Teldrassil is inescapable

Most iconic Night Elf character. I mourn him every day. I can’t believe the Horde killed him.


Oh, so now you are telling me what I’m allowed to care about and what I’m not?

I bet I’m only allowed to care about Tyrande and Shandris, because they haven’t been killed off yet, right?
Their zones don’t matter, their home doesn’t matter, their people don’t matter, the souls of their people don’t matter.

Besides, I’m also angry about Tyrande not only giving up on justice and telling us that there won’t be any, but also not even being featured in the raid and losing her last battle against Sylvanas.

Also no, you’re NOT going to tell me what I’m allowed to care about.

Pretending you don’t pal around with the people you do and defend the things you defend won’t change who you are as a person. Go back to your server and hang out with open racists while they talk about report spamming me and r*ping peoples kids.

Not sure what authority you have to make that call.

You already put hours into writing the same thing on these forums every day. You’re really telling me you can’t spend 3 minutes naming a few NPCs or finding a source to back up a claim?

Cmon now.

Genuine question. You have said that you firmly believe that the things you liked about WoW will NEVER improve, will NEVER be enjoyable, and that everything is awful and makes you feel bad, etc.

Why are you still here? What do you gain from it? It’s not for current WoW. It’s not for future WoW. Do you think your life would improve if you stopped and dedicated your time to something else?


The few remaining Night Elf RPers in this game shouldn’t have to put up with your mean-spirited trolling, which I’m increasingly convinced your little tale was given how repeatedly and how intentionally you evaded my point on the matter.

That doesn’t mean that the development we have at the moment and have been following for a while now is a really good one, does it?

If you really want to do something about it, maybe you should start sticking to it yourself if you want to change it, don’t you think? I try it.


I think that’s disingenous and false. I’ve done the worgen starting zone many, many times. And I remember which characters that are there, by and large. Not necessarily their names, but their location and what they did. Like the worgen profession trainer you meet directly after being cured, or the old lady who turns into a worgen when a forsaken tries to steal her cat. I don’t remember all their names, but I would still be really pissed if they were just offed without any followup.

So yea, you can take this

And shove it where not even the brokers will find it.


See how easy it was for you to rattle off a few NPCs? I believe you care about them because of that.

Note that Ethriel has spent the last dozen posts refusing to do that at constant request.


I’m not going to name every single npc that perished in Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teldrassil. Just no. I’m allowed to care about NPCs that aren’t main characters, it’s a genocide, it’s most of the race that perished. I’m allowed to care about that.

You’re not my therapist.

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Two Minute Hate time again already?

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You do realize you provided exactly what was asked for? You can remember moments and characters, even if you don’t remember their name.

In the case of asking examples of Teldrassil, it’s been consistent that they accidentally name an antagonistic mob that’s canonically dead.

It’s the equivalent of naming the abomination in the mine you kill when rescuing the enslaved Gilneans as if his death was a significant loss to the Worgen.


I repeatedly said you can name a few or even one. I’ve also asked for the source that all the NPCs are dead, which is a singular item as well. You have chosen to not do this, instead pretending I’m asking for something unreasonable to hide from the fact that you can’t actually remember any of them or name any of them despite your repeated insistence that they’re super important and you care a lot.

I mean, no, I’m not, but I imagine if you have one, they’d ask much the same question. Really the important thing is not so much whos asking the question, but rather what you find the answer to be and how it dictates your decision making and life path.

You’ve laid out quite clearly that you don’t enjoy any of this and don’t believe you EVER will. So why continue? For many they enjoy the discussions or want to see how the story ends, but you’ve made clear that these thoughts and discussions upset you, and that you already know how the story ends.


Am I the only one who finds it funny and borderline disturbing that the trolls come in to a NE thread…to tell people to stop talking about NE problems, and to get off the computer, yet they troll the story forums?

You guys need to find a new hobby


I mean the question was “what do I have to do to stop seeing Teldrassil references” to which “stop looking at them” is a pretty solid answer.

It’s since evolved into a legitimate argument about lore facts, and also me admonishing dangerous and immoral behavior from OP.

I don’t see how any of this is trolling beyond that you may personally disagree and believe that alone means something is “trolling”.


I’m going to say this for the last time. Those NPCs are important to me because they are what create a race. If most of them are killed off and obliterated, the race doesn’t exist anymore. I don’t need to remember them by name to know that they were important.
If a genocide happens in the real world, would it not matter just because they’re only citizens and not a president or something?
I don’t want to argue further about this. They were important to me and if you can’t accept that, then that’s not my fault. Just like it was important to me that they’d get another final fate than obliteration, or that the Night Elves would get justice, their lands back, a new home or ANYTHING AT ALL that they never got.

Because I’ll keep the fight up for as long as I can.

Edit: I also don’t know why you think you should care about what I do. I never asked you to.

Anyone who disagrees with you is a troll, Micah. It’s the one thing you keep repeatedly saying everywhere because you’re literally incapable of posting anything else.

Grow a spine and stop seething in every thread where anyone who disagrees with you is a troll or horde alt.

Edit: the fact you find it sad here but join in on the horde threads is pretty hilarious, though.


I don’t think the discussion is going anywhere except to bash each other.

maybe you all should…stop arguing here?


The intent is to derail. That’s why they are arguing here.

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You’re a known troll Valko, who goes out of their way to antagonize NE fans on purpose. Don’t act shocked that no one takes you serious.


You’re also a known troll. Don’t act shocked that people call you out on your behavior


No because

A) People are people and pixels are pixels. All human lives exist, stories do not exist until they are written.

B) If you specifically said that a bunch of politicians that you supported died in the genocide, and I said “can you name one or provide a source on that?” and you spent hours repeatedly refusing to do this, that’s basically a metaphor for what you’ve done today.

Because it makes me legitimately uncomfortable to see a young adult with so much ahead of them hurl themselves into a depressive spiral over stuff that really isn’t that important in the grand scheme of life, and I know because I did that once. I’m not going to pretend I particularly like you but that doesn’t translate to wanting you to suffer as a person.

All I’ve done in this thead is talk about lore and mental health. If you’ve got a problem with that, sorry, but it’s not that crazy.

I have done nothing but respond to the posts of others on subject matters they were the first ones to make relevant. Boo hoo.