TBC tokens... /sigh

It degrades the social fabric the game.

The more people buy runs instead of actually running things, the more normalized buying runs is and the fewer people are in the pool to run things, making it harder to get groups to run things, pushing more people to buy runs. There’s also secondary side effect of carry spam making trade and LFG unusable, which also increases the number people who buy runs.

Eventually you hit a breaking point where the only ones actually doing anything are those in the upper echelons of content, with everybody below pouring in sacks of cash to get tokens to get gold to buy carries.


Almost like this is already the case in classic even without the token…

Can’t go two steps upon logging into a level 26-40ish character without some mage spamming you in whisper asking if you want a SM boost.

So it’s so bad already, we should amplify it with a token? Did you think this through before posting it?


Nah just merely pointing out that your argument of “it will happen SOLELY because of the token” is baseless. Considering it is already happening.

But why would they care? Gold buying is not affecting the game at all.

Players with no friends. There are tons of guilds that still raid and M+ and PvP. Stop being overtly dramatic.

But those people aren’t usually good enough to run them in the first place, so how is it affecting the ‘pool’ of players when the intention is to join guilds and run content?

A lot of these ‘complaints’ and ‘degrading of the social fabric’ (lol) can easily be solved by joining a guild.

Please point out where I argued this. I argued the state of the game will degrade further with the introduction of the token, which is obviously true.

Well It’s clear I should just stop leveling that blood elf I made now, gold still had some value in classic at the very least, it wasn’t like retail where having gold is basically completely optional.

I could be wrong… didnt they have something like happen before on classic and was just for china?

It’s not. Why do you think there are so many people paying for their subscriptions through selling WoW Tokens? It almost sounds like you’re jealous that there are players dedicated enough to sell runs in the first place.

Why are you so obsessed what other people do?

A great lot of them have the capacity to get better. It’d even be easy for many. But it’s easier to buy, and so they buy. The incentives for buying just line up too well.

Ahh yes, the classic GD poster refrain of telling people to hide in a tiny curated social circle and pretend the problem doesn’t exist instead of fixing it.

I’ve got nothing against finding a nice guild and encourage people to do so, but the game itself shouldn’t be broken regardless. If people want paths to convert cash into shinies, there’s more mobile games than you can count that will do that. WoW need not join their ranks.


Yeah but that doesn’t spark as much outrage.
The article linked from Icyveins just a few posts in even mentions this.

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It has degraded enough already I don’t think having a legit way of “buying” gold would affect it all tbh. You are just being melodramatic for no reason. As I keep repeating, the gold goes from X player to Y player by selling something off the AH. Which means it is affected by the AH cut, so you would get less gold than you would’ve. But I guess you are afraid of simple facts like that.

Also considering that gold is harder to come buy in classic than it is in retail, most likely people who play both will just buy the token for game time in retail than classic. As the two share the same game time.

Yes and that’s probably what’s happening now but this is the GD so we’re going to go straight to:


But I’ve always wondered what happened to Susan?

Did she marry? Did she have kids? Do they live in a fabulous house funded by all that illegal gold selling?

Bovines want…no…demand the answers to these important questions.

/moo :cow:


The point behind it, from my understanding, is that people who wanted a Classic experience (involving server community, time = effort on a more reasonable scale, etc) is that boosting and the like is completely counter intuitive to the whole point. For the classic community who take it seriously, it’s likely viewed as a horrific choice.

Knowing me, and my arena background, my love of coaching / teaching, it’d be like if I found out someone I know bought a boost to be carried in arena. I would be incredibly disappointed, and likely not interact with them anymore.


Because boosting is a tragedy of the commons problem and affects everyone that plays the game, boosted or not. If enough people poop in the pool, the pool isn’t pleasant to use by anyone.

It almost sounds like you’re jealous

Like clockwork this childish retort. I’m jealous that you’re spending money for achievements and gear you can’t accomplish otherwise? So jealous.

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There are people fool enough to purchase a token, sell it, and with the funds thusly accrued buy another token from the Auction House to pay for theyr game time?

These people are numerous?

Perchance I am misunderstanding. I must be, otherwise I must despair.

Yes this. I probably won’t participate in Classic play seriously until they introduce a few realms that expressly ban tokens, gold sales, and carries with violaters getting booted in short order. The current situation in Classic where even “poor” players have tens of thousands of gold is so grossly uncharacteristic of the originals I can’t even express it.


Arena boosts were very very common during TBC for rating locked gear, TBC Classic will be no different in that regard I would think.

Token, regardless of how you feel about them, do far less harm than 3rd party gold sellers to the game.
3rd party sellers use bots, stolen accounts, stolen CC info and waste a ton of man hours dealing with the various issues they create.
Tokens mitigate that to an extent.
They also only move gold from player to player, they don’t generate gold and typically the gold comes from actual players and not bots.

But again, probably just a Chinese client thing.


What they can be is not the same as what they are.

You could join the many guilds selling runs, but nah just sit here and morally brow beat on GD about the ‘social fabric of muh MMO’.

No, no. You’re jealous I’m selling runs and and buying tokens. Maybe if you tried a little harder instead of whining on GD, you could sell runs too.