TBC tokens... /sigh

I am on at those times. There are people.on at those times across many servers.

You’re speaking of just your server. That’s the beauty of Communities and Discord: people from all areas at all times.

People need to stop limiting themselves. They don’t need to be in a guild, but they can be in a Community or Discord. Or start their own. They have created their own problem. Blizzard saw not everyone wanted to be in a guild and made Communities. And people know Discord communities exist as well. Yet people still complain.

That’s not how Classic worked. Attunements and rep gates (for dungeons and raids) aren’t going to change for BC. If people want to get to high end content, it needs done. None of that exists in retail.

The problem is that too many people put too much emphasis on M+ scoring and Blizz put too much emphasis on gearing through it. The red-headed stepchild of the game has caused some interesting issues, imo.

Awesome :smoking:

It could affect the game if they come in contact with the people who “bought” their way. By this I mean, what we see in retail. They buy the raider IO score/AOTC and then show those to get into groups even though they do not have the knowledge or skills that the groups are looking for.

As someone mentioned…

You might not find value in those, however, there was a time when such achievements demonstrated that the player was skilled enough to beat the difficult content.

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Imagine blaming players for systems that are added in purposefully to lure and take advantage of players.

Imagine believing this tin foil exists.

But they do that anyway. If there weren’t Tokens, they would simply generate the gold through other means. You’re not going to magically change people who want to take shortcuts.

There will always be people who shortcut systems, which is why the illegal gold market thrived. The question people have is whether Blizzard taking their cut has helped enhance the game in any manner. I don’t think it has, as it has devalued those achievements mentioned before.

With that said… If this is what people want the classic versions of this game to be, then it is what it is.

Assuming it wasn’t just an error would TBC servers have their own token? I’d imagine it being a bit harder to get to 180k or whatever the token is valued at on retail.

Well half of those activities are illegal, boosting is greatly empowered by token sale (last time I checked they were roughly the same price, tin foil hat)

And most people like equal opportunities in all games that don’t have the outside influence of “pay to win” systems created in the game
It is very unfun for people stepping into arena for the first time and getting curb stomped by a glad carry

Tokens have benefits and negatives, they really cut back the gold selling spam and other bad activities associated with it but did create problems to come along with it

Hopefully my authenticator says no lol

Unfortunately carry spam that replaced it is 15x more pervasive and isn’t even amusing like the floating orc ads were. At least the gold sellers waited 10 or so minutes between dropping ads and let the channels breathe.

None of those are illegal, though. Auction House bots have been a thing since Wrath at least, and people have been selling runs since Vanilla.

But that happens all the time though? You have guildies that help alts out in gearing for free, yet that’s not an issue? What about people who buy a glad carry through the gold they made in game? Is that illegal now too?

Well you are spending money arent you. More then is needed in an MMO.

LMAO 2 hours later and he’s STILL simping for BlizzDaddy.

now THAT is devotion to Daddy.

It def wasn’t an accident, they’re doing this to test the waters.

I’m not spending anything. It’s a choice. No one is forced.

No but its there to allure you. People who are more prone to gambling for example have to avoid the honeypot. You may be able to avoid spending but others with an addiction cannot and thats what corporations take advantage of. So no the monetization systems are designed to take advantage of people. EDIT: and yes needed to spend you only spend 15 dollars for game time and thats it everything else should be obtainable ingame only no money.

Good. I hope they do sell tokens in BC, I’ll buy some. I’m not farming gold in that game.

Perfect example rhielle thank you for proving my point yesuna.

People already trade retail gold for classic (unsupported but not bannable I believe). So, tokens are basically in effect already but very inconvenient. I’m not a long time classic player, but I decided to try TBC and already I see more boost spam than I do in retail. While I see what you’re saying, I think adding it at this point wouldn’t make a huge difference.