Teldrassil is inescapable

Depends on the context.

Fair enough, that was ungenerous of me. I shouldn’t have said unsubscribe.

You shouldn’t have said anything at all considering your so vocally butt hurt about yourself, reading god forbid, these NE threads/posts.

If you’re so concerned with the end result the Night Elves (could hVe) gotten with Tyrande you should make a thread about it, instead of hounding brand new posters in this one about their breath of fresh air opinions. Thing. :smiling_imp:

Ah yes, “Night Elves should get absolutely everything they want and everyone else should just live with it” such a breath of fresh air. :thinking:

You are vile and I’m done responding to you.

Well yes? The night elves used to get what they didn’t want. Time to balance with welcome gifts.

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Oh really? Like every other race? Did Trolls want Vol’jin to die? Did Forsaken want to lose Sylvanas and Undercity? Did Orcs want to be villain-batted by WoD? Did Pandaren want to be forgotten that they even exist?

Night Elves get more story attention than any other race in the game. Sometimes it is positive, sometimes it is negative. The end.


How many times do we have to see more Threads about how Night Elves are being treated unfairly and such and how Alliance is uncaring and or Humans are fat and stupid and it continues to go on and on.

Honestly wished the burning of Teldrassil didn’t happen to be honest. It causes nothing but drama and same old talking points again, and again.


Fixed that for you.

I’m not sure about the trolls. With the rest, the situation is … interesting. They split up. There are fans of Sylvanas, Garrosh. They want to continue the rampage. Not sure. Warcraft 2 Horde fans?

I’ll try it differently. Which night elf player enjoyed the burning and is hungry for the continuation of the dying night elf banquet?

When did the night elves get positive attention?


A lot of Night Elf posters (as strange as it is to associate a poster with their chosen race…again an RP thing? I don’t know) cheered on the Night Elves being given an opportunity to embrace the savageness of the Night Elves from WC3 that Teldrassil provided. A lot of Night Elf-centric players don’t even like Tyrande or Malfurion.

The story forums is the definition of a bubble. Many of the countervailing opinions have been driven out over the last 3 years.

Starring in a warzone, in multiple in-game cinematics, and having an entire zone themed after them in nearly every expansion including the current one is positive attention. Most races would kill for 1/10th of that level of attention.


What a joke.

Here’s the correction:

Speaking of bad forum etiquette:

EDIT: I think it’s interesting that my words have been misquoted multiple times tonight all by posters with identical agendas. Just sayin.

Are you thinking about the Orcs? He means the Orcs.

It’s alright. Horde have run a veritable checklist of accusing NIght Elf players of.
Racism. Death Threats. Lying. Conspiracy. Bias. Botting. Mass Reporting. Selfishnesss.

I could go on, but we all know the Horde are in the thread.

Forsaken got that by losing their capital city, which is around 1/10th of what Night Elves lost.

We’ve seen how Forsaken players reacted to that :upside_down_face:

That is, they welcomed the opportunity to kill the Horde that the Burning gave them, right? Where are those who welcomed the burnings and wanted the night elf deaths to continue? It is “normal” to hate racial leaders.

Hey. Show positive attention. Not just attention, but positive attention.

I’m sorry Shernish but this is not a fair game. You do not get to say “all of this is Horde/Orc centric and is therefore postive attention from Blizzard” even though that content villain-bats and is inherently negative attention while also saying “all of this attention that Night Elves get is negative even though it dwarves the attention that any other race, including Orcs, gets”

You cannot hold both positions simultaneously.

Attention from Blizzard on your race is inherently positive attention.

Short of that, what race has had “positive” attention from Blizzard in recent years by your narrow definition? And if you say WoD Orcs I’ll scream.

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You keep telling us you care more about the Night Elves then the Night Elf players do, especially the ones you’ve participated in labeling an anagram.
Yet you lie about those player’s experience intentionally.
Being corrected for your constant wrong opinions should be flattering for a person as desperate/lonely as you.

I swear it’s like he wasn’t just backing the argument of someone losing their mind about how WoD wasn’t their cup of tea. Why is he complaining? He also said race, so without a doubt WoD is the answer. Orcs got more screen time then anything else has dreamed about since. Don’t forget an Orc was quite present throughout Legion.

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Goblins and gnomes. I’ll answer the rest of it later.

And you know what’s funny about this? It’s pretty much correct either side he tries to lean in favor of it you said; Trolls, Forsaken, Orcs, or Tauren. Because all of those have had their races expanded/among other things. It’s also not even counting races like Humans.

Gnomes I’ll give you (long overdue btw, Gnomes are the original Pandaren), Goblins have been villain-batted and borderline genocided in BfA and ignored in Shadowlands.