TBC tokens... /sigh

tokens will ruin TBC, this timeline of Warcraft managing your gold was important and part of the game, putting in a pay system to gain advantage over players is a huge mistake imo.

It is hard to understand how people seem to think the alternative to blizzard selling tokens is that there is no gold selling and the problem would be solved.

Its a fundamental misunderstanding of how big of a business gold selling was/is.

Tokens simply transfer the beneficiary of the gold selling from the gold sellers to blizzard and it put tens of thousands of players in a position to benefit from gold buying without ever spending a dime(I buy tokens with gold and pay my sub and char transfers etc.)

If blizzard stops selling tokens tomorrow, then that simply will be gold sellers will make more money and players like myself will go back to paying rl cash for our subs.

All the negatives of gold buying will still be happening. Just less people will be benefitting.

The alternative is that instead of giving blizzard money, gold buyers will give illegal gold sellers money. So the pay system you dont want will still exist. Opposing tokens is simply supporting illegal gold sellers earning more profit.

One doth not necessitateth the other.
Thou hast not even asked whether he doth supporteth the actioning of the aforementioned accounts to illicit gold-selling activity linked.

they need to go after the gold sellers and the gold buyers and ban them more , not compromise, the integrity of classic needs it this way, why not just go back to private servers that are free if Blizzard can not make it so ?

I’ve said it more than once and I’ll say it again: if you don’t like it the best option you have to change Blizzard’s mind is to quit. Let them know that you don’t support the Token and you will not support them financially if it is included. That is the only way you’re likely to keep them from adding it. Of course, I’m sure they have some accountant ready to do a cost benefit analysis on which will net them more money and if people quitting costs them less than they’re projected to gain from adding the Token, even quitting won’t change anything.

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man, they really stuck to the ‘if someone was put in a coma years ago, and just woke up recently the game would feel the same to them’ philosophy, did’nt they?

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yes it does. Because we know what it looks like when Blizzard doesnt sell Tokens. And it looks like less profit for blizzard and more profit for gold sellers.

There is no mystical option where gold selling doesnt happen.

Either blizzard wont or cant stop it. There solution was to introduce tokens to cripple the illegal market.

Even if you are one of those people who think blizzard CAN do more and SHOULD do more. The simple fact is they didnt and wont. So thats not an alternative.

It doth not.

Who ought be banned.
Which is what Blizzard ought to do.

Obviously, but my position is not that 'twill such a state of the game maketh.
'Tis that 'twould be better to ban rule-breakers than submit as Blizzard hath.

I disagree. Even in a life or death situation thou hast a choice, an option, and this is very far therefrom.
The option is there, and as I think it the superior choice I will advocate therefor, regardless of thy naysaying.

I would ask to see thy crystal ball, though, that I may espy the future as thou must have considering the surete of thy claim that no such thing e’er will happen.

I’m kind of done caring about changing Blizzard’s mind. TBC was going to be my last hurrah with WoW, but I guess it was just pre-patch. lol.

A this point I really just hope that the game’s death speeds up so other games can take its place.

Tokens don’t bother me either. I’m well aware that if I choose to buy tokens that Blizzard is still getting money. They’re actually making more money considering the token cost vs a subscription cost. But, I don’t care. There was a time when I happily gave Blizzard my money. But, I don’t feel they deserve it anymore. So, when/if I buy more subs or expansions, it will be with tokens and Blizzard balance. It’s not even a matter of “sticking it to them” or anything like that. I just feel I can justify playing a sub-par game when I’m not actually paying for it. And, I think there are enough people like me that Blizzard very well knows their sub numbers would be even worse if tokens weren’t available.

Yeah. People act like you need to buy a sub to play WoW, but you don’t. WoW’s ‘active player’ numbers would be significantly worse without the token. It’s essentially free to play for some people.

The best kind of argument, a fallacious one!

Blizzard doesn’t provide anything more than gold from one player to another. The only way to get gear and power is to get it from people who already put in the hard work to get the gear and power. You can’t use money to get ahead of the top players; you can only get ahead of the bottom players.

Maybe you should convince the sellers that what they are doing is damaging the game, not Blizzard. You’d think the people going hardcore would be those for “nochanges” and “the classic experience”

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It’s an option. Like everything in life. People have a choice. Are we going to start calling everything in the world predatory now? Because literally every pordict, food, place, etc. is “alluring” and people have the option to buy it.

Let’s not act like everyone in the world is an addict. You’re being disingenuous at best.

Wrong. They exist to give people an option.

They didn’t prove anything except they’re taking a choice. They’re not an addict.


Easy fix would be to not buy a damn thing from it…by buying this crap it only tells them to add more and more they gain an inch to pay to win with every sap that buys these parisitic practices.

I personally don’t see it as that big of an issue. At the end of the day it’s just blizzard trying to combat RMT by adding an approved version of buying gold (while also benefitting from the transactions).

The only concern that seems like it could actually impact is messing with the wow economy. Since tokens make gold purchasing more common place than illegal RMT it’s more likely to have a greater impact on the server economy. Essentially causing inflation and negatively affecting players who earn their gold in the “traditional” manner.

Even then though that would just be for AH transactions not stuff like flying or mount purchases. Additionally the degree of any economic impact would be entirely dependent on how prevalent it is and if the people buying gold are spending on the AH.

Realistically I can’t see it having too much of an impact but those are the only concern that I can imagine truly affecting players other than the gold buyer.

I hope they add tokens to classic and tbc

Indeed I once did. I don’t know after sever runs of people with ksm doing 2k dps, being hit by every known mechanic in the dungeon and possibly some that are unknown.

They are doing it to combat RMT’s bro. “You can’t beat them so you join them”. Blizz can’t get rid of them only compete with them

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You act like people couldn’t do that in TB the first time around. Tokens are not the only source of gold, hell classic has the very same issue right now and that is without tokens.