TBC should not allow Classic transfers

I started playing on ‘launch day’. It wasn’t until June 2020 that I met my first real milestone – (12) Level 29s and (4) Level 19s.

I’m going to start leveling the first two (of four) of the Level 29s to Level 39 tonight. (Like, as I post this comment.). Then, I will level the remaining two Level 29s to Level 39.

If leveling is the ‘main draw’ of Classic, then I’m playing the very, very, very long game. I might not even have (1) Level 60 before August 2020.

So … I’m not interested in doing this again when TBC launches.
I’ll level (1) glorious Belfadin from Level 1 to Level 70 and (1) squidgoat Priest from Level 1 to Level 49 (a twink).

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I think should be fresh I wouldn’t want to even see character copies tbh. After how exciting fresh classic was I want to experience that feeling again.

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While I think that TBC would be a good opportunity to provide fresh realms for those who want them, I don’t like the idea of making everyone start fresh again.

Although I do enjoy levelling, I don’t know if I’ll play TBC again if I have to start over from level 1. After playing on some Vanilla pservs, I tried one that was set in TBC and the prospect of going 1-58 again before playing any of the “new” content (new starting zones notwithstanding) was one of the things that kept me from becoming invested there. I don’t think that will be “fun” levelling, but rather most players doing everything they can to get back to 60 asap and hating every minute of it.

I’m not sure it would really help with the boosting scourge anyway. If players want to be carried now, they’ll really want to get carried if they’re restarting all their characters from scratch. Unfortunately that’s probably just a part of the meta that isn’t likely to go anywhere or change anytime soon.

I think a bigger problem than the gold-stockpiling (which they could easily cap if they wanted) will be the Hellfire/Zangarmarsh bottleneck on launch. It’s hard to see how that will be at all playable on the high-pop servers, unless they have a ridiculous amount of layering.

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That last sentence is going too far. People who enjoy WoW for different reasons than you are not simultaneously jeopardizing their integrity. It’s a game not church.


I think people would complain as normal, but not unsub. If everyone started tbc at lvl 1, 75% of them would roll Belf for the most OP racial ever!

wake up, most classic player dont want TBC.

The only people that would be okay with transfers other people that intend to flood the TBC servers with all the gold that has been farmed and botted and bought during classic.

Classics economy is an absolute train wreck. This is because people figured out dozens of places mages could farm to create thousands of gold If not tens of thousands per mage and dump it into the economy - which then prompted tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands or more people to create mages just for farming - along with legions of bots doing the exact same thing. Again creating tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of gold and dumping it into the classic economies.

These people that have these advantages now want them to carry into TBC. Which would make the economy in TBC just as completely wrecked beyond salvation as the current classic economy is. And that’s what these “people” want. They took advantage of a mass-produced way to bust open the economy of classic and they want that advantage to continue into TBC.

There is really only honestly one way to protect the TBC economy and that is…

If you want to character copy you’re allowed to bring a maximum of 1,000 gold with you. It’s a one-time opportunity to character copy and after the copy period is closed nobody will ever be allowed to character copy again.

Any gold the character is carrying over 1,000 is removed.

lvl 80 BE paladin with hard opinions on Classic. hmmmm

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I’m not. I rerolled to Shattered Halls for that “fresh start” server was DOA.

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Yes, yes. A person played the game and has more money than me. This is unfair. Their money must be removed so that I don’t need money as well…

I will just completely ignore the 18.1k gold sink everyone knows is coming… I didn’t want to prepare for that thus others shouldn’t be prepared either.

I will also completely ignore the fact that stripping them of their gold will do nothing from stopping the players from getting rich again from farming in the better farms that Outland provides, and I’ll also expect them to be stripped of their gold once Wrath comes as well.

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I like how you blame mages like hunters/locks aren’t also printing presses for money.

Hello solo DME jump run farms and Trib runs.

Fact of the matter is most people were able to get rich with basic research.

I made over 10k gold on larval acids. I bought them for basically vendor price for 3 months and then dumped them for 5-9g/each when the hide of the wild came out.

It wasn’t hard. I didn’t aoe farm or dungeon farm for the money. I’m doing the same thing with elemental earth, and did the same with elemental fire.

I also had a pair of edgies I bought for 500g instead of my epic mount I just sold for 4500g.

If you don’t think that exact same thing will happen in TBC no matter what, you’ve lost your mind.

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This post is incredibly naive.

You guys complained from day one how fast mages could level. Now you’re acting like starting from lvl 1 will somehow stop boosting.

No. The first 60s will still be mages, but instead of 1 mage boosting we’d just use 2 mages to overcome the scaling nerf, and bc the mages themselves would be getting XP too. And have you forgotten that boosting doesnt even require good gear? And do you know how much easier AOE farming would be with a water elemental giving you ranged novas?

All you would be doing is repeating the same process while pissing people off by erasing 2 years of their progression. Not to mention ruining the entire point of doing Naxx more than once.

And oh yeah … just imagine how much higher the demand for boosts would be if you were to force EVERYONE to level all over again. There would be more boosting than ever.


There are endless ways to make bank in this game. But it seems the poor, lazy players would rather scapegoat one class as being some mythical ‘problem’ than make a modest effort to learn one of the hundreds of farms in the game.

Hell, I’ve made 55k gold in classic doing nothing but playing the AH on a lvl 5 bank alt, without ever using a sniper. Something literally anyone could do if they actually tried. But I guess that requires effort, whereas making posts on the forum requires virtually none.

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Typical poor player idea. Short sighted and rooted in emotion.

OK, i’ll just buy a ton of items and sell them later.

This is where you move the goalposts to somehow create a standard for removing items from players. Good luck with that.


Ah, yes. I’m sure raw ore will sell well come TBC. Put your gold into that.

I have a bank full of items I know for sure will sell like mad on TBC that are basically worthless now.

So even if they remove gold, if they allow items I’ll have epic riding right at 70. I have a JC/Herb/Ore/Enchanting alt loaded to the teeth with must have items.

Again, none of this is hard.

This Level 80 Belfadin got more upboats than you. So, I’m winning (not that you are worthy competition).

Fresh start and Instant 58 are the dumbest ideas ever. Do you really think starting at level 1 or 58 will stop this? Personally I want to progress my character and if you didnt play Classic then too bad. Start now and get ready.

These are terrible ideas…

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If you’re under the impression that leveling from 1-60 is a significant part of the character progression in this game, you might just be an alt-aholic.

Just as an FYI, these are actually things that Blizzard is contemplating, not an off the wall idea I came up with. Accordingly, this is definitely a possibility.

Someone should tell this guy about the possibility of multiple characters on one account.