Teldrassil is inescapable

Same. I have no idea what this referring to and I’d like to know if it is going continue to be brought up.

Who the hell is “they” here.

You seem to have the vague delusion that old Dal’s tailoring and inscriptions trainers had anything to do with the bomb. This seems pretty racist.

But I guess I’m not the one who tailors my sense of morality based on what tabard is being worn here.


He could have been involved, since the hunt was for the Sunreavers, a secret organization of the blood elves. And secret organizations are disguised as civilians. Yes.

Who the hell is “they”? The blood elves, don’t act dense.

Blood Elves make the bomb, and drop it on Theramore.

Shipper is a Discord user who was in Kyalin’s discord, as well as other WoW Lore themed discords. He was/is incredibly toxic, to the point where he threatened members of discords and their families for disagreeing with him about Night Elf lore. He is an incredibly disturbed individual who took things to a whole other level when it came to lore discussions.

There was nothing secret about the Sunreavers, but I guess if you want to start with the angle of “blood elves were a shadowy cabal secretly influencing Dalaran,” I won’t say I’m surprised at seeing it from you, Shernish.

Amazing, every blood elf? That’s some incredible coordination. Jaina had to fight against the sin’dorei occupation government after all.


@Skaniev , how are me and Shipper related?

That happens a lot. I’ve noticed it with the other race Blizzard seems to love to use as a punching bag, draenei. Everywhere you go in WoD the draenei are getting messed up by the Iron Horde, it’s brutal. Torture, slavery, sacrifice, outright murder. And the draenei never get any sort of revenge for it either, they get ‘Draenor is free’ and then villain-batted later on.

The Warsong in Nagrand using draenei prisoners as axe-throwing targets, or the Shattered Hand torturing draenei prisoners, or the Bleeding Hollow bleeding whole cages of civilians dry… those guys all stick around in some fashion. And now they’re all on the Horde, or at least their immediate successors are.

That, and things like the Burning, ring different to me than say, the Path of Glory, I think mostly because they’re used to drive the story of the perpetrators. You get pretty powerful moments from it in Vanilla-Wrath, like Saurfang’s speech.


You’re not. His memory is being used as a cudgel, despite that he hasn’t been relevant for over a year.

The gross stuff is the biggest turn off I’ve ever had from this game. Brennedam has voice acted children crying for their dead parents hung on the wall…

Um … What was the meaning of Skaniev’s phrase “Shipper, you don’t deserve anything”?

I’m sorry, are you upset every Blood Elf did participate in the Manabomb, or didn’t?

No I’m following your reasoning. I get it, really. There was a vast sin’dorei conspiracy and it had to be rooted out of Dalaran lest it corrupt humanity, I see it now. Every blood elf was clearly guilty. Their very existence, a war on Dalaran.

I’d like to remind you that this segue about a literal pogrom is because you didn’t recognize a very clear reference to one of the more iconic moments in one of Warcraft 3’s campaigns.


See, I can handle that so long as there’s a logical cycle and progression in the story. So long as it functionally makes sense. It’s the same as the Night Warrior stuff, it’s supposed to be a give and take. It doesn’t mean something equally bad needs to happen to the original offenders, but there needs to be something that comes of it that justifies the action on a meta level.

Luke’s aunt and uncle being killed is a tragic moment, but from that comes his decision to go with Kenobi and that sets into motion the rest of the movie. It’s a catalyst for him to grow up, and grow up quickly, or die.

With Tyrande’s Night Warrior stuff, there’s a heavy cost extracted, but no payoff. With the Burning and the War of Thorns, there’s a tragic impact but no progressive reaction to it. The same could be said of the prior war led by Garrosh, lots of cost for night elves, nothing worthwhile manifesting. This does happen to other races, but it happens most often with night elves and then draenei second.


Yeah, that’s why they had to get killed. This is ancient history in the Wow scheme of things. They eventually dropped the Manabomb, and continued right along with attempting genocide. I’m glad you’re framing it as justice too.

Thank you. From that and other posts I can surmise the situation and I’m sorry you have to deal with that.

That said, you should take a 6-12 month break from WoW.


Would you say that the purge of Dalaran was important to secure the existence of human people and a future for human children.

Edit: I’m not framing it as justice, I’m snidely implying that your “every blood elf is guilty” stuff is infantile nonsense

I mean, to be fair, almost immediately after being let back into Dalaran, a cult made up entirely of blood elves attacks Dalaran in 7.2.

Not entirely relevant I just remember thinking “what, really?!” when I saw that happen.

I can handle it, but the fact nothing comes from it is exactly what makes it even more disgusting, like what you’re referring to later in this statement. Honestly, I think the Night Warrior is even worse then just having her not have an opinion at all. The Night Warrior sucks, because it was a build up to absolutely nothing, and honestly. I guess some people thought something would come from it? But, when nothing has come from it… it just makes you wonder.

That’s most likely a reason that Jaina was using to justify her actions. Of course, she had others as well, like the Manabombing that wasn’t that far out of her mind at the time…

You’re not trying to make the Blood Elves complicit in a justified genocide? Also, I never said that every Blood self is guilty. Quote me somewhere I did.