Teldrassil is inescapable

not until they stop appearing in quests then the game will be better

You’re really invested in defending your welfare wins, aren’t you?

At least you’re honest about things…

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We don’t have another tree! What will you burn? And you will split. And kill each other. And so on until there is one orc left in the Horde.


So you can’t come up with a reason.

Wait until the world revamp, I guess. Then you can also enjoy your revamped new Horde zones that used to be Night Elf zones.

You’re the one paying $15 a month for a story you hate, for a story team you hate. My contribution here is negligible. If the rest of the forums cannot make you see reality what hope do I have?

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you grow one so we can burn it

its like teldrassil was grown out of the ground in 1 line of text between wc3 and wow

just do that between expansion so we can burn it


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And so the Horde will die despite its “fix”.

Do blood elves get to nuke Dalaran for what happened in TFT, shipper?

Reality about what? About Blizz hating Night Elves? I accepted that long ago, and been proven right ever since simply by assuming the worst possible outcome for Night Elves.
You could kind of call me a fortune teller when it comes to Night Elf development

What are you talking about?

Since shernish seems to think the deserved response for Darnasus is several genocides, I want to know if blood elves are allowed to nuke Dalaran in his worldview.

You know, after they let Lordaeron’s remaining military turn the violet hold into a concentration camp for nearly a sixth of the surviving population of Quel’thalas and looked the other way (in fact given who you fight in the prison break, did not merely look the other way but tacitly helped)

I want to know how much of this moral absolutism applies to other people than the night elves.

If Brennadamn had been done solely by the Darkspear, would it be fair game for what the Kul Tirans did to them in Frozen Throne, before they became a horde member?


You do realize that Shipper hates me, right? I earned that ire when I went ahead with the ban.

Like, if Shernish was threatening my life, that would be one thing, but this character? Seriously?

You know that happens after the BE drop a Manabomb on Theramore right? The Purge happens because the Horde are desperate for more WMDs then they know what to do with… you know that right?

Your logic isn’t just flawed. It’s like fractionally existent. I can’t understand what you’re saying at all.
If I had to weight in on the tit-for-tat argument. If it happens on screen, in the game, then there should be parity.

Are you literally admitting you never played WC3 or…

Also lmao at justifying a pogrom whose only named, known deaths are five profession trainers

So I guess you have indeed never played 3, since the prison escape in Curse of the Blood Elves and the Daelin scenario in Founding of Durotar are kind of a big deal in their respective TFT campaigns

People complain about all the Burning threads but I’ve been seeing threads about Taurajo for a decade now so…


Are we just in the business of bring unrelated Discord drama to the story forums now? Do you have any intention of actually contributing to your own thread or are you just here for clout?

I’m just curious.

Well, multiple people have dragged the same Russian into the conversation so, yes, it appears that we are doing this.

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If there is one place I will never, ever, ever go, it’s a Lore discord made up of Story Forum regulars.

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Who is Shipper? Is this the name or title that I was awarded?

That isn’t what I said at all, not even close. I actually forgot that TFT meant what it stood for.

They also, still drop the Manabomb. You can try to defend their kill count all you want, there’s some gross stuff going on in SoO with the Theramore refugees.