TBC tokens... /sigh

This is GD, facts are not allowed here.

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Calm the fire and brimstone for a sec everybody. The tokens are 99% for the Chinese version of the game only. They had them for classic as well.

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How exactly is less harm justification when what so causeth worse harm is already against the rules as established by Blizzard?

That was a typo on my part. I was momentarily blinded by the sophistry.

Why on earth would I want a hand in an activity that I think is destructive to the game?

Like I said, it’s doesn’t matter how amazing the guild I’m in is, at the end of the day the game is still upside down.

I agree. It seems that it’s better for people to go outside the game and risk being hacked in real life to buy gold rather than be able to safely buy it from Blizzard.

I try to find the negatives but I can’t seem to, even for the Classic game. If anything, gold selling is more rife there than it is in retail and people ris their game account and their bank account in order to get hold of gold to boost themselves. If there is a true negative I’d like to see it.

Because you’re wrong. 100% wrong. Undeniably wrong.

Wasn’t trying to justify them, just stating a fact.
They reduce 3rd party gold buying and cause less harm than it.

Have you considered you might be a little biased on this topic as a run seller and large beneficiary of token and boosting culture?

Unlikely considering classic has no tokens and has as much runs, to be honest they might have more runs being sold.

No, because I was doing it before the Token even existed. Stop acting like WoW was this paragon of a moral MMO, when it never was.

People sold runs and power leveling since Vanilla.

That’s true, but it’s almost trading one poison for another. The right action would be to pay some GMs fair wages and stamp out goldselling, but that doesn’t pad the coffers like token sales does.

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Its a competitive game. DPS are competing with spots in pugs and those who buy runs cheat the IO system and get better loot decreasing the chances of you getting a spot in the dungeon.

Furthermore it erodes the value of achievements like KSM or AOTC when you can just buy it.

I guess I see it a bit like a high school track runner paying a gold medal Olympic winner to run his race so he can get s scholarship. The people who never had a chance at winning the scholarship probably don’t care (anyone who doesn’t run M+ or runs only with friends and guild,) the Olympic champion loves it as he gets paid (run sellers) and the scholarship winner loves it because they get a school of their choice (the carry.) The people that despise it are those that were competing against that person (Puggers who don’t buy carries.)

What really sucks about this is that normally people have a very clear sense of fairness when it comes to competitions. We separate sexes, weight classes, and don’t allow drugs. Yet when it comes to WoW all that goes out the window.


They did but it was never this widespread. It’s incredibly dishonest to suggest otherwise.


It was extremely wide spread, what are you on about?

The third party IO system that everyone holds up as a gold standard?! Oh no, not that infallible system.

From my own experience the majority of powerleveling that happened in Vanilla and TBC was done by guilds to get lowbie alts ready for raids and by friends for lowbie alts, both for free. If it was “widespread” anywhere it was in the upper ranks of competitive raiding, which I admittedly had little visibility into. My guild did it the hard way.


I would rather Blizzard but take sincere action against it.
Action which, methinks, they likely aren’t taking for reasons of a nature related more to money than physical or digital incapability.
They are a company, after all.

My thoughts exactly.

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Never said it was. Its a tool to use to figure out if people have experience with a dungeon nothing more or less. Allowing carries however screws the people who pick up someone with a high IO as they don’t know what to do and it screws the people that are working on increasing their score (experience) naturally to push as high as they can.

None of this would be an issue if blizz didn’t openly support carries.

I think their complaint is the fact that the majority of people did not buy gold illegally either because they didn’t trust the gold sellers or they didn’t want to break the rules and get banned.

With Blizzard selling tokens, it will be different. Those who thought about buying gold now can. This will push the “selling runs” market up, and soon, people won’t need to join guilds and work hard to kill bosses. They can just buy what they want.


You mean you had a group that did the content anyway?! Wow, who would of ever thought of doing that instead of moralizing about everyone else.