TBC tokens... /sigh

Gold buying in Vanilla/TBC wasn’t even a fraction as popular as it is in Classic, because doing so was risky and carried a massive stigma back then, and even when it did happen it was on a much smaller scale. If you managed to not get your account stolen or banned, if anybody found out there’s a good chance you’d be lampooned for buying your way through.

This is only true if Blizzard can stamp out botting entirely, which is very unlikely to happen any time soon.


Gold buying was so rampant in Vanilla/TBC it was crazy.

I remember when I first got Epic riding I had several people asking me if and/or where I bought gold to get it.
It was just so common people figured if you had the 5k for it you probably bought it from gold sellers.

Also, the article references the obvious not “sky is falling” answer that it’s probably related to the Chinese client where they not only accept but expect this type of thing.

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Gee, I didn’t know they sold thunderfury on the battlenet store so you can later sell it on the auction house like any other auction house item.

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It enables you to buy player power. It’s like putting gear in the game shop but with extra steps. What’s the point of achieving things legitimately if others just buy their way there?


Thank you for being one of the people I told to grow up.

And how is that any different from farming twink items from say Shadowfang keep to sell on the AH and then using that gold to “buy player power”?

That must have varied by server/social circle. For BH Alliance everybody I knew was highly suspicious of gold buying and avoided it at all costs.


Darn! And I was so looking forward to seeing all those bodies laying around in Org spelling out some gold sellers website. Gee thanks blizz lol.


You can’t usually buy endgame tier gear and high level PvP gear with gold. But now, you will be able to.

You use to be able to fairly safely assume anyone with that gear is a skilled, dedicated player. That will no longer be the case.

TBH I’m really not surprised by this. Gold buying has probably been rampant in classic if the amount of bots that are reported is to be believed. Seems like classic has more bots than retail does from what I hear. If any of that is true, Blizz probably are using the same logic they use in retail which is that the existence of the token is meant to counteract illegal gold buying.

From getting gold from another player by selling game time tokens? Make sense damn you. Keep in mind that they have to be brought by another player. You don’t get the gold the moment you spend your real life money. Someone has to buy the token first. Did you forget that step in your childish rants?

So it could be days or weeks before someone buys your token.

Whoa, one whole extra step. This clearly makes it better. Tokens sell very quickly on retail, no reason to believe otherwise on BC.

By this logic the government should open up stores selling the whole list of Schedule One illegal drugs.


But it has no effect on other players. People buy achievements all the time, why are you being so dramatic about this?

Getting gold is easier to get on retail though when compared to classic. So many expansions with gold inflation going through the roof.

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Because they are fine when people buy gold illegally through a 3rd party like Susan express but they cry like children when someone “buys” gold via blizzard through the token system.

I think it is too early for this, but I would understand them wanting to do this if inflation starts to get really bad or something. They aren’t perfect, but WoW tokens are a control on gold inflation since 5% is lost due to AH fees. However, I think that should be a last resort. I would prefer they add in some new cosmetics or something which cost tons of gold since that consumes 100% of the purchase price.

I made a facetious comment as your stance was quiet silly.

As your argument boils down to: The WoW token IS like any other item on the auction house.

Except that is not actually true. The WoW token is the exception and not the rule. Do you regularly buy a stack of flasks, feasts, or cauldrons from the battlenet store? You don’t. You buy a token which provides you gold which in turn allows you to flip that for that gold so you can purchase the aforementioned items.


Buying achievements devalues them. Anyone trying to earn them legitimately is semi-wasting their time if they’re only a few tokens away. It’s objectively corrosive to the game, simple as that, regardless of what mental gymnastics you use to justify it.

Why would anyone waste their time standing in a raid group for dozens of hours trying to kill a boss when you can just buy it? And they won’t. Groups won’t be available. Boosting has real consequences for non-boosting players.

I wanted to play the endgame with other players, but it looks like idiots with credit cards are going to ruin that.


Lots of people spoke out against it, but just as many were buying it.
I’m sure there was some overlap between the two groups.

The more competitive the guild, the more gold buying was happening from what I saw.
All those dead bodies spelling out URLs in Org weren’t cheap.

When it is brought by another player. You do not get the gold the moment you put up on the AH. God you people are idiots. Ignoring basic facts because it conflicts with your biases.