Teldrassil is inescapable

Name them and provide a source of their death, please. Since you so deeply care about them, I’m sure many of their names will come easily to you.

This is startlingly delusional and kind of worrying. Kyalin, do you really want to encourage this level of reality denial just to stroke your own ego?


Is this where I get accused of masterminding a global conspiracy again? Because I have to say - if anyone’s feeding my ego, it’s the people peddling the insanity undergirding insinuations of that kind.

Uh why? A genocide is a genocide, if the entire race is eradicated, it’s bad. And if their souls are obliterated after having been tortured, that’s even worse as a resolution.
Why don’t you just go there yourself and check their names? Just go back in time and every NPC that you see in either of those 3 zones is now dead.

This is just what happened in the story.

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Nobody has ever actually accused you of that, is the thing. It’s a strawman to absolve yourself of the responsibility of the community you cultivate and the mindsets you encourage. Elesa is factually incorrect, and you know this, and yet you still act like I’m somehow the baddie here for pointing that out, indirectly encouraging/reinforcing her delusions and harming her as a person. You’ve been called out on this specific behavior before, and were just as obstinate about it then too. Because it’s more important to you that people agree with you about fake elves on the internet than whether or not they’re a good person or whether or not their hurting themselves in the process.

Sentinel Cordressa Briarbow - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (

Mordent Evenshade - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (

Corvine Moonrise - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (

Priestess Alinya - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (

If these people are dead, someone must not have told them.


Kyalin needs to stop supporting someone’s mental health breakdown just because she posts on a night elf.


This isn’t quite true. Noldor did some time ago - arguing that my influence was somehow so pervasive and so widespread that it explained people in the EU and in Russia having largely the same complaints that I have - which is somewhat relevant because level 10 alts are typically Euro alts who have chosen to post here as well.

Arguing that I’m somehow responsible for someone else’s argumentation - especially when we have disagreed publicly rather recently - is of the same vein as that. So while you’re probably not going to go as far as Noldor, it’s certainly in the same spirit.

Not that you’re unique. People invented the “NEFPA” tag, which by this point is meaningless because it just gets thrown on to anyone who complains about Night Elves to make similar insinuations, only with Elesa being the secret head of it all - and my little discord channel has also been identified as the proverbial pizza parlor more than once by people who seem entirely too invested in trying to pin all Night Elf complaints on a secret cabal.

The truth is of course more simple - there are a fair number of people who are upset about the same things. I didn’t create them, I do not control them. They exist and persist for reasons that are outside of my control.


Quit it already, nothing about what I’m saying is wrong. Yes maybe not all of them died, maybe only like 99%, but it’s still a joke that they were all killed painfully, then tortured and then permanently obliterated.
And Sylvanas got away, and they’ll never get a new home, and they’ll never get their zones back, and they’ll never see any justice done as we’re told in 9.1, AND they will never get any meaningful victories and positive moments.

It’s over for the race. We knew that nothing positive was going to happen to them after Teldrassil, and we were proven correct since the only thing that happened was more misery.
What happened to those people that said that Teldrassil will be resolved in Shadowlands, they were very wrong. And now Night Elf Players are left with nothing other than a redeemed Sylvanas, a Tyrande that doesn’t want justice anymore and the obliterated souls of their people.
Remember when people said that the souls wouldn’t be obliterated, or that they’d get a new home, or their zones back, or bring Sylvanas to justice? All lies.

Maybe people are just tired of you posting the same complaints in every thread and you making a new thread every week retreading the same 5 arguments, Kyalin.

Maybe the “Night Elf poster” is a community generated assumption because the vast majority of threads on this forum are the same five people whining in circular arguments to stroke each other’s egos and the others who don’t care can’t find any reprieve since every thread ultimately becomes a Night Elf thread.

I miss when every thread was a Sylvanas thread but now they all gradually shift to become about Teldrassil from the same folks each time, which is why nobody bothers to respect the argument anymore.


The arguments are only similar because the root cause is similar and because the problem has gone on for so long. Your search for a secret mastermind is therefore kind of pointless. If I wasn’t doing it, someone else would be - and that’s true on just about any WoW subforum you can encounter.


I don’t agree everywhere and I can agree to disagree, but that mean that an argument itself and especially the person should be respected, at the end of the day there are still RL persons behind the screen.


I didn’t mention anything about a secret mastermind, I’m just pointing out that it’s the same five people repeating the same circular argument.

The majority of threads have the same 5-6 posters as most frequent poster, because it’s the same thing every time.

You could take a sample of their posts and literally create an AI to randomly jumble words and post in every thread and you’d get the same experience.


Maybe I’ve got no respect for the person on the other side of the screen.

If 99% of Night Elf NPCs (that you care about a lot) across 3 zones died (a completely fabricated claim that has no source), name them. Name any. Should be easy, yes?

Cmon. What’s the point of all this? Does it make you feel good? I can’t imagine it does.

The truth is you will ignore and defend vile behavior, and you will encourage damage to someones mental health, so long as they agree with you, because being surrounded by people who make you feel right and smart is the only thing you value.


You should respect the other person, even in a heated discussion, it is the basis for an argumentation at the same level.

i don´t agree with everything, but atleast, i respect the other opinion and person in a argumentation.


You sound like an RT anchor.

At any rate, we’re done. I’m cutting you off. No more Night Elf threads for you. Go participate in a thread on another topic.

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Why should I put hours into writing down every single NPC’s name? What would that achieve? A genocide is bad. In real life, genocides are bad, even if they aren’t famous or important people.
I’m allowed to care about named and no name npcs because they are what make a race.

No, the fact that they’re all dead and obliterated makes me feel the opposite of good.

Because the last time someone acted like they cared about all the dead characters of Teldrassil, they named a bunch of confirmed living characters or quest mobs that were killed in the night elf level 1-10 questing experience because they didn’t actually care but just opened wowpedia and copy-pasted a list of characters listed at Teldrassil.

Almost like the amount of care they have for the character is only to push their victimization complex rather than any actual care to the extent they couldn’t even be bothered to verify who they posted was even a Night Elf.

Like famous Night Elf character Lady Sathra.


It’s called a “rock fetch” - a pointless task that’s engineered to waste your time.

Again, these people are not worth your time.

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RIP Zenn Foulhoof, your incredibly annoying quest for a 4 slot bag will be missed


Its actually not necessary to respect your opponent to have a debate at all. If for example someone where discussing how horrible internet bullying toward them for their preferred character race is mere days after they told you that you deserved to be internet bullied for asking Night Elf roleplayers about Wardens because you like Dark Wardens, that would be a great reason not to respect them AND it would be a salient point to bring up in undermining their argument.