This is just amateur hour trolling. What a terrible thread.
Yeah it’s this ‘moral high ground’ that those people imagine for themselves then enable their inner 12 yr old and slash spit on people… for riding that mount or using a boost.
It doesn’t affect their gameplay yet this community seems to always devolve into this weird behavior towards others.
You could simply DO them. You know, play the game how you want to play?
Last week they accidentally enabled cross realm gameplay.
-This means they have cross realm gameplay set up for TBC. It exists. They wrote the code for it. Clearly the intent is to use it and they didn’t do this for the fun of it.
Yesterday they accidentally added the TBC WoW token to the NA/EU stores.
-This means they created the graphic, chose a price, made the page, wrote out text, and almost certainly have the TBC functionality for it in place. Clearly the intent is to use it and they didn’t do this for the fun of it.
If the TBC token was created by mistake automatically because they made it for the Chinese store (which is operated by NetEase, a different company with a different website I believe?) Then why does it cost pounds instead of Yuan? I don’t think this is the case, but I can’t prove it and we’ll certainly find out soon.
Can anyone think of a better time to release the TBC token than 1 week into TBC? When everyone is hitting 70 and suddenly has a 5K gold sink for epic flying? And endgame professions that can produce BIS or Pre-Raid BIS?
I fully expect army’s of Level-Boost-Andys morphing into Epic-Flying-Andys the day they release this. I also expect it to be fully cross realm, so you can buy boosts and attunements from the whole playerbase instead of being limited to only your server.
And of course… If this was all a big mistake and they aren’t doing this, they could just tweet it was a mistake and their not doing it… That would take all of 2 minutes to do.
But why do you care? It doesn’t affect you in the slightest. This is the most bizarre thing to complain about.
I don’t care a bit about cash shop mounts or transmogs, or heck even level boosts. It’s when real life cash mingles with in-game achievements and power when it gets murky. Keep the cash fluff-only and it’s fine.
It’s a social game, where the worth of everything is determined by the actions of the larger group more than it is by me. The only way that’ll ever change if WoW goes single-player.
But why do you care that I care? If it doesn’t affect me in the slightest, it certainly doesn’t affect you in the slightest either. This renders your previous statement the new most bizarre thing to complain about.
Fair point.
Why are you complaining about something you can do through the game? Are you that bitterly jealous what other people do with their money you have to moralize like the other whiners in this thread?
LOL simp harder.
BlizzDaddy wants to sell you a CashStalker mount!
Exactly. The best time to introduce the token is immediately after TBC launch when people are trying to craft gear and get epic flying. And while enthusiasm for TBC is still relatively high.
Maybe if you actually played the game instead of whining, you could generate the gold to buy those mounts for free, like I could.
But, nah that’s apparently too hard for you.
OMG he actually CAN simp harder!
This is precious.
I don’t think you know what that word means.
I guess your feelers are hurt.
Whatever bro, keep moralizing. I’ll keep selling runs just to make you mad.
He is not terribly far off in his usage, considering whether thou didst payest or no Blizzard doth receiveth theyr due, for each token representeth twenty United States dollars into theyr coffers deposited.
LMAO, Okey Dokey Artichokey!
I guess I’ll give it one last shot.
The second “excuse” can and often is any number of mental illnesses. If you think telling someone to just do it anyway when they are facing crippling social anxiety or have BPD and can’t make long term relationships work out (and long term here can be as short as a week,) or depression were they can’t make long term commitments then you are either uniformed or well the words I’d like to use are not able to be said on the forums.
Or real life circumstances. Not everyone can schedule their life around the game. Some of us have to work to support our families. Thats not an excuses but reality and something I take pride in.
On Stormrage the last day I played there were a total of 14 dungeons listed. 3 were from carry sellers, that leaves 11 dungeons. There was one for a 0 PF, two in the 6-9 range and the rest were at 14+. As I had just hit cap and hadn’t had the chance to test how well I do tanking on a vengeance DH I wasn’t about to join anything above a 0. That left a single group I applied and got in and then we waited almost an hour for a healer.
I belong to several guilds that do push M+. I had to join 4 now to find enough people that are on at the times I play. I then had to establish relationships with the people who run high keys in each of these guilds, set up dates and times were we can all get together, set up a discord channel to introduce them all, and I get about 3 hours a week were I can push keys with them. Thats a heck of a lot of work.
But all of this really doesn’t matter much. In BFA before the massive push for carries started I was able to pug to the +20 bracket and friends I met along the way were able to pug to almost 4k io. Pugging has always been a viable option and for the most part a pleasant experience. Supporting carries like this however has destroyed that community.
The Shakespearean worgen is right.
@Edyta - Read the room man, Thanks for moving our disgust at the store to humor at your expense. We really do appreciate it.