TBC Shaman Tank Talents

Ret pally Gimping 5 man I don’t think so go push your one button for the expansion. So you can fight with 30 other hunters over the same gear fact is my ret pally will be geared before you are lmao…

You realize 90 percent of the guilds at least will clear every raid in bc right? We already have strats and gear guides there’s literally no mystery… I like how you think tier 4 is going to be a guild breaker… sounds like another salty druid…

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In b4 Tempest Keep ends half of raid guilds. Hope you make the cut, junior :wink:

You mean the raid we have 14 years of theory crafting and strats for don’t think so sport you can’t flex on content we already know how to clear.

Nice dissection and a good read, thanks for that post.

maybe if they’re geared af they can tank a heroic? so can a rogue whos geared lol.

Warlocks can help tank in one boss fight because blizzard designed the fight in such a way to require it.

Come back in 2 months and let us know if you are main tanking Kara yet.

While we still got this thread on a non-standard tank:

Someone compare similarities and differences between a shaman tank, and a hunter PET tank.

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He died because he couldn’t Taunt.

  • He ran in to get aggro on Zil and had to just spam abilities to eventually rip aggro because of the stacking marks.
  • Because he was there for so long unable to get aggro, he was getting mark damage and bounce damage from the Holy Shock (whatever it is called)
  • Because he was there for so long unable to get aggro, the actual Tank holding Zil was still getting additional marks (high damage) on top of the melee hits and Holy Shock, necessitating heavy healing
  • Because limited healing is the norm on this fight, those not Tanking are not going to get focused healing
  • Therefore, he died because he couldn’t Taunt

…most people that actually try to min/max do make it past the opening tier.

Just sayin’

Yes, and like all jobs, Tanking has performance standards or you aren’t performing that job.


Guys I’m going to play a naked female draenei mage tank with no gear because I’m a cool special snowflake. Any thoughts?

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90% of the guilds couldn’t even clear classic raids, and they’re easier than TBC. Tons of guilds broke up in classic during AQ and naxx and didn’t finish KTZ.

Obviously elite guilds will clear it in the first week, but that’s not going to be the experience for most people, just like clearing naxx day 1 wasn’t the experience for 99% of classic players. Tier 4 is absolutely going to blow up a bunch of guilds, and then T5, T6, and sunwell will blow up more.

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And had he gotten heals, he wouldn’t have died. The other warrior didn’t die to the added marks. From one meme spec tank to another, I appreciate your comments as always

What do you mean people were clearing them with level 58s lol don’t know of a single raiding guild that couldn’t clear any of the raids in classic.

You obviously didn’t play much classic. And you’re talking about MC with low levels, not naxx. And the vast majority of players weren’t doing it at 58. You just sound completely clueless tbh, like you heard about APES secondhand doing it with 58s and think that’s everyone in classic. Even previously elite guilds didn’t all make it through naxx or AQ40.

Why do you keep going back to naxx? No one cares it wasn’t nearly as hard as all the classic Andy’s claimed it to be. 40 man raiding is a joke especially when half your raid can be afk and win…

“What do you mean people were clearing them with level 58s lol don’t know of a single raiding guild that couldn’t clear any of the raids in classic.”

So I guess you lied here, and you’re just making stuff up from things you heard second-hand. Maybe just stop posting if you’re a clueless bad faith guy who doesn’t know what he’s talking about?

So people didn’t clear MC below 60? I think your confused again quit using naxx as your comparison it wasn’t any harder than normal raids in retail.

You seem to have trouble reading. Guess it goes with the lying and general confusion and bad faith arguments.

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I’m guessing you can’t read plain English guess that goes along with your general ignorance of fact maybe level some more so your word maybe holds a bit of water…

Did you do Naxx? It actually was quite punishing.

lol shaman tanks have this desperate need for validation that is so funny to me.

Feral is an actual tanking spec, you poor, poor guy.

That’s just… not true. You can look at the numbers.