TBC should not allow Classic transfers

Because Blizzard isn’t about the money?

They certainly are. But sub $$ is just as good

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.

  • Start a brand new character from level 58 on a new Burning Crusade server.

  • Start a brand new character from Level 1 on a new Burning Crusade server.

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server that will never progress past level 60, with the option to transfer to a Burning Crusade server.

That’s basically how both option 1 and 4 work.


$15 a month, versus character transfer money + $15 a month.

They aren’t selling expansions at $60 a pop, so they’ll do what makes them the most money with the least amount of effort.

You assume everyone would pay that lol. Every person who would quit would be 15/mo loss over a 1 time fee

An unrealistic delusional hypothetical idea. In reality it will work just as every single expansion before it has. You character will simply move on and progress

Honestly after the 30 instance reset change, I could see blizzard making every single player pay 15 bucks to upgrade each character they have to TBC servers. It sounded absurd the first time anyone brought it up but now…Yeah, I think it’s possible.

I’m kind of hoping for some fresh servers to be added that do not allow transfers for at least the initial 90 days.

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I support the dungeon cap but I will not play BC if I have to start over.

It’s no surprise that you’re using one post to claim all who support the cap want everyone to start over given how you’ve been using the most ridiculous statistical analysis to falsely claim the majority of the player base support your desire to revert the cap.

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Boosting will exist in TBC as well. I see no reason to prevent vanilla characters from being copied over.

Also, if you feel boosting is against the spirit of Classic (it isn’t) then what about people who leveled several characters to 60 through questing? I have 3 level 60s. Not a single one was boosted. Why should I be punished?

Weird. I seem to see like, the same couple people on these forums say they support it, but my comments get like 70 destinct likes on the sticky. And then when I go over to the EU sticky, there’s like 3 people there that support it as well, and like a hundred unique posters that are angry as well. Weird. But i’m sure it’s just a bot with 500 sock accounts right? That must be it. And all the articles sprouting up on gaming sites against the change, and all the youtube videos, and reddit posts must all be propaganda. You’re right, the player base overwealmingly likes time gating in classic wow.

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It’s not inconceivable that many would quit. We’re all adults now, and investing that kind of time again would not appeal to many people.

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Nah, I’m not trying to loose my raptor that I worked and grinded darkspear rep for…

they did add fresh servers for tbc, people need to realize that

i didnt play classic, i dont want to join a game where everyone is way ahead on gold and stuff. there need to be fresh servers now or that will turn a lot of people away

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this is the forum for people that played classic… of course you guys dont want to start over. if there was a forum for people who dont play classic then the tone would be different

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Adding more servers to accomadate expected additional subs isnt the same as a blanket debuff on everyone who played prior the the release. OP wants everyone to start at level 1 regardless, not choose to play on a new server if they want.

id be ok with that too, or with boosts to 58. not ok with having to start on a classic server where people are established

also there are people that might want to stay in classic forever too, i think all new servers is on the table

Ye, i’m not gonna trash my toons, they went to TBC from vanilla and I want the same to TBC classic from classic.


tfw Rogues with double fiery think it takes skill to 1 shot non-twinks.

While I don’t think they’d be dumb enough to do this, I’m willing to bet that, now that Classic has been pretty successful, they’re thinking of ways to monetize if beyond just the sub fee.

If you thought faction balance was bad in Classic imagine what it would be like in TBC were they to start everybody off fresh at level 1 or 58. Horde racials not only get stronger for PvP, but they significantly eclipse Alliance in PvE as well.

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