TBC tokens... /sigh

The amount of gold in circulation in Classic is wildly high thanks to RMT gold selling.

Yes, tokens will help curb that, but the entire reason it got that bad in the first place is because for the longest time Blizzard was doing less than nothing to stop botting and goldselling. There are youtube videos demonstrating how Classic had almost no hack protections in place - farming bots were and still do teleport and flyhack between nodes. Even the majority of pservers were better in that regard, which is mind boggling for such a large company.

If enforcement doesn’t improve, the gold sellers will likely just undercut Blizzard and continue business as usual. They really just need to fix their freaking bot/hacks problem.

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People wanted #nochanges :stuck_out_tongue:

I know you’re joking, but the crazy thing is they didn’t build Classic out of the old Vanilla code… they built it by massaging Vanilla’s data to work with the Legion client and server, but somehow Legion’s reasonably capable anticheat got lost somewhere in the process…

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Classic all along was a nostalgia-bait to make you bring your wallet out. Did you really think they brought classic back with good intentions?

I remember getting original epic riding as well in Vanilla on my shaman and rogue. I farmed gold and borrowed some off friends (which I eventually paid back).

No one asked me where I bought my gold because it wasn’t as rampant as you claim.


Sure they’re going to hook us up with BC realms. Not without a catch though!! That’s how I feel at this point.

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Blizzard isn’t the Blizzard of old. This is a company that will turn WoW and other games in to cash shops and loot box gambling to make the profits if they can. Good games aren’t something they can do anymore…hic!


Why would I buy attunement runs when it’s more fun to do dungeons with guildmates?

Mount buying I kinda get, but run buying makes no sense to me at all. With the mount, you have to grind mobs and do daily quests, that’s not fun. With runs, you get to team up and take down a challenge.

Runs are literally playing the game with the character you enjoy playing.

agreed. we should go back to bots running to orgrimmar to kill themselves while spelling out their company url in corpse.

I get that it sucks but atleast I won’t have to play retail to pay for classic now!

lol what? Me having disposable income doesn’t make me an addict. I can walk away from this game any time I want. The moment that I’m not having fun is the moment I’ll walk away, as I have done in the past. I don’t need Wow to function, I’m not one of these people who hates WoW but cannot leave. lol get real, guy.


I know a lot of people don’t play the AH, I am one of them, I get what I need and get out. But does introducing a WoW token to classic TBC mess with their in-game economy? For the people who DON’T purchase tokens?

I can see people being upset just because classic TBC seems less and less classic with all these additions and changes. But at least Blizzard is being transparent when it comes to their motive, which is income. They want TBC to make them money. Why wouldn’t they? How should they? They are bound to upset someone no matter what they do.

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Pretty much no fan of TBC would be upset if they didn’t add tokens, because it’s entirely against the spirit of having a classic version of the game.

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That’s how I feel about it too, which is why I am not picking TBC up. It already feels too much removed from what I feel it should have been.

I guess this is gonna happen onwards if they decide to get on classic wotlk after shadowlands…

Inevitable… they know they can’t get money from the expansions anymore and the sub only might not be enough… :roll_eyes:

Yes, but those people are risking their accounts and credit cards and potentially getting banned. With tokens, it’s sanctioned.

I don’t mind tokens in the current state of Shadowlands (though the boost spam is annoying) but TBC? I’ll pass on it now.

Yep. I’d play TBC if they released a completely fresh server with no transfers allowed and no boosts/RMT. Not sure why that’s a difficult thing for them to do, other than greed.

I honestly don’t mind the tokens in retail, in many ways it’s nice to not have to spend 3 hours in EPL farming herbs every day to stay competitive. But it’s not in the spirit of classic and shouldn’t be there.

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The higher ups saw that their ignorance over Classic was misplaced and now they’re ready to drain every penny out of Classic players. I don’t even have a 60 on Classic, and for now I have no plans to play TBC, but man, do I feel sorry for Classic players who were excited to have TBC back.

I misspoke a bit, when I got epic flying. It cost 5k at the time and early on during TBC that was still quite a bit of gold.

It varied a bit from server to server, but it was very widespread.
I was asked quite a few times if I bought gold to get it. That was my personal experience.
And if I had to guess I would say gold buying happened even more during TBC than Vanilla as the gap between those with gold versus those without widened.

Everyone and their mom was buying gold in classic and running GDKP.