TBC tokens... /sigh

It hurts

Yeah, I should’ve known all bets were off when boosts became a thing

The “learn more” page for tbc classic even says there are more character services coming. Whatever that means…

I’m guessing by Wrath classic we’ll have a full retail cash shop

I know people who did this in the original TBC. It isn’t anything new. Sad people feel they have to buy the game this way but it is what it is.

Well really it’s more of a precedence that Blizzard has set that buying Gold undermines the game-playing portion back in the day and still holds that particular problem today because it will mess up the economy. (and let’s be honest with ourselves here, if we buy the token with real money, you’re creating gold. Just because the interaction is indirect, doesn’t mean it’s something completely different.) To me, it’s no less hypocritical when a company says buying gold is bad but at the same time, selling it themselves is a-okay.

It would be like if the devs of an FPS like TF2 or CS:GO, ban Aimbot, but then turn around and sell you an aimbot.

Do i think Blizzard need to allow players get their own gold in addition to WoW Tokens? No. It would be consistant and honest of them, but both are bad imo as it essentially does the same thing; undermine that portion of the gameplay. Blizzard is doing this because they see the potential profits from it, which there is nothing wrong with that along you’re upfront and honest with it…

But that’s the issue, they aren’t being honest with it…

Welp, there is always another way to play a pure version of Wrath. Once it’s on the internet, it effectively stays forever. :pirate_flag:

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Blizzard right now is not really trying to combat the problem. They are allowing the problem to exist to justify the token.

People get caught buying gold and get 2 day bans. It’s absurd. They should be getting perma banned.

Tokens will cause gold redistribution and that will lead to inflation. People with a lot of gold hoarded don’t necessarily spend it on things they don’t need. Redistributing it to people who do need it, though, will absolutely cause inflation. Because it will result in more spending. This will make, for example, the gold from daily quests less significant and force you to find ways to keep up with the token buyers.

It is not difficult to see the cascade of effects that will occur. Nor is it difficult to see how Blizzard has been purposely ignoring the gold selling (and buying) problem in part to justify their ‘solution.’


Ah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha

Oh that’s a good one!

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Before we all flip out, let’s not ignore this line from the Icy Vein article:

As you can see, the token icon is actually styled to the Burning Crusade, but some argue this is most likely just due to the fact that the Chinese version of Classic already has a WoW Token, so the equivalent page was made by default (or by mistake) for NA and EU as well.

Don’t get me wrong… I’m all for rioting out but not for something that might be a mistake.


It’s honestly a matter of patience. The problem is that a lot of people do not have the patience to utilize the usual gold-earning methods that are already present in the game and just want a shortcut.

Then when you’ve got certain servers with massively inflated auction house prices, the Tokens seem extremely attractive to the people who just refuse to earn their own keep.

But what’s GD without flipping out first? :wink:


Read the comments made by the reddit user I linked above. He has correctly predicted every single thing so far. Including the release date, deluxe edition, warpchaser mount, server progression method, cloning fee, and so on.

He is obviously a Blizzard employee and he said that the most recent ban wave on bots was because they intend to release a token.

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So did they ever add a Classic token?

The person I am referring to never said that they would release a Vanilla Classic token. Whatever claims other people made do not undermine the accuracy of his claims.

That’s not what I asked and I don’t care what some third party said. I’m pointing out that maybe it is a mistake. China has a token. We do not.

There’s no point in getting ruffled over something that’s probably not going to happen.

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Why would Blizzard make a difference between the WoW Token and the TBC Token if both can give you game time and both can be changed for gold? I guess this prevents buying TBC gold with retail gold directly, but can’t you just turn it to cash and then buy a TBC Token with it? I dunno I never buy anything except my subscription.


I had suppressed any memory of the existence Susan express.

Why have you done this to me


Probably to keep the wow token off the CE servers, and only on the TBCC servers.

Blizz is treading on a very slippery slope right now. If they mess this up and I don’t have much faith that they wont, they’ll not have only wrecked retail but classic as well.


And I had that very same opinion before reading that user’s post history.

It’ll probably happen. Don’t underestimate corporate greed.

The fact that it popped up “by mistake” seems like the infrastructure is in place, and it’s probably a few button clicks away

Are you having flashbacks of level 1 corpses lining the streets spelling out the website names too? :joy::joy: