TBC should not allow Classic transfers

You’re out of your mind if you think we’re going to level from one in TBC. Delusional, even.

This is the reason why I moved to a medium population. If you think classic is crowded on high pop realms now, just wait. There is no way TBC will be smooth on the larger servers. Classic just feels like a hard game to play no matter what size the server. It’s too crowded on the high pop realms, but medium are harder to find dungeons.

There isn’t going to be a tbc at this rate homie

I see a lot of people mention how much “work” they are putting into Classic.

Congrats for treating a game like a job.

BTW, I don’t believe most of you would quit if they did not allow transfers.

I would be OK if they allowed one free transfer (but limited on the gold), and then allowed paid transfers 3 months after TBC launch.

See? I can compromise while maintaining the Spirit of Classic.

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The compromise is a few fresh realms starting for TBC Classic that doesn’t allow transfer for a few months for those wants to start fresh with a reset gold value. Not forcing everyone into your ideals because you didn’t put the time into the game that they did.

I am fine with a compromise of a mix of fresh and tainted realms provided the fresh realms do not allow transfers from the tainted realms.

Fresh realms should not allow transfers of any kind unless from another fresh realm


That is simply not being realistic, but lets say transfers to these realms were forever barred. They would just simply become “tainted” by the same things that tainted the first realms. There is no escaping the knowledge plays have now.

EDIT: Honestly that one thread about the realm that constantly resets itself fresh is probably the best thing for what you are saying you want.

Honestly, I agree. As bad as it sounds - I think it’s more appropriate to let people start over. The gold skew is a huge problem, and letting people level again would go a ways in helping handle the load in HFP - rather than every 60 going in, it’d be slower at first.

It also might have something to do with the likely death of Alliance anyway, and a lot of people will be rerolling to Horde anyway.

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I don’t really get the point of this post. You’re angry about a lot of classic mechanics, so you… want people to waste more time on classic mechanics/content for TBC launch? If Activision cared .1% about the “spirit of classic” so many things would have been hotfixed in days-1 week tops.

Who cares if some guy has 10 boosted 60s going into TBC? More alts to keep dungeon runs alive with.

This whole post seems like OP is justifiably upset about the state of Classic and wants to punish people who want TBC for whatever reason.

It’s more the sheer amount of gold that people can have right now, and will have going into TBC. It’s just really, really unbalanced and would likely make prices absurd for the majority of players.

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Well that’s why there should be a gold limit then.
Gold limit or make everyone completely start again? I think most people would prefer to have some sort of gold cap for transfering, rather than start again.

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I’m sure it would take one of the 5 dudes working on classic and hour or so to code in a gold cap for the TBC char xfers. But as someone who wants to have 3 level 70s, RECREATING a 300 hour barrier to entry for me getting all 3 from 1-60 AGAIN is absurd. Remove all my gold, remove my non-bop items, but don’t make me waste another 300 hours doing 1-60x3 AGAIN.

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Definitely depends. I think putting everyone on equal footing would be a better start, but I know some won’t.

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Don’t you think it is kind of ridiculous that you want to take away the rewards people put in the time for… because you didn’t or couldn’t put in that time?

“I can’t be at their level so let me drag them down to mine so I feel better and not be so behind.”

EDIT: As stated before. Realistically the best option for everyone is that there are fresh realms for those that want to start over while the rest continue on the characters they have. There is no argument against this.

It’s not even so much the time to level up again. It’s also all the reputations you’ve got throughout classic, special bop items and other sentimental gear and items, profession recipes you’ve learned, professions in general really. All these things add up and not many people would be willing to just throw it all away and start again.
As you said, give us a gold cap. That’s fine. Forcing a level 1 start on ALL realms is ridiculous.

Make the gold cap 10k per character and I’m sure people wouldn’t care at all.

Why 10k you might ask? It is the gold sink going into TBC.

800g for Flying
5k for Epic Flying
300g for the Flying mounts
4.8k for 4 bags from Haris Pilton. Add another 7.2k if you want to max out your bank.

TBC will honestly drain so much gold out of the realms they will be effectively reset. I only know of a handful of people who could afford this for more then one character,

10k is a nice number to hit. That’s actually my goal. I don’t need any more than that. It’s probably a crazy amount to some people… but that’s nothing compared to the amount of gold going through the dark portal if there isn’t a cap.
There’d be quite a lot of players wanting to go into tbc with literally a few hundred thousand. The amount of gold people can farm at the moment, it won’t be surprising at all. 10k is definitely enough for launch. Can always farm more later.

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If I have to start over and relevel all my alts from 1 to 60 to play BC they’ll probably make me relevel them from 1 again to play Wrath. I’m not going to level the same alts from 1 in each expansion. I’ll skip BC and wait for wrath. Or at the most I’ll just play 1 character if I’m gonna lose it when wrath comes out

How would this help… If anything it’d make it way worse.
People are doing boosts because people don’t want to grind through leveling more than a couple times.
Forcing them to do that will make them not want to play until they can get those boosts.

The proper TBC experience will to be enter TBC with capped and geared characters and progress through leveling normally.

On top of that Horde had a massive power advantage over Alliance (Blood elf paladins, orcs-orcs-orcs) and forcing people to reroll would lead to a not inconsiderable amount of people flipping faction to get better options for raiding guilds. You can see that in population imbalance on private servers, it’s so bad that more than a few change the game to give Alliance Paladins the Belf paladin abilities or just removing faction splits (allowing Horde/Alliance to guild cross-faction).

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