TBC system superiority?

This is another very valid point. If you dont raid or pvp there is nothing for you. No pet battles, no old content, no achievements (well last patch introduced achievements)

Plenty of PVE items still get used in pvp, even with resilience.

Shadowlands will also have a badge vendor, just not at launch.

I agree on timegating.

I don’t understand the problem with borrowed power. Abilities get added/pruned/reworked every expansion. Its the exact same thing.

These all came after BT

Also you missed a few…
https://wowwiki- archive.fandom. com/ wiki/Instance_attunement_(Burning_Crusade)

You do realise that those 4 dungeons all require keys or attunements themselves to get into, along with at least basic flying. Then if you are pugging it you have to get the groups together too.

The timegate might not be rammed down your throat like SL but the timegate is very much alive in TBC

Then I guess all your left with is
-Getting into farm raids your guild already cleared.
-Endgame crafting.

What other forms of gearing do you want?

Which of these attunements would take you more than a few days to do?
Completing a raid tier before the next raid tier shouldn’t be surprising.
Also these attunements were dropped as the game progressed if I remember correctly.

My original post was to state my belief that the lack of systems in TBC made it a better game. If you disagree with that you’re clearly welcome to your opinion. But saying things like

Is just objectively false. The content might not be pet battles or achievents at launch. But you can certainly do old content. There are massive rep unlocks like Skyguard and Netherwing, plenty of farming and crafting (because it was actually useful).

Yep, were looking at at least a solid night of content.
Flying was… 1k gold? and 5k for epic? been a while.
You get plenty of rep leveling and questing and dungeon crawling while you level.
I don’t seem to remember pugging being hard back then. It was certainly more friendly than it is now, even if group formation isn’t automated. You’ll be running those dungeons to gear up anyways. You shouldn’t be going into kara without at least a set of dungeon blues.

Agree to disagree.

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They’ll be pining for Wrath within 2 weeks of release, and then Cata, and on and on.

The reality is people just wanted to start over. That is mostly all it is.

TBH I despised TBC. Leveling was absolute hell for me because i missed the big wave due to a mix of real life issues and swapping to pally because i wanted a non druid/warrior tank at the time.

Leveling will be absolute hell for anyone who isn’t a mage running the pom pyro spec with flight on the pvp shards. i would say starting around the end of week 1 or 2

Yes. I’m pining for it now.


BM hunters will have learn how to play. The TBC BM one button macro won’t work anymore.

Not sure why there needs to be this competition.

TBC, Classic and SL will have their dedicated audiences. It need not be more antagonistic than that.

And don’t forget that you don’t need to do speedruns on higher difficulties to be able to equip yourself, because the enemies are very strong.

That’s what you big brains said about classic, but it saved Blizzard from the abomination that was BFA.

Proof? Elaborate.

You play Systemlands as a Panda. Enough said.

Classic WoW uses the modern WoW engine that breaks that macro. They might be able to use gnome sequencer, but the whole idea of one-button macros is stupid.

Is it really bad that there’s a macro rotation for hunters when I outdamaged them with my epic warlock rotation of:

/cast curst of shadows.
/cast Shadowbolt for 2 minutes.
/cast lifetap when needed.

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I understand the notion of keeping this pure in the sense of quality of life that existed when it did… but without a group finder this is a hard pass for me I do not want to go back into trade chad lfgs

TBC=raid logging

and today is raid/pvp/m+ or die…what a big difference…