I’ve made my Shaman. Going to make some vids in the nearby future showcasing my exploits. I’ll show failure in addition to success, just to be fair.
Also, there’s a forum I’m frequenting called “Warden (Shaman Tanking)” that’s all about theorycrafting and figuring out what works and doesn’t work.
My motto is this: “Tanking is a job, not a class.”
Send the links! I love it! Alliance Shaman?
Yes! He’s a Draenei. Currenly level 50 as we speak–been questing like crazy.
Here’s a link to the Warden discord: https://discord.gg/CyqGtZ6V
Shaman Tank POV - Four Horseman. This was last month:
If u wanna play a meme spec tank try prot warr
He snags Zeliek on the pull only to die to Zeliek because he can’t Taunt. Zeliek isn’t even the most dangerous! Warriors Tank him while dual-wielding for crying out loud!
I can’t believe we are having this discussion again.
*Stoneskin now functions like Dev Aura with Guardian Totems enhancing those AC values.
*Shaman Survival of the Fittest for reduced +def and some EH scaling.
*Rockbiter gains +100% threat modifier.
*Increased Auto + SS threat means you can use Water Shield for mana regen.
*SS now places the buff on the Shaman, not the mob, increasing ALL Shock Damage 20%…ie threat on FS.
*An AE threat tool.
*30% talent threat drop moved from Spirit Weapons to Dual Wield Specialization.
Even then raid bosses are out of the question due to crushes and lack of EH.
You become a lower end instance tank who can tank raid trash…but at least the spec would allow you to effectively DPS in raids when not tanking.
But none of that will ever happen.
Awesome job tanking 4 horseman.
He didn’t get heals, that’s why he died.
No one in the Shaman tank world thinks we are going to be MT from beginning to end of this game. It’s just a fun different facet that wasn’t really possible at all in Vanilla because guilds weren’t clearing content. Now we are. Most guilds in vanilla didn’t clear Nax. Most in classic did, or at least GDKP’d a KT kill
SS could have shield functionality, similar to how Shield Block or Holy Shield work with Warriors or Paladins. Here’s some ideas:
LS generates threat. Imp LS talent increases damage and threat.
If you SS w/shield, your block chance increases by 30%.
SS w/shield becomes an up-to-3-targets attack (AE threat w/Rockbiter)
LS gains an extra charge every time you block (max 6 charges).
If shield is equipped in OH, Spirit Weapons talent increases the threat generated by your melee attacks by 30%.
Shaman can tank heroics, yes.
You will need a group of 4 other players that understand CC and focus fire, you will either kill everything with AOE kiting with mage and then the shaman just builds threat on bosses (requires at a minimum blessing of salvation in your group + dps waiting about 15 seconds before engaging boss) or you will kill everything 1 by 1 while things are CC’ed.
It is very possible, and very painfully tedious, but doable. Don’t listen to these min-maxer haters that will never step foot past Tier 4.
The thing is, NONE of us shaman tanks have ever said it’s the most optimal tanking situation. I think all of us agree, warrior/druid and now paly are way more suited to tank. But we can do it, so it makes us happy. =)
My motto is, “Tanking is a job, not a class.”
After all, Warlocks have been used to tank in various situations given their tools. Their class isn’t particularly built around it, but it’s possible for them to do the job.
Mages too in TBC =)
For HKM fight, right?
Also, I think Boomkin are best used for tanking the Ogre Shaman in the HKM fight.
Ya, I think so, I just remember in TBC being a mage tank for one of the raids. It’s been a while and I haven’t researched much yet. Plus playing a shaman now =)
If you fix rockbiter you don’t need to use LS for threat. Water Shield while tanking is ~3k mana per minute, and that doesn’t include Shamanistic rage use.
Rockbiter with talents is +84 DPS.
Weapon at 90 DPS or thereabouts.
800 AP is 57 DPS
Total = ~230.
Weapon Spec makes that 256 DPS.
SS on a 2.6 delay weapon adds 26%.
Crit rate of 25% with GoA.
400 DPS, 800 TPS prior to mitigation…but also prior to Flurry + Mongoose.
Concussion + SS now buffing the Shaman with +20% to shocks = +25% FS damage. That means even at 6s FS = 350 TPS.
950 raw TPS prior to Salv or MD use is more than enough for 5 mans or raid trash.
I tanked 5 mans and raid trash in Vanilla. Additionally I crunched these numbers long ago in TBC.
Not using LS means you will only need to drink when your healer does.
Shaman Survival of the fittest means you reach uncrittable while still generating threat and stacking EH.
Avoidance with GoA at Tier 4 would be 35%+ without factoring in block.
Shaman wannabe tanks are almost as insufferable as feral druid snowflakes.