Teldrassil is inescapable

Oh look valko is delusional.

Oh look jeans are clothes.

Why do you keep insisting that I requested this when I made it incredibly clear multiple times that I don’t want or need you to do that? Why are you just lying about what I said?

No but refusing to excise yourself from things that damage your mental state is a you problem. And that’s not an attack. It’s just not good for you, and won’t do you any favors. Sure, part of this is just that it annoys me, but like you said I could just block you if that was all that mattered here.

I feel like you’ve seen me talk about this subject enough to know that the belief that I’m weaponizing it and only pretending to be genuine is incredibly dishonest Sarm.

I’ve said far more than that, Elesa. But I’ll clarify myself, don’t need you to go through my old posts about it.

I’ve argued it being a net positive to the Night Elf storytelling. I’ve provided countless insights into why I believe that and why the doom and gloom isn’t universal.

It’s dismissed as “trolling” and that I’m “not a real night elf fan” despite my night elf being my main in both BfA and Shadowlands. Because I don’t tow the party line.

I don’t think Sarm’s the one being dishonest here. Having seen his posting style, I have a hard time believing he’s even capable of dishonesty.

Ascribing someone’s concerns to mental health and then using that accusation to get them to move away from their concerns however, something that I’ve seen you do to multiple people on the mere basis that they disagree with you, is a known abuse tactic known as “gaslighting”.


And guess what, you were wrong. Because none of it came true. Because their zones are gone, they’ll never have a new home, their souls are obliterated and Sylvanas is getting a pass after defeating Tyrande so badly that she gives up on justice.

The worst case scenario in every aspect actually came true.

And this is why it’s difficult to take anything you say seriously, you go from being able to have legitimate grievance and then add 5 layers of headcanon on top of it.

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Literally none of it is headcanon. It all happened and is backed up by official lore.

Kyalin I understand you struggle with the nuances of human communication at the best of times, so let me explain something to you very simply.

I don’t care if Elesa is “concerned” about Night Elves or their story or whatever. I am not posting about her mental state cause she doesn’t like the Burning of Teldrassil (which I repeatedly have to remind you I ALSO DONT LIKE). This is not about her video game opinions.

I am posting about it because as a human being who has gone through a lot of mental struggles in my life time, I recognize depressive and obsessive behavior when I see it (as do many others, I’m far from the only person here). And as frustrated as I get in arguments about WoW, I do ultimately realize that there are many more important things in life.

Calling me an abuser because of that is not only disgusting, but is exactly the type of weaponization of serious issues I’m being wrongly accused of.


The amount of souls being obliterated is a wishy-washy number and I know there’s no ground to argue (although I personally think the Torghast scenario was meant to be a representative amount for you getting the majority of them) but there’s nothing in the story that has said that the night elves will never have a new home, that Sylvanas is getting a pass, or that Tyrande has even given up.

I understand the worst-case pessimism because God knows I’ve been there, but that in of itself does not mean anything’s confirmed. I’ve seen people get confused by these types of posts of yours before because they read your matter-of-fact predictions and think that Blizzard has actually come out and said what you fear.


I will be just as sharp: I don’t believe for a second that you are being sincere, at all. Especially not given the accusations you’ve thrown my way just today.

I think you’re taking this way too seriously. Teldrassil was a big deal, the devs wanted it to be a big deal, and the community treats it as a big deal.

See, what you’re doing is lumping completely different people in the same category because they wanted to take shots at the opposing faction. And that’s part of how the game works.

Calling out other players like this feels incensitive. I also think it’s against CoC.


Fundamentally, you just can’t comprehend that people can separate WoW from their emotional and moral beliefs, can you? It’s why when you see someone make a joke about Teldrassil, you believe they’re an awful person who hates all Night Elf fans and loves it as a narrative decision (as is on display in the OP). It’s why when someone says they do like it as a narrative decision, you say you hope they die poor and alone. And it’s why you seem incapable of grasping that I can get angry and disagree with people about a damn video game while also wanting whats best for them in the REAL LIFE THAT MATTERS.

You’re 30 years old. You’re married. Yet you still treat video games like pre-teen. Time to grow up.

