TBC Shaman Tank Talents

You said I had no idea how threat works.

Don’t blame me because you want to fly off the handle arguing I don’t understand things I clearly do.

I never said it wouldn’t help, I said points could be better placed since autos are going to do more of your overall threat than Frost Shock will. Learn to read more carefully. Getting a significant boost to a weak portion of your kit doesn’t mean you got very much for your investment.

DPS can always hold off on DPS, so no.

This is dependent upon more than just your TPS output as it includes your actual DPS output, the DPS of your party members, and the DTPS you and your party are taking. You’ll make your Healer have substantially more efficient Healing by not giving them a heart attack every pull than adding nominal TPS gains.

It is, but it is also a foregone conclusion for real Tanks. Druids can gear for exclusive Stamina, Health, Armor, and Avoidance and hold off max DPS Warlocks, as can Paladins and Warriors. Regardless, if threat is a problem, the first thing to do is to have DPS slow down rather than risk instant death. The other Tanks don’t have to worry about gib deaths. Shaman do.

You can’t hold aggro if you die suddenly. Survival trumps everything else, and only once you can reasonably survive do you get the luxury of pumping out increased TPS/DPS.

You’ve clearly never Tanked anything difficult.

I already said you dimwit, you cast one Frost Shock as mobs move in after you Chain Lightning, assuming it isn’t off CD. Shocks don’t have long range and mobs in dungeons don’t move slowly. Seriously… try reading next time.

A Warrior using Cleave/Thunderclap will have vastly superior AoE threat generation to a lone Chain Lightning and a tab-target Shaman with shocks and autos, and Warriors are the weakest of the AoE bunch.

WF offers AP and extra hits but no extra threat.
RB offers AP and extra threat.

WF will certainly deal more DPS, but dealing more threat is up for debate.

And you keep saying this:

I haven’t forgotten them at all, as I’ve specifically noted them more than once.

So I would try reading instead of whatever nonsense crusade you’re on here.

So at level 80 in Wrath of the Lich King? Is this the new standard of success for Shaman “tanks”? Doing prior expansion content with a raid team?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You clearly don’t if you think shocks aren’t important to a shamans threat generation. But someone has repressed feelings apparently about people dissing druid tanking :rofl:

Where then? 3 points to 15% increase to lightning shield? Which you haven’t mentioned much lately in threat discussion? Reverberation is decent in comparison to what’s on the table. Consider you also want to get Elemental Devastation so you need to spend them in Elemental tree. So where do you put them?

False again. Built in enrage timers, healers mana pools. You have to dps at a certain point.

You rant about a class you know little about. The rest of your post is a headache trying to understand. But I did see the insults in there so I reported your post.

I said they would be a small portion of your kit and you couldn’t really empower them much. Not sure why you can’t read clearly but it is quite the problem…

Potentially yes, or utility so your party actually does better overall despite your weaknesses as a “tank”

Elemental Devastation is a trash tier talent without the support caster stats, and you need a lot of support. I already showed that several posts ago. If you’re sinking points into Elemental to get to that talent then you have zero business trying to squeeze out maximum utility and power in a Shaman attempting to Tank anything.

Since Shaman aren’t even remotely capable of Tanking anything that has an Enrage timer of significance, and Healer mana mostly suffers from spamming inefficient heals on Shaman that take too much damage, more threat isn’t the answer.

Again, you have no idea how any of this works.

Glad you admit to your reading comprehension issues.

You. Don’t. Know. Shamans. Stop. Talking. Bout. Them.

Rofl. Stick to druid.


Negative nancy now. Why are you on this thread if all you do is hate? Are you that spiteful?

No. You’re exhausting.

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I do, but by all means, show your work.

Show a working spreadsheet that tells us how much more threat a single point of Spell Power adds to the Shaman rotation, as well as Spell Crit, Spell Hit, Attack Power, etc.

Prove it, or go away. I’ve done more than my fair share of math-based refutation in this thread so it is time to pony up.

Because there is a small but very annoyingly vocal minority of people that seem to think Shaman can be real Tanks, and insist on using more emotional rhetoric than anything resembling sound advice or guidance. That group has the capacity to mislead less than savvy players and I have an aversion to frauds spreading misinformation.

Refute it or shut up.


Save yourself some time man. If these morons want to drag people in a dungeon to wipe for hours let them.


I’m not doing squat for you.

Ironic. You still won’t take any sort of bet that a Shaman won’t tank Illidan?

You ranted about Druids multiple times. I think if anyones emotionally charged it’s the Druid in a Shaman tanking discussion.

Reported again. Learn to be an adult.

Nother negative nancy.

Great video… that shaman looks to be in Season 1 gear too if not mistaken.

Nah, you’ll get 2shot by crits/crushings and won’t be able to hold threat very well.

Shaman tanks work in vanilla 5mans because they’re not very difficult. TBC heroics are an order of magnitude harder than vanilla 5mans.

Watch the video right above your comment please.

Shaman hardly takes any damage at all.

Please watch the video referenced. Or does this mean you’re going away now?

He is wearing season 3 gear minus the shoulders, which is basically t6 equivalent. Furthermore looks like he has 3 healers on him, which is overkill when players are in t6 gear at this point. Finally, the dps are purposefully holding back excessively so that they don’t rip aggro from the shaman. This is painfully apparent when you look at average clear times of prince in t6 gear compared to how long this kill took.

This isn’t tanking. This is glorified babysitting to allow a shaman to feel like a special snowflake


You’re right about the gear. And I’ve never argued that they would be good tanks, quite the opposite actually. They do have some viability to them and can accomplish tanking duties.

The fun thing about games is not everything has to be efficient!

Any shaman tanking guide will point out the #1 thing you’ll need is a willing group. That’s it. Gear is a symptom of earning that trust.

What is the point of pretending to tank when you need to outgear the instance by two tiers, need two extra healers and for dps to purposefully hold back excessively so you can play pretend?


You do realize you’re playing World of Warcraft right?

So that’s a no then? You can’t actually prove anything? Do you even have a rough estimate of what percentage of your threat would be Frost Shock? Autos? Lightning Shield?

Well done.

I don’t make deals with people I don’t trust, let alone deals that fall within the statute of frauds.

Oh and if you can’t show you even understand the basics of the class you claim to be championing, like whether or not a SP weapon or a high DPS physical weapon is better and why, then you’re just here to be contrarian in the name of fighting the dreaded meta. LOL

The Shaman is wearing Arena S3 gear, that bright red helmet is the Gladiator recolor of Tier 6. How do you fail to even recognize gear? Also I love how the video slow zooms on the Shaman so you can’t see any of the combat log and yet he’s getting critical hits of 5k :rofl: and then you can’t even see anything going on at all as Prince changes target more than once.

Then on Nightbane he just straight up loses aggro while Nightbane runs around attacking people and 4 people die. LOL

Finally, this was uploaded in Sept of 2008, which is a month before Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch.

Thank you for proving the point: a Shaman in gear far beyond the content, propped up by a team of equally overgeared raiders, can almost Tank Karazhan. Almost, because he loses aggro multiple times and OOMs his Healers.



Yes? And how is that relevant to the fact that shamans cannot tank even the easiest content in the conventional sense without vastly outgearing content ?


So take the bet. You’re so confident say a Shaman will not tank Illidan.

Have a good day.

You have different goals in a make believe video game man. Enjoy your goals.

Shaman tanks are meant to be fun.