Teldrassil is inescapable

I mean, the whole thing started with you going on pushing the discussion away, etc. I do get where the interaction went to, but to pretend that you did not start where you did

as if you did not create the path to where it got is really odd. Trying to portray the situation as if it’s not initiated by you, but you’re a “victim” of some sort, is something most “complainy” of the NElf players can only aspire to (as they did not create themselves the situation to be frustrated with).

But to think about all of this side of the discussion, it’s probably not too relevant to the point of OP.

gl hf

Your first mistake here is thinking I care about the orcs. My examples for this question were specifically groups that got treated like garbage by current alliance members without having ever been part of the old horde. They were also specifically due to Shernish’s moral framing of the issue.

Then you basically started trying to whatabout and ask leading questions because you know you can’t give an answer to it that doesn’t make you sound like a hypocrite

Telling someone to turn off the computer if something upsets them is blithe and snarky, it’s not gaslighting and it’s not abuse, and yeah, I do find it pretty disgusting and minimizing to real peoples trauma to call it that. Sue me.

I get that nobody in this place has any grip on reality left, but some things are more important than video game lore.


You don’t like the faction pride you’re given, so frankly I’m not sure why you’re trying to make me find Anduin more appealing, of the lengthy roster the Alliance is apparently wagging over the Horde’s head like the proverbial carrot.

You’re intentionally disregarding what I’m saying, and counting on your fingers what makes the Horde greater victims then the Night Elves. Which is an odd position for someone who says.

Because, apparently you do want to feel victimized for this conversation, and you do. If I could stop the WoT from happening I would. Sylvanas can try to rebuke Genn’s heinous attack in Stormheim, and fail, while getting her wrist slap in, then Turalyon gets his turn, then Baine. It’s not my decision to make.

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The Gurubashi exile the Darkspear, sorry. They’re brought under the Orcs. I can’t imagine that the Orcs had anything to do with having the Elves of Dalaran be treated in the manner they were…

By your standards, those Elves in Dalaran deserved it.


I hope you’re trolling because this is grotesquely stupid.

The Darkspear thing is about Daelinr Proudmoore. The Dalaran thing is about what was done to the blood elves in TFT.

What would the world do without your advices.

Says the person on the story forum.

I guess there is some logic it all of it. Somewhere. Maybe.

Now that’s the right way to handle the discussion in a constructive and productive manner. The way to better product, more fun experiences, way away from misleading marketing and cheaping out on things that require attention.

You for sure did nothing that could raise an eyebrow.

(and then people complain and elf fans making the game and community “worse”, “less enjoyable”, etc.)

gl hf

I mean, you’re literally failing to make any point whatsoever, and are just trying to insult me. Which is pretty funny considering you’re obviously a postulant Troll that doesn’t even have a point, making ‘clarity’ with your posts which lack anything resembling it.

I’m sorry the school system failed you

I’m sorry you’ve chosen to bring yourself down to my level here, you must have had to search the forums, and delete a few hundred of your posts to reach this daring sting of courage here.

These aren’t my standards, but Shernish’s.

Your attempts to pass these off as “my” standards while defending the guy who does RL death threats as arguments and thinks mass genocide is the proper response to the situation is frankly absurd

You’re absolutely wrong, because the first thing he said was this.

Which set you off saying this.

Okay, you’re the person who knows him so well. I’m not sure why you’re not substantiating these accusations, but it’s irrelevant to the statements you’re making.

So. Did I threaten someone in the IRL? When?


You never had anything to say to begin with.

Should I keep waiting or there will be no response in the near future?

Hammerfall still stands, and so do Quel’thalas. Not to mention, Tirisifal is still controlled by the Forsaken.

How, exactly?

You’ve gotta be joking. The Horde council so far has done exactly nothing for the Alliance. Not a single thing. Not as much as an apology for the fourth war. “nO hOrDe aGeNcY” bah.

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I see valko retreated and called for backup.

How expected.

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This is the worst thread we’ve had for a while.


The title was accurate, just not for the intended reason.


oh wow i went back through and reading this scares me ngl

its ok to rp a sociopath but this isnt worlds end tavern so pls drop the rp