Teldrassil is inescapable

Do you have anything of value to add or you just here to say “trolling” repeatedly?


I don’t read this discussion as trolling, but rather as an expression of frustration from a segment of the community toward a group of extremely high volume posters who lead to the community being absolutely swamped by discussion of their pet issue issue, and who post so prolifically that they in turn shaped all discussion of that issue. I’ve only been regularly posting here a couple of weeks and I’ve seen it across many MANY threads, both ones the group in question invades to sound their trumpet AND ones they make themselves like clockwork to keep the issue front and center.

That being said you’re not completely wrong that coming into someone else’s thread to derail it in a direction antithetical to the original topic can be screwed up, I got angry about that just yesterday (as you were there for). So I’ll make sure to be mindful of that in the future for my part.


I don’t want to deny that with some of the figures, but right now - at the moment - emotions are running a bit high on all sides and accordingly I would advise…just to go out and enjoy the nice weather or watch a movie, or another funny hobby, i don´t know, but this right now will lead nowhere :wink:


Eh, or we can ignore the bad actors, and return to the topic - that having to do with Blizzard’s repeated attempts to bring Teldrassil back to the fore, even in games other than Retail World of Warcraft, which of course was the example that this thread was here to discuss.

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My issue is, it’s the same bad actors who do it constantly and than want to be the victim. Valko and Tewdee know exactly what they’re doing it. And it’s a simple ploy, to antagonize NE fans.

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As long as you remember to call her out on it when she joins the Night Elves in derailing the Horde-themed threads.

If disagreeing with you is considered antagonizing, that really says more about you than it does me. And I don’t believe I’ve ever intended to “be the victim” here.


Well she helped me tell off a guy who came into a Horde thread to say slavery in the internment camps was fine actually, so there’s that at least.

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You’re doing it now. Pretending to not understand what you’re doing is wrong. You came here to pick a fight. That’s all.

If I wanted to antagonize “night elf fans”, I’d go a lot further than just talking about this forum being flooded by the same 5 posters.


We know your style and how toxic it can get tewdee. Don’t need to remind us.

Sorry, to be clear, talking about Night Elf lore in a Night Elf thread is picking a fight and trolling, but simple calling others trolls and degenerates (as you like to do) is actually on-topic, intellectual posting? Is that the argument here?

This thread is far more derailed now than it ever was before, mind.


Feel free to remind me, Micah. Grow a spine and address me specifically rather than using vague generalities.

I’ve responded to you directly several times. Or reading comprehension not a strong suite?

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I gave my stance on this. I can create a character, go to Ashenvale, Teldrassil and Darkshore and name all characters but what purpose would that serve besides making me waste my time?
It’s like saying: “Oh you are a WoW fan? Name every item!”

If most of the Night Elven people and civilians are wiped out, it’s okay to be sad about it, and if there’s no resolution or reparation at all, and they are all obliterated in the maw, it’s okay to be angry about it.

It doesn’t need to. You don’t know me, what I do shouldn’t matter to you. If you don’t like to see me post, block me. That will solve your problems.
Don’t pretend that Blizzard completely annihilating the Night Elves and everything Night Elf related and erasing them from the story is a me problem.
I’m not the only one that wanted to see positive development for Night Elves after losing so much, I’m just one of those few left that haven’t totally given up yet due to the lack of any resolution or positive moments.

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:popcorn: .


I think I’m going to go eat some lunch, a lot of other people ITT should probably do the same…

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All I’ve seen is you saying “trolling” without any explanation why, which is a step up from calling everyone you disagree with a degenerate.

You’re incapable because you don’t have anything to add other than being passive aggressive.

Take the L and leave this thread, you’ve done far more to derail it than anything else.


In isolation, “why are you still posting if nothing is looking good” is a valid question. One I’ve been asked a few times when I was at my worst. I had to sit down and ask myself why, and I did at least come to the conclusion that I had to somewhat change my posting habits so I wasn’t so depressingly one-note.

Having said that, I don’t like the idea of weaponizing someone’s alleged mental state for the sake of an internet argument. It’s one thing to disagree, or hell, even be annoyed, but this really isn’t the place to go below-the-belt like that. And I don’t think anybody comes to this forum with the intent of being receptive regarding mental health advice to begin with.

There’s nothing to be gained by getting personal about it.


Your contribution to Night Elf players’ concerns is “Get over it”, Mr. Troll Druid.