Teldrassil is inescapable

Honestly I’ve gone over my thoughts about the writers and their issues with nelves stems from, over and over, but in short I feel they have a disdain for peaceful and long-lived races, which include draenei and night elves (due to years of defanging), while preferring Horde races, but not the versions of those races we consider emblematic of them. And they like humans, specifically Stormwind/Lordaeron humans, because they’re easy to write.

And then you have Golden, who has favourite characters, not races, and that list does not include any night elves or draenei. Toss in a healthy dose of zero actual consistent worldbuilding and you get the last decade of Blizzard writing.

And now I’m sleeping because talking about videogame lore at 2am is a fast track to suffering.

This should be stickied to this forum.

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This last post was insightful though, thank you. Though I normally don’t ever think to single out a Wow writer by name. Mainly I just don’t like Steve Dansaur because people say the Sylvanas plot was his idea, and it’s poop.

I mean considering that A) you’ve utterly satisfied my expectations of what I thought you’d agree to on one hand and B) you are actively insisting that the pogrom part of the purge was deserved, you are clearly justifying. And insisting that “the blood elves” are collectively responsible on the other hand, you’re clearly doing it.

More importantly I’ll remind you that I was making a point about Warcraft 3 which flew over your head entirely because you’re too faction-addled to contemplate anything that doesn’t come from wow factionalism.


This quote is missing a portion of your sentences then or something. Why don’t you clarify which instances you’re referring too. You are going to claim both instances with the Elves in Dalaran was a pogrom. Jaina being the de facto decision maker of the city at one of those points in time, is accompanied with responsibility.

I wouldn’t hVe to be so faction addled if one faction wasn’t concerned with refitting itself into a mold of victimhood, after having gorged itself on over a decade’s worth of revenge, or just outright massacre, and wanting to do this by shirking the responsibility it’s meant to carry. By your own logic, that predates TFT.

If I turn the dial back a single game from WC3. You’ve lost footing for your insistence that there’s a cycle, because we can objectively prove who started the problem.

My examples, I will remind

  • A tribe of exiled Gurubashi trolls, who never joined the horde until TFT (and the Gurubashi fought a section of the original orcish horde while the first war was raging)

  • The surviving remnants of the high elves after they were genocided by Arthas and very nearly faced a second round of genocide to what was left of Lordaeron’s military with Dalaran’s effective cooperation

None of my examples are about people who share a single sin of either the first or second war. Your mentality is pathetic, your ability to read text without whataboutism is a farce, as are your attempts at deflecting.

More importantly I don’t get why you’re so obsessed with defending Shernish’s psycho “genocide everyone” nonsense.

Your original post is about the Blood selves, if you could actually keep up with what you’ve said, that might help with your coherence.

What is the point of these examples? The Darkspear were thrown out by their own people. The remnants of the High Elves defeat Arthas, and they also exact revenge against Dalaran more then once.

You’re trying to rationalize something that he has given as an answer to an Orc saying. “grow another tree so we can burn it again”

The blood elves ARE the remnants of the high elves.

lmao, when? And please don’t say the mana bomb, that’s just embarassing yourself.

The Darkspear suffered an attempted genocide at the hands of Kul Tiran forces, something that remained a continuous problem with Kul Tiran raids in the Echo Isles all the way to Cata. In Shernish’s “ten eyes for an eye” worldview, would they then be justified to destroy a bunch of coastal settlements in Kul Tiras in retaliation or does this only apply to one side?


Sure? Does that make you feel better? Are you agreeing with Sherm, or the Orc he was answering? Because, now it makes a lot more sense why you’re going on, and on about this all of a sudden.

Okay. Stealing the Bell from Darnassus. Raising Jaina’s brother from the dead to asplode her.

It’s funny because they do this in BfA.

I’m asking whether his worldview extends beyond his little square of the game world. This has nothing to do with agreeing.

Has literally nothing to do with what Dalaran did in TFT and also done by Garrosh’s spies at a time when actual government of Quel’thalas (i.e. the blood elves) was in talks to leave the horde.

Also has literally nothing to do with what Dalaran did during the TFT and does not involve a single blood elf through that subplot.

Somewhat notably in neither case does Dalaran suffer.

I guess by your standards of revenge, Tyrande fully avenged Teldrassil after killing that Val’kyr after all.

So you do agree that in Shernish’s worldview Brennadam was fully justified. Fair revenge. Just retribution.

I’m sorry, you’re implying Garrosh himself steals the bell with his own two hands?

When he’s responding to someone who will ask for the cycle of hatred to be ended, thematically like in WC3, who is moments later tellling him to grow another tree so the Horde can burn it. I’m not quite understanding why it is you think he is making a controversial statement. Nor do I understand why you’re suddenly concerned with the parity of Tyrande killing a Val’kyr when the Val’kye wasnt there for Teldrassil.

I dont know. Anyone who says that is clearly blinded by some kind of bias. It’s cannonically inaccurate. Technically, the Horde lost tons of territory in the 4th war. Baine and Saurfang were turned into traitors, and even Lillian Voss has been demoted to Callia’s handler (it would seem).

