You’ll “try”, you’ll go splat, you’ll need to come back while dramatically over gearing it, which means you need to do something else to get gear ahead of these content thresholds so you can back and do something you’re not intended to do.
I mean… sure… I guess… but you’d probably want a more SP oriented weapon with this build than not. No Flurry, no Stormstrike, those are free sources of extra damage and threat you won’t have with this build. I’d argue you’re better off dropping Reverberation and going for Flurry, and you won’t be using Stoneskin/Windwall totems ever anyway so move a point over to Convection (3/5) and the other point to Stormstrike.
Your threat is going to be piss poor if you take Spirit Weapons with everything you do except your Shocks, meaning you’d want a more Elemental-style build than Enhancement style. Lack of Parry really hurts without Spirit Weapons since you get precious little in the way of Avoidance stats on the gear you’d want to use, which brings me to the next point: gear.
Shaman have no access to Defense gear outside of Cloak/Neck/Rings/Trinkets/Gems. What you can get, isn’t much, and it isn’t enough to hit the 5.6% soft cap you need for zero Critical Hits. Shaman can’t even touch the Crushing Blow mark. That means you’re bound to use Gladiator gear to actually be a “tank” and all the items there are a mishmash of stats.
Gladiator’s Earthshaker (Enhancement) is Stamina, Strength, Resilience, Crit, and a bit of Intellect. It also has the glove bonus of extra damage on Lightning Shield and the 4pc bonus of shorter CD on Stormstrike.
Gladiator’s Thunderfist (Elemental) is Stamina, Intellect, Resilience, SP, and Crit. It also has the glove bonus of extra range on Shocks and the 4pc bonus of 50% chance to ignore pushback while casting Lightning Bolt.
Of these two, the Enhance set is clearly better as it boosts Lightning Shield and provides a heaping helping of Strength to amplify your autos and Stormstrike. But then that goes back to the whole Spirit Weapons problem where you don’t Parry.
IMHO if you are trying this, your Avoidance is going to be utter crap no matter what you do, and Parry only scales with Defense rating anyway (something you don’t get much of), so skip Spirit Weapons and go Gladiator mode.
However, all of this being said, your stats are TERRIBLE compared to worse geared Druids, Paladins, and Warriors.
Shaman Stats:
- 12.5k Health
- 13.0k Armor
- 33.52% Total Boss Avoidance
- 0% Damage Reduction
Warrior Stats:
- 15.8k Health
- 16.5k Armor
- 69.68% Total Boss Avoidance
- 10% Damage Reduction
The Warrior in this comparison is using Kara gear, T4, etc, which is the closest equivalent the Shaman can hope to match and it just… isn’t even close. If I were to run a pre-BiS setup for the Warrior the stats would still just dwarf the Shaman entirely and, this is very important, WARRIORS HAVE THE WEAKEST EFFECTIVE HEALTH SCALING OF THE THREE LEGITIMATE TANKS.
If I put up a Paladin or a Druid that is also Stamina stacking, they’re just going to shoot past these numbers entirely.
It just… no.
Don’t do it.
As for your video evidence:
First video is p-server garbage, but more importantly the Shaman “Tank” is doing a Heroic 5-man, not even a particularly hard one, and using TIER 6 gear. This just reinforces my point that Shaman aren’t Tanks because they have to gear up and group with people who are dramatically stronger than the content in order to do it.
Second video is also p-server garbage, and again the group is in a smattering of T5 and other gear. Why should I care that a Paladin can spam the crap out of a Shaman in Heroic Slave Pens while wearing T4/T5 gear? Especially when, like the first video, they spend almost as much time trying to skip packs and avoid pulling anything as they do actually fighting. And they still take over an hour to clear it!
3rd video is probably legit, but the 5man team is in Sunwell and T6 gear and the Shaman even has a flask running. I mean c’mon… the Hunter in the group has the Archimonde bow.
So no. Big no.