TBC tokens... /sigh

So, yesterday Blizzard accidentally added TBC tokens to the shop, but there was an error when you tried purchasing them, and today they took them down without comment.

It’s on Icyveins.
Title is “WoW Token Actually Exists on EU/NA Burning Crusade Classic Store Page (but Hidden and Not Enabled)” [I cant post links]

So, I guess very soon you’ll be able to buy your boost, and now buy your epic flying, and then just buy runs for your attunements, and then buy a set of BOE drops and crafted items.

So glad I decided to pass on TBC.


And here I was thinking the cash shop of retail won’t dig it’s nasty little claws into classic

When will I learn? :cry:

Only thing we can hope for is there’s so much outrage they don’t even try it, but who knows :man_shrugging:


Read this guy’s post history:

I feel bad that I got suckered into coming back for TBC when all along they were planning on turning the gun on us and releasing tokens.

Selected quotes:

“Those who don’t want TBC at all will get the opportunity to copy their character to a Classic forever realm. If they want both they have to pay a fee.”

“The release is June 1st, trust me.”

"It will be added for free for everyone, but there will be an option to buy a deluxe edition with a 60 level boost (not for blood elves or draenei) and a collectible mount.

Additionally, Alliance Paladins will be getting Seal of Blood at 70 – same thing goes for Blood Elves, they’ll get Seal of Vengeance at 70, too."

“Warpchaser mount will be given to everyone who pay for a deluxe edition of TBC, rather than the free edition. It will work on TBC+retail.”

“Just a reminder that they are doing this because tokens are coming.”


People already buy gold and boosts in classic tbc, it seems like they want to get a cut :confused:


Well this is most likely Holly Longdale influence


They should team up with Susan Express to bring back the true TBC gold buying experience :joy:

Will you get gold? Will you log in one day to find your character naked and all your stuff DE’d?? Who knows :man_shrugging:


I am one of those people who can’t seem to put myself in the shoes of those who care about tokens in the game. For some reason, I just can’t see that perspective. Usually I can see both sides of things. But this one always seems to elude me.

If someone wants to not play the game and skip through everything, wasting their money, I don’t care. I run stuff with my friends and my guild. We ignore those people who skip stuff. We do our own gathering and crafting. We run our own stuff. Random people and their love of buying to skip everything we enjoy just doesn’t affect us.

So I guess just as how some people can’t understand our mindset, I can’t understand the token outrage mindset.


OF COURSE the token was coming to BC Classic. After the boost, copy and deluxe micros, how could anyone even doubt for a second this was coming. I’m just amazed that Blizzard once again incompetently leaked it before it was ready. Ok, I’m mildly surprised haha.


Apparently, it “ruins the experience.”

I like it! They should make it at least 50/50 like the good old days.

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It’s not necessarily by mistake. It may just be part of a progression to getting people more and more acclimated to increased monetization.


Wow, there’s a name I haven’t heard in a non-New York Minute!


That’s what I don’t get. I mean, people bought gold back then too. Probably not as many people. But it just doesn’t affect me or my gameplay. :woman_shrugging:t4:

True. This could be some 4d chess strategy to “leak” it and take it down before releasing a statement about it to soften the blow of when it will actually be released. With Blizzard it’s hard to tell but you could be right.


Here you go fam:

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The only thing I could think of that’s somewhat reasonable is buying gear. It’s much more “pay to win” in tbc because profession gear is far stronger than in retail

But still, I don’t think that’s something a lot of people will do so probably not a huge issue :man_shrugging:

Because some players think only Blizzard’s systems are to blame for the current climate of the player experience seen on Retail servers, when in fact players are probably just as much to blame as the systems they claim ruined the original “WoW experience.”


Thanks for linking

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I’m getting Tom Clancy Breakpoint Ubisoft apologizing for the Mark 2 upgrades being in “earlier then expected” flackbacks. :thinking:

To be fair, this is the same company who ruined CoD 4 Modern Warfare with MTX and pre-ordering 10 year old DLC for double the price. :crazy_face:

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I wont be playing TBC but I have a question for anyone who doesnt like tokens.

It is just a stone cold fact that before tokens existed people were buying gold(and still do outside of tokens).

Why is it bad for wow to jump in and get the money?

The buying is happening. Blizz providing the option just means people who are not inclined to break the rules will be able to take advantage and not be left behind by cheaters.