TBC should not allow Classic transfers

I see dozens. Are you lying or are you unable to read?

No one knows what the player base wants. Forum posters are a self selected fringe group that gives us no information about the larger player base.

There are 1.1 k unique posters on the dungeon cap thread. I’ve seen download numbers of popular classic add ons of around 1 million. Let’s assume half have quit. That means about 500 thousand active players now. Even if 1 thousand have posted against the change that only represents .2% of the players. That’s a rather conservative estimate that favors your position. The likely numbers show even less support for your position. How many people do you think are playing the game? It’s easy to do the math to find out what % the forum posters are of the total player base.

Add to that the fact that those who are angry about something are far more likely to complain then those who like something or those who don’t care. People who don’t care are often the largest group and they rarely post to say they don’t care.

I never claim to know how the player base thinks about anything based on forum posts even when most forum posters agree with me. Most forum posters agree with me about multiboxing. I don’t claim that means most players agree with me. The forum is too small of a sample size, its self selected and not a representative sample, and it always skews toward the people who are angry about something.

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This doesn’t have to be an either or situation. They could just make servers for both preferences.

Your logic is flawed. The bots will just level up and sell boosts again.

Even I would be tempted to start on a brand new server, but i’d like the choice myself. Not having it imposed on me out of the blue. Also Mordesbane no one rolls double fiery at 19 anymore unless they suck, it’s not phase 1 anymore. It’s all bout that sader mainhand and agility offhand life, unless you’re stealthed, then I roll with +5 wep damage to mainhand and 15 agility to offhand, and use 2 different weapons tied to a macro purely to increase ambuish damage because i’m not a baddie. Unstealthed=Shadowfang with sader, offhand assasins blade with 15 agility, stealthed= Assasns blade with 5 dmg and cruel bard with 15 agility. But ofc you probably don’t know about wep swap macros. Just some helpful advice here for other baddies that read this and decide to make a 19 rogue.

Theyll probably add a small handful of new servers since id assume BC will be bigger than classic. Id imagine another small handful of servers for classic players to keep playing classic. The rest will move on to BC and continue to progress as they always have been


Wanna bet? I have two 60s and that’s it. One I rarely play. If I had to start leveling my resto druid from 1 to 70 vs 60 to 70 you can bet your behind I will not be playing TBC Classic. It was painful enough the first time.


We did not start over back in the day…why would we do it now? I do support a few fresh servers for those who do want to start over. The rest of us just want to keep playing the story, we began in Classic.


The primary goal of TBC should be to include as many people as possible. To this end, I think people should be allowed to play their current lvl 60 characters, and also players should be able to create lvl 58 toons so people can jump right into the fun. Only debate I see is how much gold will you let people take with them into TBC and what’s good for the economy. People will argue that there weren’t any limitations back in the day, but the economies were VASTLY different than they were today. It’s not a direct comparison.

youre gonna make the magers with 30,000 gold mad

Allowing classic transfers is probably the only way to avoid all TBC servers being like Stalagg and Skeram.

This is why we have Classic in 2020 though…

Why make the same mistake again?

Just keep a server that preserves your Classic toons so you can jump back on them and mess around. Then character copy to a “TBC” branded server.

This has no bearing on the TBC experience. People had:

  • Multiple level 60’s ready to go for TBC launch.
  • Tons of gold and resources amassed
  • Planned farming/grinding
  • Gear goals

The only difference between TBC launch long ago and whatever TBC Classic actually ends up being is knowledge. I knew I needed to grind Cenarion Expedition for the epic mace before TBC even launched thanks to PTR stuff. I knew I needed to hang on to things like Mark of Tyranny and Smoking Heart of the Mountain due to the lack of +Armor or +Health or +Stamina trinket options.

