Teldrassil is inescapable



I mean…you think the horde would’ve learned from the other genocides they committed or attempted. But you know, the horde fell for the ol’ Warchief says it’s okay shtick…again.

Bit of a bad habit, good thing they kicked the habit for the time being huh? :wolf:


And that’s all that’s left. If you transfer your character to Night Elf, you spawn in the middle of the ruins that were once your home, infested with Horde soldiers. In front of your burned home and your dead people that burned to ash and were then obliterated in the maw.
What do Night Elves have left besides their playability? Nothing.

Like 15 zones based on their lore, narrative, characters, and aesthetics I think. Admittedly I haven’t counted in a while.


Did you mean Darkshore? That’s ours for a whopping 50% of the time now? Feels amazing. Everything else? gone. And there’s also no hope for a future because the writers are unwilling to give them any positive development at all. Even the souls had to suffer and then be erased.

  1. the card is of a satyr. You know one of the bad guys of WoW.
  2. All the card flavor texts are generally suppose to be funny and can make fun of people/places/events. Exhibit A on how it makes fun of a draenei/some of their belief:

I mean no I’m pretty sure all those zones and questlines and books and characters actually do still exist and are visitable right now. I think I would have noticed had they deleted Legion and like 60% of the Kalimdor questing zones from the game or something, yknow?

Damn that sucks, as a pro-money saving and mental wellness tip you should probably not spend 15 dollars a month and like hours of your daily brain activity on something that you repeatedly insist there is no hope of enjoying ever again. This will help you later in life.


I truly believe that the only way to avenge Teldrassil is for night elf fans to permanently unsubscribe and not look back. I do not think it will receive a satisfying resolution in the game (by universal and objective standards) in terms of the factors that led to it, the response to it or the lessons learned from it and future directions for the night elves.

No doubt some vain flamebaiter will drop the question on me- why are you still here? Well, for one, I want to see where this horrid story ends to know that my choices were worthwhile and secondly, my subscription ends in 6 days.


Characters?.. They were burned alive, tortured, and then obliterated in the maw.

Zones? We have Darkshore left… half of the time. Ashenvale is a Horde zone, Teldrassil is destroyed forever, they’ll never have a new home and all other zones are neutral.

I don’t think Darkshore makes up for 60% of Kalimdor, which is… you know… all they have left now. Gameplay wise, only half of the time.

You seem confused about this.

When I played, I PVPed. That meant that I and my opponent both had a chance of victory. The winner was determined by who put in the work to make their character and their play better, and from there: who played the best in consideration of factors like working with other team members, minding the objectives of the match, etc.

That’s a war game in my opinion. Winning or losing comes down to how you play the game. It’s why these days I’m having more fun with the other WoW than I could have these days with this one.

Comparing that then to Teldrassil - you got a welfare win. You did nothing to deserve it, Blizzard gave it to you. You might like that, but as far as I’m concerned, having my efforts undermined by having what I was invested in destroyed with no recourse because Blizzard deemed it so is antithetical to the way I understand war games to be played.

Not worth your time.


I mean no, literally no Night Elf character of any note died in Teldrassil. Frankly the last Night Elf character of significance to die at all in Warcraft was like, Fandral.

WoW fans stop judging all content based solely on whether or not X faction can see it and not the characters, themes, and content located within it challenge.

If you can literally only enjoy something involving Night Elves if the text that comes up on the screen when you walk into it is blue, you don’t like Night Elves.


It’s more the complaints haven’t changed in years now, and there’s almost never anything constructive or positive about it. Just on and on about how the Kaldorei have been ruined.

I’ve one thread where I just outright whinge about the Forsaken’s story treatment. I necro it now and again because tellingly even though it’s years old now I don’t have to make a new thread, because I still have the same complaints.

The rest of my Forsaken posts are examining themes and aspects about the faction that I adore. As well as ideas about how these could be highlighted and expanded upon as the story moves forward.

And I’m fairly certain the only Blizz employees reading this stuff are mods. I know that as I keep getting wrapped on the knuckles for using naughty language. Very ridiculous to me that we can have a game with extraordinarily brutal and depraved ideas implicitly and explicitly touched on by the plot. But heaven forfend if I describe any of this with PG-13 vocabulary.

So I’m more trying to toss out some ideas that’ll hopefully spark some interesting discussion than advise Blizzard, as I know they don’t listen to me. They don’t even listen to players with sizeable audiences who make very salient points about very obvious flaws in upcoming gameplay features.

And that’s something the Nelf bereavement threads certainly aren’t. Interesting. This path has been so well tread its now a dirt road. I can excuse it when it’s a new poster who’s here to vent and wouldn’t know they’re repeating the same points already made ad nauseam. And I do think posters can be too rude to them.

But when it’s the same people making the same points again and again it feels like being an orderly at the Alzheimer’s ward.


Except like… all named NPCs in Teldrassil, Darkshore and Ashenvale. Those NPCs that we quested for and got to know a while back.


I mean again no. The most significant to have confirmed to die in those zones is…what, Astarii Starseeker? Who can hardly be said to have been a character of note given her entire existence up until BFA was like…standing around and giving 3 lines of ambient dialogue.

Tyrande’s alive, Malfurions alive, Illidans alive, Maiev’s alive, Shandris’ alive, Jarod’s alive, every other named NPC in Night Elf questing not explicitly stated as being dead is still alive.


Just because you don’t care about them, doesn’t mean we don’t. If close to every named NPC and noname NPC of a race dies and gets tortured to oblivion, that’s just sad.
And with no payoff at all? That’s just hateful writing. Same with Ashenvale and Teldrassil being gone forever, and the fact that they’ll never have a new home.


Yeah cool but that didn’t happen. The amount of named NPCs that died in Teldrassil is very low. Like it’s Astarii and maybe a few other characters and I use the term “character” VERY generously here. I know you know this because only 1 has been named and I named them. You have not named any dead Nelf character.

Also you don’t care about them, because nobody ever talked about them before they died, because they had literally nothing to talk about. Absolutely nobody believes that you or anyone else is really broken up over the Dolanaar innkeeper or whoever else actually died canonically (which, again, is generic no-name civilians and like 3 E-tier NPCs with names that nobody would have been able to name before this)

None of these threads are worth anyones time.


Yet here you are, with a new character bearing 14 posts but a variant on the same name, no less.

You seem eager for a response, however, so here’s what I’ll give you. We are both aware that you are deliberately missing the point, which is why you’re not worth Ethriel’s time.


Unsure what you believe this indicates, but I guess name changes reset your post count for some reason.

The point seems fairly straightforward (and easily, obviously, and provably wrong)


The amount of named NPCs that died in Teldrassil, Ashenvale and Darkshore is very high.

I don’t need to name them, you can go back in time and look for them yourself since every NPC that was in teldrassil, darkshore or ashenvale is now dead.

Uh yes I do, that’s why it annoys me the most that their souls were obliterated on top of there being no justice or payoff at all.

Uh, you’re wrong, but okay.