What, that you hang around with racists and people who make violent threats and do basically nothing to prevent those people from harassing others despite being members of your community that you run? Cause both of those things are provably true and I really don’t think you want me to start pulling up receipts.


The majority in that room, but not the majority of those that died.

That is very obvious meta knowledge, as if hateful blizzard would give them a new home, or even their zones back.
The argument will be that they are too few in numbers to get an entire capital city…
Never, not in a million years.

You have a 300 page book about how genocide is good because she did it coming up, and countless attempts at whitewashing her and the Horde. And writers saying that she isn’t evil.
Now we even have that split soul stuff that will earn her a pass. So nobody gets brought to justice at all.

This becomes especially clear with even Tyrandw having given up on justice, which is in a 9.1 dialogue when she talks to astarii.

It’s over.

It’s not pessimistic when the worst case has already happened for the Night Elves in SL. Even though we were promised a resolution…

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Here’s a shocker: night elves are my favorite race, ever since warcraft 3.

I still joke about Teldrassil. Because it’s a fictional tree with fictional victims.

I don’t know why this rubbed me the wrong way. I guess I just don’t like being compared with other people who have virtually nothing in common with me.


Why do you only join in on the fun in NE threads?


It’s quite the electrifying experience.
Though things like nuance just don’t exist in these forums. And then I remember why I don’t like posting here.

It’s just a game, people.

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HailSylvanas says it’s just a game NE. He wants you to be quiet, don’t chide the Horde. Remain calm.

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This is silly, I’m muting this thread lol


After reading the OP, and having a quick glance through the thread, what can really be added?

Communication is as odd as usual

One of things where blizz is surprisingly bad at, is communication. A couple recent examples would be:

  • After the backlash over addition to TBC of extra monetisation that was not present in this version of the game, somebody decided that making a promo-material that will feature the “store mount” was a reasonable idea. Everyone can easily see the community perception of the thing via like/dislike ratio
  • during the Preach interview, giving the answer to the story question which being… “reward loop”. :thinking:
    (not the best link possible, but highlights the idea rather well, till 7:45)

Same thing was with “we would rather you do not play demo”, etc. I wonder if they have surprised pikachu faces when the reaction visible from a mile away actually appears.

But at the same time, it actually fits the theme, like the devs thinking that altering the horde via BfA events is going to be a story satisfying to all parties involved. Which it wasn’t, and in the way it was presented - it could never be. Somehow they thought that could’ve been. Maybe aliens involved somewhere in it all, idk.

It does indeed attract side media usually not involved in WoW stories much.

This event in general became rather popular because the devs decided to use the term “genocide” IMO. And the thing has a lot of baggage with it:

  • how it the Warcraft universe the term was invented?
  • what are the precedents prior to the current, that were classified that way and led to apperance of the term?
  • how was it resolved?
  • what are the institutions to deal with such things in the future?

and so on.

They used it for promo materials, attracted a lot of attention, and now this attention might very well hammer the dev team rather hard, since they used irl analogy in the cause, without irl approach in the effect.

It’s doomed to attract side media, it will, and it might cause quite a bit of bad press. In the short term any attention might be good, but in the long run? I’d expect more harm than good.

Player interactions.

As usual, there is a portion of players trying to discuss things personally. I’d say, don’t. People who argue in bad faith just get what they want. People who defend :poop: handling of the events will get more of :poop: as the story as they wish.

TL;DR: blizz is really “odd” with handling communication, and adapting to the reactions to their actions. Questions still stands: at which point it attracts reaction of shareholders and the “heads start rolling” virtually speaking.

“Bobby, you’re our last hope” © some internet joke, that sadly ended up not being a joke

gl hf, stay healthy, sleep well


I also like Night Elves quite a bit and feel that the Burning of Teldrassil was a really poor narrative decision on Blizzard’s part, and would quite enjoy many of Kyalin’s proposed in-game scenarios for “fixing” Night Elves and retaking Ashenvale and the like.

It’s also funny to post stuff like this

Cause this place is full of lunatics and terrible for actual discussion and I rarely read threads unless I think some funny goofy stuff is going down in one. Kyalin threads almost always have this so I always post in them.