Baine and Saurfang did the right thing! Ok… but the right thing was effectively spoiling an extremely risky strategy and dooming innumerable horde lives (On the part of Saurfang). The right thing was allowing the Alliance to march through the barrens virtually uncontested by Mulgore (on the part of Baine).

The Alliance lost another racial capitol to the evil Horde. None of their heroes were written as villains. None of their heroes were written as weak. None of their heroes betrayed the Alliance. There is no way to interpret the fourth war which paints horde fans as a favored class. Acting like night elf fans are somehow alone in their dissatisfaction with the execution of BfA is why night elf fans don’t get much sympathy from horde fans. There should really be a Predator meme with alliance and horde fans uniting over how crappy BfA felt.

I didnt defend it. I said that AGW made a good practical case for it, and the narrative would have been better if the practical motivators weren’t overshadowed by the good vs evil umbrella.

The theme of every Saurfang dialogue, and cutscene and cinematic throughout BfA was Saurfang’s realization that there is no such thing as a good war. That his coveted ideal war was a fantasy. That all war is crude, ugly and filthy. There is no way to fight a war that feels honorable. No matter how justified Saurfang feels his motivations are, war will always leave the same guilt as Shattrath.

Making Sylvanas the evil manipulator behind the 4th war, undermining Saurfang’s role and agency in planning the assault on Ashenvale, and ignoring the fact that Saurfang, in trying to be honorable made the burning a strategic necessity actually neutralizes that theme. The best, most nuanced writing in the expansion is buried under the good vs. evil, literary low-hanging fruit.

Teldrassil could and should have been a great device for delivering that story, but Blizzard shot themselves in the foot. Thats what I’m saying.


I like to keep my sense of ethics and not agree with someone who thinks death threats are an argument, actually.

Also the Valkyr thing was specifically a comparison to your garbage examples of blood elf “revenge” for Dalaran’s actions in TFT.

Does everything have to be spelled out for you to get extremely easy comparisons or…

You do understand that no one even refers to Anduin as a traitor, yeah?

You need to pull away from your own bias, and observe the Alliance through the lens of someone who might care more about the health of the game, then being friends with Anduin, and his Horde friends.

I guess if Anduin is literally not considered an Alliance hero at this point.

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You don’t make sense whatsoever. Turn the dial back to WC2, then you can enter WC3, and start prophesying to me about why it is their is animosity towards the Elves of Dalaran to begin with.

I’d ask what you’re on about, but it wouldn’t be explained.

It’s not a very good comparison. Because, no one cares about that Val’kyr.

There should be, but even right now you’re trying be a victim over Teldrassil.

I dont have a bias (per se). That is to say, I dont prefer the horde over the alliance. I am an adult and I paid to consume something. I dont scrape my vegetables to the side of the plate, only consuming half the meal I paid for.

I don’t consider Anduin a traitor to the Alliance because he didnt betray the Alliance. I dont think my worgens would agree with Anduin’s style, and they wouldn’t accept horde defectors, but Anduin has always been a peace loving diplomat, and had he simply killed Saurfang or Baine the Alliance might have lost the 4th war (though I think I would have been more excited about a Lo’gash moment.) If anything, Anduin’s level headed leadership throughout the 4th war was a boon for the alliance despite the massive losses they suffered in lives.

In WC2 Lor’themar was serving in Lordaeron as part of Alleria’s forces, the Tauren were in Kalimdor, the Darkspear were chilling in their islands and the forsaken were the living people of the main human kingdom in the alliance with some extras from the rest of the northern continent. Dialing back to WC2 is meaningless for most current horde races.

Dalaran is a human kingdom with a small elvish minority. The actual elven force deployment in Warcraft 2 is Quel’thalas’s navy and rangers. The animosity between the blood elves and Dalaran post TFT has nothing to do with a small town milita run by a hypocrite that didn’t even exist until Wrath.

Nobody gives a single damn about Derek Proudmoore outside of house Proodmore either, least of all Dalaran or the Blood elves so it’s a perfect example to demonstrate how flimsy and frankly silly your points are.

I’m not just trying to shoot you down, but get real. You can’t even admit it in plain English without an aside. You have Horde bias, it’s fine to have favorites most of the time

Why is it, when Baine saves someone at the expense of the Horde, he’s a traitor. But, when Anduin releases the architect of the war for the opposition, the Alliance is supposed to not view him as a traitor for this?

And, Saurfang and Baine are owed the entire Horde for what they did to save it. Or not. But it doesn’t swing both ways. Pick one. They’re traitors or they aren’t.

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This is a joke right? You know that a BE is holding Baine hostage, and specifically is enraged at Jaina above all else during their encounter, in a fit over his vengence lust. If nobody hVe a damn about Derek, I’m not sure why he was being used against Jaina then. You’re being a little disengenous you should at least admit. Even Sylvanas doesn’t care about the Val’kyr.