TBC system superiority?

There was definitely a badge vendor sometime around the Zul Aman / Sunwell era in TBC. Can’t remember the specifics.

you could play anything and you went with a hideous dwarf and nostalgia, enough said boomer.


I would argue the attunement timegated mount hyjal tbh.

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Still, we think we’ve taken some great steps forward with PvP gear in Mists of Pandaria. PvP Power has given us an extremely useful ‘knob’ to turn so we can adjust PvP gear to make sure that it’s better than its PvE equivalent. Meanwhile Resilience, while well-intentioned, has actually made the gear gap worse over time. We think that most players would be okay with going into PvP with lower damage if they were a bit more durable. We believe that a broader population of PvPers will offer a better experience for everyone, and also provide a better pool of players as we introduce refinements to how Battleground queuing works in the future. One of the best ways for us to increase the number of players that participate in PvP is to reduce the barrier to entry for those who play World of Warcraft regularly but don’t participate in PvP. Specifically, we’re referring to PvE players that spend a lot of time gearing up in PvE but feel that PvE gear is a severe liability in PvP (because, well, it is ).

Much longer post if you care to read.



Remember at the start EVERYONE needed the key to get into Kara… the it became one person needed it to let everyone in… then the lock was removed eventually


now that’s a flash in the pan!

We all know retail has been in decline for over a decade now that doesn’t change the fact that Classic was a flash in the pan and TBC will be an even smaller flash in the pan as well.

Keep telling yourself that buddy.

I love telling the truth!

I mean he is not wrong.

They wouldn’t have made TBC classic if that was the case now would they?

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They would if they know it would boost revenue which it will just like classic did. However just like classic many people will realize its not the same as they remembered.

Now you’re using your noggin.

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What I’ve been saying!

BC/Wrath was WoW peak but Blizzard keeps trying to reinvent the wheel!

Stop! You guys had 10,000,000 subs! I get it, we’ll never get that peak back but FFS, just look at the history of the game and keep doing the stuff that worked!

Not rocket science!


But how can anyone feel good about something unless they can pretend they’re better than people who feel good about a slightly different thing?

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If they took all the good aspects of BC and Wrath and combined them into one expansion, it would put WoW back on the map.


It would be the best WoW game, period.

Nothing can not even Classic TBC or Classic Wrath.

Like what? I’ve been playing since BC, and while I Loved my time in the game, what do you think worked back then that would somehow “revive” this 15+ year old game? Video games have a natural life cycle too. People need to stop thinking the game can reach 10 million subs again. I’m sure Blizz doesn’t even believe that’s possible.

So, which part would you “bring back” that would put WoW back on the map?