of stretching the outrage.


The character you’re on is your trolling alt, what kind of silly question is that? This is a weird way for you to have fun, was an umlaut really worth it?

Alt is a weird way to describe the character that’s been my main for like 6 years and I post on 99% of the time except for when Blizzards badly programmed forums log me into another character by default sometimes and I don’t notice.


So anyway, I regret posting in this thread. I admittedly don’t know what Tewdee and Valko have earnestly said in other venues. I think I just went into a defensive mode when I saw it brought up publicly because ultimately I’m a baby who thought he could butt in to lower the argument’s temperature in his “online safe space” and my nannyism attempt wasn’t warranted.

The truth is I see a hell of a lot more of myself in Ethriel than I like so when I saw the mental discussion brought up, I think I got offended on her behalf and reacted as such, and I simply shouldn’t have gotten involved. Especially since it did the exact opposite of help anyway.


Some main you have here, wow. It was probably a conspiracy by Blizzard against you, that sounds like a fun topic for you.

I have no clue what ideas this post is trying to communicate. Can you talk less weirdly?

You moved to Moon Guard? Cool. Want to play with my buddies in Discord with me? It’ll take you forever to grind ilevel though.

how about you take your own advise then, and be the change you want (supposedly) to see:

If such threads are something bothering you, not participating does seem like a pretty solid answer to address the situation. I mean, less attention = more of those die out. Supposedly. If there is no real underlying problems at it’s just attention seeking or something like that.

At least it was constructive and had internal logic. Which a bunch of posts don’t. So that’s overall a + in the usability degree of the thread.

gl hf

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I do enjoy the irony of people calling us out as trolling and derailing the thread having done far more derailing than me and Valko just posting in the thread.

Our mere presence derails because we live rent free.


Literally most of my posts in this thread are about Night Elves, which can’t really be said for the people whining about how we’re derailing trolls. Funny, that.

I mean, sure, if I was genuinely upset at these threads and they really offended me, I’d do that. While this thread in particular ended up angering me quite legitimately - generally thats not the case and I usually get a kick out of them.

nelgarr says hi btw valko.

Well, this was a pivot. I noticed that you’ve backed off from pretending that you were sincere about Ethriel. At least we’re making some progress.

As for your accusations - you are perfectly aware that my Discord server has comprehensible rules that prevent the moderators from acting as tyrants. This prevents the server from being an echo chamber. That’s why Katiera was never banned. That’s why we have Horde posters there as well as others who disagree with us. Responding to their reports was actually the reason why eventually one of our members did have their posting privileges removed.

Over a year ago - since you’re still trying to raise hell over my attempt to rehabilitate a Russian poster who yes, did make threats, was sanctioned because he relapsed from an agreement to stop antagonizing Horde posters, and who has been far away from the server since. The remainder of what you’ve said about it is false inflammatory crap to cast a place that these days mostly posts bird memes as some kind of hive - all I would suppose to distract from your own behavior.

But getting back to the point, again, I don’t think you care about anyone’s mental health. I think you weaponize accusations of mental health issues in a tactic that again may be described as either gaslighting or an ad hominem attack depending on who you’re trying to convince.


Its basically the story forum life at this point. The same always happen. Kyalin, Ethriel and the same other few night elf poster just go on about how everyone who doesn’t put the night elf first in their priority is trolling. Its always end up with them ganging up on the few non-night elf player that decide to continue arguing instead of just giving up.

Ultimately, anyone who is just tired of this and tired of those constant thread showing up is automatically a night elf hater and is just someone toxic who can’t tolerate the night elf asking for something and can’t just be someone tired of that spamming non-sens.


PR disaster.

Emotionally investing in this mess of a story at this point seems like a bad idea. The narrative alternates between cheap shock solely for the sake of shock (like Teldrassil), and just being comically bland and derivative. The writers development of the current antagonist seems limited to cartoonish one-liners and pinning all the past evils in the franchise as being ultimately of his design (which, without any foreshadowing to build it up beforehand, is just lazy as hell). The Alliance suffers from being ineffectual boilerplate “good guys,” with their Lawful Good tendencies veering into Lawful Stupid, while the Horde suffers an identity crisis whenever a convenient villain is required, at the cost of any sort of immersion or pride for the players, and without any sense of resolution to those events.

As somebody who used to write fanfiction, this is bad fanfiction levels of awful. Entire plot points or story threads are picked up and abandoned on a lark. Where’s the Vindicar? Why didn’t the Tauren, or better yet, one of the ‘neutral’ factions, step in when the World Tree was burned down? Because the writers couldn’t be bothered to touch on those elements when crafting their big, shocking set piece. And what did they really accomplish, narratively, with that event? What has happened since that couldn’t have been developed in an alternate way?

My advice is not to invest yourself too much in any of this, emotionally or intellectually. I don’t mean to be cruel towards the writers, but it honestly doesn’t feel like they’ve put in enough effort or foresight for this narrative to deserve that sort of investment from players.


If the shoe fits…