TBC should not allow Classic transfers

Got any screenshots of this? I highly highly highly doubt this is true, unless you truly played nonstop back then. Gold farming tactics in vanilla were nothing like they were today.

No, this is not true today either. Back when it was still possible to run a scan on who was 60 and who wasn’t the vast majority of active players were at 60. This was the exact opposite in vanilla.

It is ruined when you look at how much it will change how people make money in the game. In terms of tbc your playstyle of how you think tbc should be played is instantly destroyed. Good luck fighting over elemental spawns with 100 other people instead of the 3-5 back then.

Then you’ve never played any pserver tbc in any recent times that shows you what inflation doesn.

Not everyone can play the AH dude lol. This is like the saying “You want money? Just start a company”. Oh okay, so everyone in the world should just start their own company then lol. The money you get from playing the AH is relative to how much inflation is going on. If things are super cheap and you are only getting 1g per flip, then playing the AH is worthless.

Back in TBC, consumables and gems were at a price where farming dailies all day would allow you to purchase anything you needed. If the inflation is too crazy high, dailies are completely worthless if every gem costs hundreds of gold.

I mean, being dramatic aside he has a point. The inflation is a massive MASSIVe issue and if you just completely ignore it and put your head in the sand like you are doing right now, then you are the one who is being completely unreasonable.

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Because Blizz are greedy they won’t do that.

They’re master scammers, to put it bluntly the method online games use to milk people of their cash is to draw them in, get them invested, then start with the underhanded tactics to take their money.

If the first thing they do is try to openly scam people, that gets rid of the investment part of it and immediately you turn a lot of people off.

I can accept that Blizz are greedy and are putting out substandard quality because they’ve reduced their staffing to pay Kotick’s bonus- but I can’t accept that they’d make such a rookie mistake as leading with the scam and not the hook.

If I continue playing WoW Classic into TBC Classic xpac, it will only be on a fresh-start server of some sort that won’t allow transfers (I want to play a Dreanei and Blood Elf anyway). Too many toxic exploiters & eSport tryhards have already ruined the current Classic economy & community, & I would prefer they move on to different transfer-open TBC servers so they can continue their brand of gameplay there with those of like-mind.


Wait so whats the scam here? That they would charge you $15 to go to tbc?

Today I learned that staring at a rock wall in mara while a mage blasts 300 mobs at a time is “hardcore gameplay”. Wow, what a skill ceiling.


What’s important is that you learned something, which is better than nothing. We have now established a starting point, a base line if you will. It can only get better from this point on.

I believe he was suggesting PCT, which are 25$, per character. It could easily overtake the cost of an xpac depending how many alts you have.


No. The laptop I played on a decade and a half ago is rather dead and gone. But even on the tiny server of Ysondre, my whole guild was rocking Nether drakes and getting enough to get riding skills just wasn’t considered all that difficult to do. I bought Pristine Hide of the Beast back then, along with Warden Staff too.

Money really isn’t that hard to come by. Yeah we weren’t just printing it from vendoring drops and heavy bandages, but selling ores, herbs, leather, etc was all a thing still.

You don’t quite get just how many passive, offline, and otherwise underplayed accounts exist do you?

Why would I duke it out on the Elemental Plateau at all? I didn’t back then, it was just a PvP zone of sorts. Far more efficient to do dungeons, farm mining nodes, look for clouds, etc.

I couldn’t care less about p-server garbage.

Yes they can. It doesn’t take some huge infusion of gold to get started, and you don’t need hundreds of a variety of items to list either. Get an AH addon and take a few days of checking up on trends and hi/low and go from there. It really isn’t complicated work.

Only to the people that cheesed their 60’s as opposed to those who legitimately leveled.

If they give everyone a single 58, they would probably give you 275 or 300 professions.

That’s why I recommended XP to be limited to the highest person in the party to limit boosting by cheesers.

lol you prob have less then 200g thats why u want fresh servers gtfo here


No this is dumb and makes all classic investment null, There should be character copies that only take Soulbound/equppied gear over. No gold/consumes/reagents.

There is 0 reason to make people suffer through leveling through the worst parts of the game again. Boosting is a result of how bad leveling in Classic is.


If I had to start over I’d quit. Yeah I play a lot and have plans to get a lot of toons to 60 before the end of Vanilla Classic, but all that work and investment that keeps me playing would be gone… so why continue to play?

As for economic arguments… all your points are moot. We are all a lot better at playing then we once were. Information is a lot easier to come by. So quite literally it wouldn’t matter. Just like this 30-Instance per day change only slowed the botters down a few days while they leveled 3 more characters on 3 other realms and continued with what they were doing. This reset would only be a temporary fix. Not only would the cost of things come back up to what they are now. They would be even higher because there would be more effienct raw gold farms (This is what actually brings more gold into the economy. Not Boosting, Not Jump Runs, Not Playing the AH).

You want to fix the the value of gold dropping weekly? The only way to do so is to have an infinite goldsink that a majority of players wants to pay into to remove the gold from the realm. Unlike the real world in WoW both Gold and Resources are infinite. Thus over time the amount of gold will increase indefinitely. This decreases the value of each gold coin. Resources have their infinite resource sink in consumables and gear crafting.

So want to fix the economy of wow? Think and suggest a workable infinite gold sink to remove gold from the game. Just off the top of my head… we could use the stupid tax a.k.a the lotto. Have a set amount of tickets a player could buy. Have half the accumulated gold be deleted from the game and then give the rest to the winner.

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dont give this scrub post any attention no one wants fresh tbc servers but noobs with no gold and 1 lvl 60


Now now, don’t put down the players who only want to play one character. That is a valid style of play.


These people really do need to chill out and go play another game.

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I agree that there’s a lot more gold in classic than vanilla but I doubt most 60’s didn’t have epic riding. I was always relatively casual and both my vanilla 60’s had epic riding when BC came out

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If I were Blizzard I would progress current servers to TBC, then give options to people who want to remain in classic to transfer off to a classic only server. This would prevent copy abuse and people would still be able to do what they want.

Mage power leveling did exist in Vanilla, but the gap in skill and knowledge restricted this to a few people. I personally would stop playing if we had to start from level 1 again.

Exploiters? Yes. eSports Tryhards? Nah that has always been a thing. Just not a publicized or what you would think about as an eSport.

Thanks for spending all your posts to my thread. Appreciate that you did it on a 60 mage.

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Nope, I just would prefer to play on a different server from that brand of what I consider toxic play styles. Those type players would mostly gravitate towards a Classic transfer TBC server than start fresh in TBC, so all the better. Enjoy.