Teldrassil is inescapable

Don’t do stuff like this :point_down:



The Arathi Basin warfront cannonically went to the Alliance.

Tirisfal is a suburb of Undercity. Lordaeron is under Alliance control (in spite of the blight). That includes Tirisfal. The undead are refugees in Orgrimmar.

War-table missions.

As to Horde having any agency, that is impossible without a strong foothold in the Eastern Kingdoms (Silvermoon was dependent on Undercity). As it stands, Orgrimmar is weaker and more vulnerable than it has ever been, and there is no scary Undercity waiting to retaliate on the Alliance capitol. The Alliance gets to dictate anything to the Horde. There is nothing the Horde can do.


Well that was quite a read. It’s okay to take a break from Warcraft and just because you aren’t subscribed or are currently playing doesn’t mean you are taking a break!

Horde behave like lunatics. Lump themselves in with the Night Elves in another thread they claim to hate.
News at 10.

What a shock to find out Skaniev’s deleting her posts…again?

ur posting on a horde rofl

And in fairness, well, looking at their posting history…

The post was rude and poorly thought out. I figured no one really needed to point out that the horde poster most acting like a lunatic in this thread was you to see it.

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I don’t say I hate this thread because of what’s being discussed. Check the Jellex post for the lunatic sign in sheet.

u literally posted u think less of people if they play horde

u lunatic

Jellex’s post is perfectly reasonable, something that can’t be said of yours


So what?

Is there a difference now in the “we” that this post is referring too?

this you?

tough talk for a guy stuck at 1.6k rofl

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I guess this is the part where “Horde don’t behave like lunatics”. While calling me out about CR?

i read through the thread and u laughed at valko earlier rofl

what u dont like being called out the same way u call people out???

maybe stop being a hypocrite or stop acting like a lunatic then


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Your observation seems to have lost footing really quickly. There’s no reason you can give that might rationalize why they’re acting like they’re a Night Elf poster.

I awaken to find this thread still going and Vuldezi still posting almost 24h hours later.

Rather impressive.

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Did google translate mess up your metaphor or…

But no, Jellex’s post is absolutely fine. You, on the other hand


So you’re mad I’ve laughed at Valko, and you’ve returned to…post about CR? My CR being what makes me a lunatic? Mmkay.

If you don’t like the threads you don’t have to post in them. I’m sure you feel compelled to ‘help out’ though, as if that wasn’t obvious.

im laughing at ur character being trash cause you mocked someone’s character being trash earlier

sorry yu dont like it

maybe you shouldnt do it if you dont like it when people call you out???

oh wait that requires you to have self awareness LOL

My character’s better then yours, sorry if you’re desperate and lonely. I’m getting back on first shift at the end of this month, so it’ll be interesting to know if my CR changes after playing with pugs lol