Except I generated the money through playing the game, for free.
You sound like a child. Or a manchild potentially.
And Blizzard doth thanketh thou dearly for thy subscription money and thy partaking of, and therefor implicit support of the expansion of, theyr microtransactions, as well as thy staunch defense of it hither.
Or would that I were them, at least.
since everything is GDKP now, for a new player, I can see why the token will be very well accepted.
Like i said, the classic community kinda does these things to themselves, which is just living proof that you can’t re-create the old social aspect of vanilla wow. This is just a different time in gaming, and these are different types of gamers. The token, boosts, etc. just fits the way people play the game these days.
I don’t like it personally, but it’s just so apparent now that many of the issues (boosting, gdkp runs, etc.) are just community created issues…blizz is just capitalizing on the QOL - not their fault.
by that logic WoD had the largest pool of raiders ever since they nerfed LFR to pointlessness
Two bitter whiners complaining about something they can’t tap into themselves. Moralizing about how the game was ‘better’ when it never was. Keep wailing at the wall.
Idk why people bother with this guy. He’s clearly a troll.
He’s still doing it!
You know I had a dwarf that I used in character by writing Scottish. I’m not sure any of his posts exist as they were all considered hurtful insults. I wish it could be seen in the same light your posts are. It was a ton of fun writing like that. I envy you.
If they insist on moral sophistry, I’m going to keep mocking them. Let me have fun.
Exactly this. The minute gaming went mainstream and became socially acceptable these gaming companies saw all the dollar signs. And these more mainstream gamers are fine with all the nickel and diming gaming companies get them with. The way gamers approach games and how gaming companies develop to be interacted with has completely changed. For older gamers, it feels like we’ve been left behind because we haven’t adapted to how the culture of gaming has changed. So we just shake our fists and yell at the kids to get off our lawns while things keep moving forward lol.
A lot of the fault is on Blizzard for not ever pushing back. The game’s culture molds itself to what the game allows, and Blizzard could’ve easily made changes to enforce #nochanges in terms of how the game is played instead of following the technical aspects of Vanilla to a T (which they didn’t really do anyway).
The “genuine experience”, “scenic route” players were there in force at Classic launch, but they’re not a very loud group and they got pushed out because the game didn’t support their playstyle, setting the tone for the remainder of the game.
I wonder if many of the people buying all of this have ever sat and figured out how much they have spent.
I did just for expansion and sub fees over 17 years. Its staggering.
$ 3,548
So it’s solo players complaining they have to be part of a static group?
To be fair, guilds of all shapes and sizes exist. And it doesn’t even need to be a guild. Blizz created Communities and there’s also Discord just to have a pool of like-minded individuals to make groups with whenever without rules. Even casual guilds these days don’t have strict rules or times. And they’re especially open with all different times if they’re big enough.
Sure. And the group achieved something great without the help of boosts. That’s a good feeling. So why let the noob bother you? That noob who can’t play and bought his way into someone else’s guild where he won’t be able to even perform well doesn’t matter. Your group’s ability and personal achievements matter.
I’ve done it as well but then I did rough estimates on all the money I would have spent had I not been playing WoW and that’s even more staggering haha. WoW, at least when I was younger and still in college/university, WoW was the best savings plan I could have hoped for.
They’re being forced to compete with King and Call of Duty business units that are printing money off microtransactions. It doesn’t sound like they have any footing to push back against it. Morhaime was the last bulwark against and now he’s gone, it’s open season.
It’s a lot harder to ignore the players who paid their way through when they’re everywhere you look. You start to feel like the strange one for playing the game.
It’s talking to a brick wall at this point. They’ll just call you a troll.
Because he can’t control them.
Stop letting others bother you. They don’t bother me.
You can tell who are the controlling, manipulative people in this thread.