TBC tokens... /sigh

Another game ruined

Unfortunately its probably not for NA

I can but hope.

why do you think they changed pvp rating requirements for arenas and the pvp rating system? no way they could miss out on all that sweet, sweet booster cash in TBC since its doing so well in shadowlands.

I told ya it was coming. By WoTLK classic they’re going to be inserting new mounts within a year of launch. See the problem is Blizz makes far too much of their WoW money these days from shop purchases, it’s equal or greater than sub fees. So with retail collapsing so does their retail cash shop income, but the classic era stuff is still doing alright so it’s obvious what comes next to get that income back.

I actually support this decision though if they are implementing tokens in BCC. And I’ll tell you why, it’s because a not insignificant percentage of the classic era playerbases are people from private servers who loathe to pay monthly fees and who are and have been since classic’s launch ruthlessly botting on retail to get gold, to pay for tokens to buy game time for their classic habit. Botting has always been an issue on WoW and one not adequately addressed but it exploded because of classic and a certain type of person who would never pay for a WoW sub but wants to play and would gladly bot. Because as much as I support the classic era stuff I also don’t want retail to become a victim of it. Retail is already a victim of Blizzard’s awful story-writing, awful systems, awful moderation that has led to a toxic community, etc. It doesn’t need another nail in it via this.

Well you’re still wrong for now so don’t start dancing yet.

It would feel a whole lot worse if the raiding economy of Classic wasn’t already built on buying gold from gold sellers.

I’d be out there (Phase 1 & 2, I dropped at ZG) fighting the allies for limited drops of Ele Fire and such to make gold… or running around competing for herbs and the coveted BLotus…

See most of the raiders be hardly on… and yet topped up with pots and such weekly.
They just bought gold…

Argument: There wasn’t enough resources to sustain everyone actually getting gold the old fashioned way. (Which… I could somewhat see in my own scramble for it.)

So yeah, it’ll be annoying if Blizz adds Tokens to TBCC- but not by much.

All the "classic"s are just shameless cash grabs, people are actually surprised about this?

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This attitude is why retail is the way it is and lead to the degradation of the game we used to love.

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That’s all well and good, if this were a single player game. I don’t care at all if people use cheat codes to make things easier or skip content when they’re playing by themselves, but in an MMORPG there is no such thing as an isolated incident. The fact these people are buying gold and boosts creates a market that effects us all. Chinese farmers wouldn’t exist if people weren’t buying their service.

Everytime you go to sell herbs and some farmer dumps 10 thousand of them at half the normal rate, you can thank gold buyers. Everytime you’re trying to get a kill quest done and an opposite faction farming bot is killing everything in the zone over and over. You can thank gold buyers. Everytime someone in the queue is asking for KSM for a +10, or AOTC for a normal fresh run, you can kinda thank Boost buyers because achievements that used to be impressive and relatively rare simply aren’t anymore.

Their behavior effects us all.

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I just logged into retail today and was amazed how dead it was. I vendored everything I could on all of my characters and I have enough for 3 tokens.

Don’t even really feel like bothering regardless but this game isn’t getting another dime of my money.

If they’re gonna throw the token in there, then there’s no reason not to give me xmog.

In a shared world, it feels good to know people earned things

maybe the point is more mainly that, this stuff is for retail, and it’s why classic was made


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
– Upton Sinclair


I dislike most of the activities in game one has to do to make gold. I don’t like questing, I don’t like playing the AH, I don’t really like boosting. The token is a great timesaver for people like me, with more money than time.

And that’s why it should never have been added to wow. People like me are supposed to be broke. That’s one of the fingers on the capitalism scale that keeps prices in check. If everyone can just swipe card for $125 gold (the current exchange rate is about 1000/1 if you “trade” retail gold for classic gold) it definitely means that’s now the standard.

Wow tokens should not have been introduced into a non closed economy. In a closed economy (like Eve’s ISK) you can’t cause inflation because there’s only so many ISK in circulation. With wow gold, though, inflation is guaranteed. Gold is being added to the economy every day, and as long as that addition outpaces it, inflation is inevitable and hyping circulation speeds the effect.

Look, these aren’t novel concepts that you need an MBA to follow, this stuff is basic. Please, if you add tokens, take the dev time to tie gold to blockchain or something, you can go super basic and make all NPC’s share a single wallet, that’s fine, but you can’t leave the tap on and then keep throwing stuff in the pool.

I really just encourage everyone to stop playing blizzard servers. Let them turn this into Farmville 2.0 like they did with retail. Throw enough cash at your problem and you can get whatever you want. Gaming today is no longer about achievements… its about “Im so addiction to instant reward I want ALL THESE REWARDS RIGHT NOW AND I DONT CARE HOW I GET THEM”

Instead of 'Hey buying gold is bad" it turns into “buying gold from other people are bad”

When the last time you talked to an ingame GM? Probably since Cata/wrath… What was the subscription numbers back then? All time high for WoW… EVER… And today we have NO ingame GMs NO ingame support. nothing. but blizzard sure does make alot more money now with more and more layoffs.

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What!?!? That guy who spent 10K+ every week on GDKP on his alts didn’t farm his gold legit?


Turns out: Nope.

Thus… the rage about Tokens is largely “meh”

How much is the illegitimate gold from farmers right now? 100g=$5?

Lol Susan Express there is a name i havnt heard in years

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