Teldrassil is inescapable

Exactly! Malfurion and Tyrande sail to the dragon islands. The night elf army is crushing the Horde and destroying … anything. Pick up the object yourself, more affordable.
Tyrande and Malfurion excavate the structure of the Titans on the dragon islands, become dragon-like. They return to Kalimdor. On Hyjal, they are defeated, but for some reason they are not killed.
The Mad Bronze Dragon opens a portal.
The Kal’dorei Empire. Tyrande and Malfurion rush towards Azshara.
… (empty place)
Malfurion and Tyrande die. Azshara goes up to the palace balcony and says “Azeroth is free!”
Not a bad idea. Maybe it should be improved. Yes…

You forgot that all that is in a alternative universe… Well i have no problem with it is this mean that i can review the past of a AU horde race while killing AU night elf.

I am not attentively following your dialogue. I understand that you were talking about the night elf WoD. WoD is an alternate reality of the past.
The night elves burst into alternate Azeroth, during the Kal’dorei Empire, during the rituals of Azshara. Everything according to WoD. Is not it so?

Not because it isn’t the current night elf who bust into a AU Azeroth but the combine force of a few alliance and horde champion. The main universe night elf are actually irrelevant.

Are the Horde and Alliance breaking into an alternate Azeroth? Why and why?

Same reason as to why the horde and the alliance break into alternative draenor.

Um … So my plot with the Dragon Isles and Azshara is WoD and MoP? It seems that you painted everything correctly?

Without fail every one of these posts turn into cesspools where demonstrably lonely people bark at eachother for some level of human interaction.

I know this is a self defeating statement but for the love of God stop making these threads and stop commenting on them.

You people could dig a hole in the ground and scream into it for 20 minutes, and accomplish what you’re doing here more efficiently.

They start as cesspools.

No one on earth has a new opinion to bring about Teldrassil at this point.

What? Probably, I didn’t formulate my question that way. How exactly do the night elves criticize the Horde and the Forsaken?

I was just using what you said to properly format my response, I wasn’t really criticizing you buddy.

The Horde doesn’t want to move to Northrend. I don’t remember why. But the Horde doesn’t want to move. Doesn’t want to pay tribute. Doesn’t want to make a bloody sacrifice.

Well they don’t want to do anything “because the Night Elves” isn’t that logical!

Don’t get personal. It ends badly.

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My desire for Night Elves to not be villain-batted has nothing to do with my Horde-ness. I don’t even like the current Horde.

I’m also fine with the Alliance becoming the aggressors, but let it be the humans and the light paladins. There is no reason to villain-bat the Night Elves.

He doesn’t even like the current Horde. He just argues in complete Trollish bad faith.

Ah yes, bad faith like “lonely desperate thing” and “dense idiot”

Dude, go to bed before you get yourself banned.

So you are ready to make a voluntary bloody sacrifice?

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Oh, I’m sorry are you going to ban me? Maybe the swarm of Alliance alt bot conspiracy, keep the Horde down posters will save me.

Why are you telling this brand new poster who seems wholly concerned with resolving your whining, crying issue of if killing emo dead waifu will appease the NE, to unsubscribe? Couldn’t be you being desperate and lonely.

I’d point out the necessity of the other phrase, but you’re staying around the same thread you’re…”tired” of seeing?

Vuldezi, are you sure your “voluntary blood sacrifice” matches mine?