TBC Shaman Tank Talents

I mean, as D3 prot pala, I can face tank 3 large packs. This guy can’t even reliably face x4 of them. So, I’d much rather stick with a traditional tank class :slight_smile: But hey, good for the guy for “making” it through the dungeon.

Sadly, Blizz never did implement shaman tanks. Woulda been cool though, not going to lie. But given that a number of expansions later, even to Shadowlands, shamans were not made tanks.

Similar to the level of why did hunter get a taunt ability along with a Survival spec. Speculations were made that Hunters should have been able to “range tank”.

More historically accurate is the fact that “troll” is thrown around so much that it has essentially lost all of its original meaning.

Nobody takes it seriously anymore except people who don’t know how to properly hold a conversation or put reason behind their disagreements.

See? They haven’t even read the thread before they reply because this disclaimer has already been noted and even stated here and on the Warden discord.

Comments like this deserve to be ridiculed because we already know you’re not invested in any ongoing conversation.


You know that you can speed up you tube videos, and scrub around to skip out downtime right? Didn’t take much to scrub to larger packs where you’d actually need a tank typically, to see that he is once again relying on mage kiting.

It’s not a presupposition (definitionally it can’t be), the concept and execution of the “Shaman Tank” concept is over a decade old, the data, gear needed, and efficacy (well, lack there of) are all well known. The effect is a 4 DPS run, not an actual 1-1-3 setup.

They’ll count when they actually tank the full dungeon. The the shaman failed to tank a full Shattered Halls or Slab. The time on that SLAB run is just to illustrate how much the mages/hunter had to pretty much castrate themselves for the meme. Can’t imagine what it looks like without a hunter to funnel MDs, or two mages to blizzard kite the trash for him.


I’m sure that’s totally what you did and you didn’t just reach a snap judgement because you’re not actually interested in actually doing any kind of thoughtful or respectful analysis to anything that might prove your original presuppositions false.

Totally, man.

By whose judgement? Yours? Remind me when your opinion matters!

I mean, between the two of us I actually play the class and am 70. So seems like that counts for something.

Cool, so we are on the same page. I did speed up the video and scrub around to watch the harder parts, and didn’t rush to a snap judgement. Glad we could clear that up.

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Yup, totally, Drax.

Ya not like I played shaman for 5+ expansions or anything…

But great attempt at a deflection!

Playing shaman in retail isn’t equal to playing it in Classic. I played mage for 13+ years in retail. Doesn’t make me a classic mage expert.

Here’s a recent video where I tanked Heroic SP. I did use a hunter to help with kiting so he was my cc.

GJ stretching out a 15 min run to almost three times that because you wanted to bring a bad tank.

Yeah, it was long. Like I mentioned in the video it was my very first time tanking a heroic so I took it slow and very very carefully. :slight_smile:

Got a new invite?

…you CC’d 3-mob packs down to 2?

You also didn’t actually Tank a lot of this, you just sorta hit it and kept tons of slows/stuns on things and it never got to you ever.

Maybe for a particular pull? certainly didn’t for everything or for the bosses of course.

Every Defender pull the Warrior was repeat stunning and CCing for you heavily. Lobstrok boss flat out failed to hit you with much of anything, which was impressive for the RNG it presented.

Hey I once did a shaman tanking advocacy forum. And it went over 400 pages as well. Fasc was there too. So was rude and a few others. Lol

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Finally, something creative. Thank you for making this!

this forum here is absolutely hilarious. i love the support and the non support you all have given. I didn’t read every comment, that’s just too much but here’s my two cents.

I’m currently playing a Shaman Tank and at level 65 I’ve tanked every outlands instance up to my current level: Ramps, BF, SP and UB. They’re only normal dungeons and I’m running with friends in discord, sure. Now, what progression content are you in where discord and communication isn’t a factor? That’s all any tank needs, communication of cooldowns. Threat and damage really hasn’t been a factor at all for us.

Background, I’ve main tanked raids for over 10yrs at this point. Most to all being progression content where the team starts under geared and you’re finding ways to push more damage before the berserk timer hits.

With all of this pre knowledge and coming into TBC for the first time (I started playing in wrath) I decided to try the meme size of a Shaman Tank, I’ve always leveled Shamans and always imagined it tank, even though it lacks a pure taunt ability. TBC seems like the perfect place to give it a try.

I think the only raids released on Classic TBC right now are Kara and Gruuls? My friends and I will be hitting 70 and starting heroic dungeons this week. I’ll be tanking them as a Shaman with all green and blue gear and I am 100% sure it’ll work out just fine. Raiding and dungeons while under geared is really fun, finding out exact moments things happen and using appropriate cooldowns for such. Plus most TBC dungeons are more based around CC and los pulls as opposed to just running straight in anyways. Mark targets and the group follows. You win!

I’ll try to check back on this and maybe I’ll make a video this week of Shaman tanking a heroic dungeon TBC with my green and blue gear on.

thanks everyone :slight_smile:


Thanks for the response, Eisig.

Really wish more people would try stuff like this too. Would be really fun if “Warden” caught on with the general community and became a thing in the nearby future.

Here’s something recent from the Warden Discord:

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