TBC or Fresh Classic?

Can we get TBCC realms or a fresh trilogy run server like how EQ does TLP.
SoD is butt and retail is already good again and looking to get better with hero talents. Gib fresh classic for those who don’t want to go to cata


TBH I would love a fresh classic or TBC. Im’ kinda surprised they haven’t done an accelerated Vanilla->TBC->Wrath like TLPs (not that fast, but like ~6 months or so of each)


Maybe that’s SoD.


No I mean TLPs like EQ not retail minus


So, the only way I can see them doing anything like the EverQuest TLP’s is if the other avenues they’ve funneled time and money into fold. There’s no way they’re going to add yet ANOTHER server which requires money and man hours when there are SoD, Hardcore, and Classic clouds over their heads.

I don’t know your references, so that doesn’t make sense to me, but I’m sure you mean something different.

Retail and Classic seem to hold different meanings for different people. I imagine that the end-game-centric focus of SoD is something that you may be pointing to as Retail, but what throws me off here is you say Trilogy as if TBC/Wrath don’t also have that same end-game centric focus.

Not trying to get into some political debate about fundamental beliefs as to what someone should mean when they use these terms, just trying to better understand what you mean. FWIW, there are aspects about every version of WoW that I think are good/bad, but I also understand that it would be very difficult to find other people whose preferences perfectly align and overlap with my own outside of any sort of self-created echo-chamber.

Anyway, what I think would be cool regarding the trilogy that you suggest (Vanilla → TBC → Wrath) would if they had permanent servers for each, similar to what they have now for Era, and every year they could open a new ladder server (for each) that would finish within 1-2 years and all characters would be moved to the Era version of that server.

This would also require being able to upgrade at any time. So, if for example, I wanted to bring my Vanilla Ladder (or Era) character to TBC Ladder (or Era), there would be a path to do so. There are some details to be sorted such as whether a Vanilla Era should be able to upgrade to a TBC Ladder or not.

Maybe SoD was easier or they had reason to believe that it would be more popular or cater to a crowd they wanted to cater towards.

I think SoD is quite good, but they could tone down a lot of the changes, make BG rewards dependent on ranked matchmaking, and add some sort of either Arenas or spam-repeatable 5v5v5v5… battle royale with a rated matchmaking based rewards system.

The currently most compelling thing to do in-game in SoD, imo, is to work to improve raid parses, which I understand can be very fun for many, is less fun for me than arenas by a large margin.


I think it is more about class dilution and spreading the utility. And hard choices/consequence at char creation. Will I be meme to do what I want, or maybe even reroll. SoD we have no idea what tomorrow looks like. They can and do change it on a whim. Classic for the most part you know what your choices mean.

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SoD is a seasonal mode this is about TLPs


Time Locked Progression servers. Basically what the original classic servers were but sped up for people who want to grind the treadmill.

EQ has these and they print money and require little to no dev time

I’m still a player on the TLP’s, but I wish they’d slow them down occasionally. I think it would be a blast to play EQ on its original release timeline, up to and including PoP.

I’ve been playing Quarm as a side game while I vibe waiting for TWW. It’s a 3 year PoP prog server with 9 months between expac releases. I think Velious is dropping soon.

Oh okay. I mean, I’m sure that’s a great explanation for you, but that sounds exactly like SoD to me.

I’m not sure at all now what you mean by:

Anyway, I’ll butt out of this. It seems like a boring conversation now where I’m asking 10 questions just to figure out a single thing you’re trying to say, and I can’t imagine that being any more fun for you.

I am not an EQ player, so whatever your perspective is with things relevant to that game being fresh in your mind, I have absolutely no idea what you mean.


SoD is a different game from classic. There is extra stuff in there. Some people don’t want any of that extra stuff. They just want what happened when they started in 2019 classic. A reboot that follows the same path.


Oh yeah for sure. That definitely seems like something some people would want, and I’m surprised they haven’t introduced yearly or bi-annual ladder season servers that roll into Classic Era upon completion, years ago!



I tried Quarm for a bit at launch - the complete disorganization with events and loot tables turned me off from the project. Also, Secrets just bugs me. They’re a little too much of a “pick me, look at me” personality.

That was why I started playing era, I thought they were going to do a SoM2. SoM was pretty close to the original as far as I know. With some stuff fixed here and there but in the same sprit as classic. I was just messing around until they released it. Instead, they did HC, and then SoD.

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We were still progging SSC when they dropped SoM. Dumbest thing ever.


Yeah, I’m not sure how that was decided, but it was bad.

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TBC permanent server. The gimmicks get old.