TBC tokens... /sigh

I loved when they were glitching and spelling stuff in the air. That was a magical time haha.

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All I’m saying is they never added a token to Classic so it’s not a far stretch to say they won’t add it to TBCC.

However, if they do, I will not be surprised.

Level 58 boost (currently w/ draenei and blood elf restriction)
Deluxe edition mount (warpstalker)
Deluxe edition containing two tcg loot items
6-month sub novelty (Imp)
And now potentially a TBC token.

No different than buying gold from a third party. In fact the token is better cause at least you won’t get scammed or banned.


The #nochange group was pretty loud for classic. Blizz has already made their move, they already added boosts and an epic mount that gives you the training for it on the shop and it’s not like people stopped playing over it so Blizz thinks it’s fine. It’s already there, and it will happen.

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Makes sense from a business point of view.

GEtting enough gold to unlock flight/flying mount in TBC was a chore back in the day.

Now? Just buy a Time Token and sell it for gold. No effort required.

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i mean runescape added a token to their classic 07 version of the game and people still play it, so :woman_shrugging:

Isn’t it free to play? I will absolutely not be paying a sub to play TBC Classic with a token.

Free to play is different because you aren’t really supporting the company just by playing.

Providing a token makes buying gold vastly more convenient than going to some shady third-party site, and so increases the buying activity. Anyone even casually playing the game over the past few years has seem a massive uptick in boosts/carries/paying for progression. Introducing the token was like pouring gasoline on the flame of buying and devalues achieving things legitimately. Blizzard knows it, it just makes far too much money for them to care.

Introducing a token to BC is classic ‘boiling the frog’. The temperature (pervasiveness of monetization) increases so slowly that the frog doesn’t notice they’re being boiled until it’s too late.


its free to play technically but youre so limited in what you can do in f2p you might as well not play. most people use tokens for their sub

I was talking about Runescape.

In retrospect, it’s clear the #nochanges group despite their obnoxiousness, were absolutely right. Blizzard has taken #somechanges and exploited the hell out of it. Almost every change has been monetization-related, and very few of the gameplay changes players wanted were listened to/implemented.


I agree. China Classic has the token and their version of the game hasn’t imploded as far as I can tell. At the end of the day people who want to buy gold will, so there might as well be a regulated way to go about it. Prohibition never works.

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Look how quickly Step 3 of this clown meme is already coming to fruition:

preview. redd.it/1ldg7nmj3qo61.jpg?auto=webp&s=b4fd412691167e8a997f78517adaba25fafbe383

Remove the space from the beginning.


I wouldn’t even care if throwing one’s wallet weren’t so popular. As a niche thing? Whatever, but at the scales it’s been happening (both for illicit gold and for tokens) it’s economy-wrecking and acts as a slowly snowballing leech on the pool of players interested in group activities.


This doth not constituteth justification therefor.

'Tis indirect pay-to-win. Thou payest Blizzard, thou receivest gold vis-à-vis thy token’s sell, thou payest another user to thee carry upwards in whate’er content thou wishest to “partake” of. Such a player putteth forth not the work requisite to theyr ill-gotten attainments, and so is the apropos prestige of them that did the lesser therefor.
That is only my primary dislike of it. I am sure others exist that could proffer other, perchance better, reasons for theyr disdain thereof.

So, too, then, ought the banning.
That they are not so doing, as evidenced by the persistent presence of sellers polluting the LFG tool, is perfect evidence of theyr greed; why ban a rule-breaker when thou standest to gainest off of their illicit activity?
Why, oh why, indeed.

if people are willing to buy the token, then I guess they are willing to sell the token :laughing: My guess is those hack gold selling sites made a lot of money, and probably still do in classic, so they may, or may not have decided for TBC, if we can’t beat em, might as well join em.

If anything, it makes the experience more authentic.

Just the gold buying is through official means instead of RMT sites.

Siphoning away the population for group content is the biggest impact of boosting that never gets talked about.

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I honestly don’t get why people are so afraid of the game time token. Sure it can be used to “buy” gold but that gold is coming from another player. Not some 3rd party bot site that damages the economy.

It is like buying and selling any other item off the AH. Like seriously, grow up.

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