The difference now is I can have a perfectly planned gear list to shoot for, I’ll be ready to go with LW for the BoP craftables as well as the drums, and I’ll have the gold I need for epic flying planned out before I even hit Hellfire Peninsula. I’m far less casual now than I was then and I’m just flatly better at the game than I was then, but no amount of forcing us at lvl1 will change that.

I’d rather them just pull the plug on all of Classic entirely than abandon these characters, especially since folks finally got to have a Thunderfury or Hand of Ragnaros while relevant, and in the case of TF it remains relevant well into TBC.

As I stated, if we base XP on the highest level character in a group, that would prevent dungeon boosting.

A single level 58 or just starting from level 1 would prevent players from having quickly made profession alts to abuse cooldowns.

I think allowing players to bring multiple 60s that many were leveled via boosts is against the spirit of the game.

This just isn’t true at all. The gold farmed up per person in vanilla wasn’t anything even remotely close to today, most people didn’t even have epic riding. Christ I remember a guy post a picture of himself in vanilla with 6k gold and everyone was freaking out about how much money he had and thought that was insane. Also not to mention, when tbc was released, the majority of players weren’t even 60 yet.

On topic though, I personally believe the best way to open up tbc is to forced a couple (or half or whatever) of classic servers right now onto tbc, while opening up the other half as COMPLETELY fresh. You can’t xfer to these servers, you have to make a new character and you get one level 58 completely free per account for the first 2-3 months or so.

Let the people who want to ruin their economy, ruin it. This will make all if not most of the try hard crowd flock onto those servers while allowing people who just want tbc (and didn’t play classic), people who are new, and people who want out of the min/max race onto their own server and have their fun.

All in all, transferring your own character and items isn’t the problem, it’s the gold. The amount of inflation in the game right now is absolutely insane, and mark my words, if they do nothing about it, it will cause a MAJOR issue. Dailies will basically be worthless, everyone will be forced to farm materials for any sort of gold to purchase things on the AH.


I would be fine if they have options for fresh and swamp servers that allow all the rot from Classic.

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The first thing is true, the second thing is woefully false.

All I did to earn money was dungeon grind and sell the occasional herb and my Druid from 15yrs ago got his epic mount too. When I played at TBC release, I was in Terokkar when people who did the 24hr+ grind had already hit 70 and were already using epic flying, not just regular flying. I had the money ready to go well before Epic Flight Form was even released.

I don’t know why people throw this out like this means much of anything? There are far more sub60 characters right now, on Classic, than not, simply by virtue of the vast majority of people being casual and logging in every now and then, or outright taking weeks long breaks.

Economy isn’t ruined, it is simply different from what it was in the past.

No there won’t be.

If you were using Dailies to “farm gold” in the past, you weren’t actually farming gold with any real sense of how to do it. Dailies simply set a minimum threshold of how much gold/hr the laziest of players can earn without much thought, but anyone that wanted to earn loads of gold wasn’t even leaving the cities.

The AH continues to be the single greatest source of income. You want money, you farm it, or the items it craves.

Yeah you people are totally reasonable to discuss this with… yup!

I’m taking this character through the dark portal, sorry.


I figured everyone will be boosting a Blood Elf Paladin as soon as TBC servers open.

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That would be a complete, massive change to the entire game.

It also creates the opposite problem in terms of scarcity- when TBC came out, we didn’t have every single player in the game needing mats to get their prof from 1-300. With 4x size servers this will inflate low level mats to an insane degree and players will risk going into Outland without being able to use their professions at all, which needless to say wasn’t the case in actual TBC.

We’ll see wool and silk cloth at 1g each, mid tier herbs for 5g, mithril and thorium bars could be 10g each. It’ll be an absolute disaster.

What about those of us who have 60s we obtained ‘legitimately’, if we were to assume boosts aren’t legitimate? We’d have to start from scratch- meanwhile, those that boosted in Vanilla will boost again in TBC, so after a while they’ll have boosted 70s anyway.

And why shouldn’t they? To satisfy a whiny minority?

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