TBC should not allow Classic transfers

That would limit some of the profession scramble to just those who alt a fair bit.

They would limit only boosting by a high level for a low level- the most popular form of boosting currently is in ZG, where the min level is 50, so there wouldn’t be an effect on xp unless you were to greatly hinder the ability of players within a few levels of each other to party together.

Which would ruin all group content not just boosting. Though that’s pretty much how Blizz operates- ruin it for everyone in order to try to go after the target.


Im curious if they are going to let people transfer with 50-80k gold in their pockets or if they cap it at some number. It would seem ludicrous to let someone xfer to tbc with that kind of cash but I see the other side of the argument too.


I’m neither a bot or tryhard, but if I ever get a character to level 60, I want to be able transfer that character to a TBC server.

So… you want the spirit of Classic, but you are against going from Classic to TBC, which was part of the original experience?


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I want to take my classic characters to tbc, that’s why i levelled them in the first place. Yes I love Vanilla but TBC/Wrath is what I really wanted, if they give us an option of transferring then i’m moving them all!

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That’s good for you but the rest of us are keeping our work. I didn’t pay for 2x 6 month subs and play all this time just to flush everything and start over. We done paid our dues. If you didn’t, that’s not our fault, and we’re not starting over just for you. You had your opportunity to start just like the rest of us, and could still easily get to 60 long before BC is here. If you don’t do it, that’s no one’s fault but your own. You’re not getting a free boost either. You can level to 58 like the rest of us.

I don’t know why people keep requesting that we have all of our work wiped… but it needs to stop. It’s an awful pointless request which you can already do if you want. If you want to wipe all your work and start over; you go right ahead. But don’t expect everyone else to or try to force it upon us. Most of us subbed this with the direct intention of taking our characters and work up to outlands, and that’s what we’re going to do. If you want to start with a character at 58, then level it to 58 now and quit.


Back in the day there actually WAS an option to start over, I was on Nazgrel one of the few servers they opened right before TBC and didn’t allow transfers in for months, if they wanted to be true to vanilla they should open a few new servers like 2-3 months before launch like they did then and progress the rest to TBC with their existing characters.

It both gives the option and is EXACTLY what happened in vanilla.

EDIT: Also the new servers had to complete the AQ war efforts too which means there could be future scarab lords after this. I believe there was only ONE on Nazgrel who got it, Eldiablo Drenai priest.

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The one reason I don’t find this argument compelling is that boosts are not bought by players who are leveling for the first time. They are bought by players with lots of disposable gold, meaning they already have at least one 60 and have a worked out method of making gold. (A new player might save up and pay for a carry to get quests done, but is not going to have the amount of gold available to pay to boost past most levels.)

Even in vanilla, guildies and friends often did dungeon carries / boosts to help a friend who started playing late catch up.

How does that help? It basically encourages players to seek out ways to bypass the leveling barrier of TBC, or not bother playing it at all. Authentic TBC is players from level 1 to level 6, many with multiple characters, some with Naxx gear, on Day 1. It’s not every player reset to level 1s or given a ‘boosted’ (to 58) character.

Blizzard wasn’t quite that specific about why the 30-instance limit. Boosting was just one of several things going on, and may or may not have been part of that decision. It could have been a reaction to spam entering and resetting dungeons looking for rares. Or it could have been referring to 1-pulls for rep in ZG, particularly when those were combined with botting and fly-hacking.

(If this change was to thwart boost/carry runs, it’s done very little in that regard. Players adjust quickly and figure out how to work with it. The number of boost/carry offers and requests hasn’t substantially changed on the realms I play on.)

You will start over if you want a draenei or blood elf tho?

Starting a new character is not the same as starting over. The first still has your max level characters and thousands of gold at your disposal. The second has nothing.

I love reading threads about this topic. So many varying opinions. Character transfers… starting from scratch etc. Although it’s rather interesting how some people who want to start from scratch expect everyone else should as well.
There will probably be some fresh servers that those like-minded players can roll on.
But no… That’s not what they want, is it?
They don’t want ANY transfer servers at all. They want ONLY fresh servers. Even though those transfer servers will have zero impact on their fun. They just want to play on a fresh server, knowing EVERYONE ELSE is on fresh servers.

Instead of advocating for both transfer servers AND fresh servers, they just choose to be ignorant and selfish.

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I will be rolling on the fresh TBC server if it’s released. Any fellow draenei :slight_smile:

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More reason not to carry over, imagine going to tbc with endless amounts of gold from too much time in classic. You’d devalue everything and gold sinks are non existent.

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Haris Pilton would like to have a word. She has 12k in bags to sell to you… per toon.

If i cant roll my toon across i will not be playing.

It’s OUR gold. We already worked for it, and we should be able to keep it unless we personally decide to destroy it.


I agree, just came back to Classic and somehow the players trashed the leveling experience. Ban boosting now!

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My argument is the economy, too much gold in the classic wow economy as of now and nothing to spend it on, it’ll destroy tbc auction easily.

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Who cares TBC has so little content it will be over in 12 months max even if they try and stretch it.

There is a reason TBC PS suck