<=== Evil manipulative telepathic mastermind! MWAHAHA!!! (I made him say that to play up my ego, Edyta is my thrall now)
I agree with most of what you say here.
But there are times when people simply do not play. Try logging on at 3-4am and see what I mean. Its less then 10% of normal times. I’m in and have run several guilds that have capped amount of players joined who are all active within the last month and you might get two or three people on at these times.
And others don’t like guilds for various reasons.
It would be ideal to find a guild that plays at the correct time, with people whos company you enjoy, and have the same skill level you do. Thats a tall order to fill and doesn’t happen instantly. That is were pugging becomes handy.
I envy the people who seem to have found all of that so easily.
For people with lots of IRL responsibilities and limited time, that just want to play the game in raids - this is great.
For those that want to do all of that themselves from the ground up - that’s great too, since they’ll have the option of doing so.
Having the option bypassing arbitrary and tedious aspects of the game to get to the content you like isn’t a bad thing so long as it’s not exclusively locked behind a pay-wall.
I would prefer that you could simply do the content you want to do without the chores. That is fundamentally a design flaw and we are rewarding them with more money for being bad at game design.
Yea Netease, a seperate company, works with Blizzard. They handle the day to day for the Chinese client. The Chinese version of the battlenet store runs off a shop currency point system to purchase stuff like the wow token or tcg loot items, especially for Nostalgia (their term for Classic). Which has been a thing for several years now. They also used to sell the spectral tiger mount in the store for awhile before that got removed.
I think if anything Blizzard is looking over to Netease and is copying their homework for how to sell stuff to players.
If you don’t like it, don’t play it.
Problem solved.
Except when in the context of a recreation of a game intended to be a “portal into the past” of a sort, specifically a past whither no such things as these tokens, and paid level boosts for that matter, existed.
When will you people learn? How is this even remotely surprising?
The reason I don’t like tokens is you can really give yourself a huge leg up over your fellow players in a few aspects, this mainly blows on people who don’t have a content consuming social circle;
People can buy tokens and instantly buy BoEs off the AH, the fact they can get the gold then and there creates a huge power imbalance as far as purchasing power goes when it comes to the AH, the AH prices may even reflect some change due to people just being able to swipe their credit cards to buy gold
Then we have the boosting fiasco where people more willing to just buy gold end up with better gear and will suck up more pug spots than people that are going through the grind to get gear
I’ve always seen at as paying for the convenience. The cost has always seemed fair to me, but that’s just my opinion.
Players that want to go back through that portal to experience it “raw” can still do so.
Players that want to go through the portal to simply raid can now also do so.
Nothing is taken away from the players that want to do it “naturally”. There’s no mandate to pay for the tokens - they’re optional.
We can expect it to happen, but still be disappointed when it finally does happen.
There definitely potential for perverse incentives there, and even if the WoW team can resist the siren’s call the suits above them probably can’t.
Well said, it’s like tossing a stone in a pond. The disturbance doesn’t stop at the site of impact, but with ripples that radiate out and impact uninvolved players.
The problem with that notion is that people can still give themselves a ‘leg up’ over other players regardless.
People can sell mats and transmogs on the AH and buy BoE’s. People can sell runs and buy BoE’s. Thinking that its the tokens generating the prices for the AH is laughable, when it was naturally heading that way to begin with.
Join a guild.
And yet naught of that opposes the fact that tokens did not exist in thither time, nor assuages the other issues by legitimized gold-selling wrought.
I dispute not that people can do these things without token investment, but it is a fact that said investment will place who partaketh thereof in an advantaged position o’er who doth not. That is indisputable, and not aught I would like to see in the recreation of Burning Crusade.
It’s more so the issue of stuff like buying high level gear off the AH and the impact that can have on prices for non token players vs credit card wielding token players
For example when sunmotes hit if hella people are buying them because they’ve loaded up on gold from tokens they will be able to snatch them up when they hit the AH, they’ll be able to just buy the mats they need vs players that earn their gold in game
Then the price of sun motes will be super high because they are in high demand because so many token players have the gold on hand to buy them instantly the second they hit the AH rather than it being staggered out by people having to manually farm gold
Was waiting for that out of touch response from some random forum alt
So you’re not going to argue it, because why?
Because if you’re out of touch with how a huge swath of the player base operates it’s kinda hard to explain the impacts of a system
If you’re not living the experience of these players it’s kinda hard to understand how it can impact you
When you ‘operate’ above those players in the playerbase, their experiences become irrelevant. When you ‘operate’ above those players in the playerbase, you effectively create ‘a system’.
So again, I will ask you the difference between a bot generating gold selling mats and transmogs on the AH, or someone selling KSM, to the WoW Token.
It’s amusing people think that an MMORPG has to have an ‘even playing field’, like it’s a competitive sport. It’s not a first person shooter, MOBA, or strategy game; no one is on an ‘even playing field’.
You have those with knowledge and those without, and judging by the laughable sophistry, it’s mostly the latter.