TBC tokens... /sigh

Almost like people should join a guild, but again this is falling on the deafest of ears from people, who I can only guess, pug their way through everything and are getting pushed out from players that are in actual guilds making bank off of terrible players.

But why do they care? Buying runs does not affect the gameplay whatsoever.

I would say it already has. The amount of carries now offered and people who freely admit to buying and selling them is staggering even compared to Legion.

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I guess for me, it’s always been around, just not as prevalent. And I just don’t care. If someot needs teaching, I teach. If someone wants to be the noob in epic gear who can’t play because they bought their way to the top, they’re the ones who look silly.

This doesn’t exist in Classic. But for either version, I don’t pug. Maybe people need to stop pugging. I don’t know. I know some people hate the idea of guilds or communities or Discords, but I feel that’s holding them back.

I never held any value in achievements to begin with.

That seems extremely dramatic.

You missed the point. Now, it’s so rampant that it’s visible from space. Back then it was restricted to particular social strata that depending on where you were in the game, it might not be possible to know about at all. I would’ve been upset then too if I knew the rich kids got helicopter rides up the mountain while my guild was struggling to get BWL on farm.

So it’s jealousy.

It reduces the pool of players available for running non-boosted groups. It does affect other players.


And some can’t for any number of reasons.

  • I can’t play during peak times nor on the weekends. Good luck finding a guild willing to push keys at 3am on a wed.
  • Some people have problems with long term relationships, simple socialization, or voice
  • coms.
  • Guilds die and finding a replacement is a pain in the rear.
  • Finding a guild that fits is a huge time sink, time some people may not be willing to invest given the above issues.

Would finding a guild be ideal, sure but its not an easy process at all.

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Not jealously, it’s upsetting to know that the effort put into that content ultimately means nothing, because as it turns out effort isn’t actually needed at all!

I was a poor teenager then, but even now in my 30s with substantial disposable income the idea is still upsetting. I don’t spend a dime past the subscription fee and expansion price on this game because why on earth should I have any kind of advantage for my IRL financial standing? The whole idea is absurd.


I firmly believe this to be untrue.
Players buying carries would likely never run the content otherwise.
Raiding numbers pre-LFR and the Cata “Hard” Heroics both back this up.


what did you expect ? blizzard is milking that nostalgia trip too hard and using it as an excuse for predatory tactics like collection edition bc classic and what not.

Just digest this , blizzard had the best year money wise , longest delay , longest patch wait , longest streak of devs leaving , biggest bonus for kotick, smallest dev team.
as far as i know we doom SL schedule is super messed up and thats just 1 of the many things that show either lack of effort or lack of caring .
If Sl is the way it is Bc feels like its gonna go same way.

No, it’s jealousy. You can still put in effort and achieve AOTC and KSM, and then turn that experience around into making gold, but you’d rather sit here and whine about what someone else is doing.

Good for you. Stop trying to lecture what other people do, kay?

You mean excuses.

If they do add it back in.
Not surprised by it.
$$ reigns.

I wonder how long it is before we see a 100% completion package. 100 grand and you have all toons at max, all achievements unlocked (back dated to earliest possible date,) all transmogs collected, all pets to 25 and rare, 50 ilvl above what is currently possible, and a gold cap that never depletes.

Sounds like a fun way to play.


Well clearly having an adult conversation with you would be next to impossible. Have a pleasant day.


What’s even worse is that we’ve got people moralizing on how people should play the game instead of of them just playing the actual game.

Controlling people just got to control I guess.

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I suspect not terribly long with how many meseems are wont to justify such like degeneracy.

It’s really not. I have more gold than I know what to do with as it is. I don’t even know how much I have right now, there’s nothing in the game I want to spend it on. It may as well be sand. And like I was alluding to earlier, the achievements themselves aren’t worth dog crap if they can be bought, unless you’re one of the handful who got it shortly after xpac launch when it’s not possible to get carried.

As soon as others stop trying to turn WoW into even more of a faceless cash shop game than it already is.


The most ironic thing about calling out your :poop: excuses is that you’re on Stormrage; people are on 24/7. But nah, run away little girl, run away.

Well people allowed stuff like the removal of brutosaur and were fine with it even tho it clearly was done to boost token sales , and now everyone act surprised they adding tokens to bc ? come on …