Well, and also the fact that they want to do TBC content on day 1 of launch. They don’t want to spend additional time to level a brand new character to level 58. Also, when TBC launched back in the day, it was a continuation of Vanilla servers, so people started TBC at level 60 or they could make new level 1 characters.
I got no problem letting people bring characters over to continue the journey.
Not sure i’d want the auction house and everything floating over.
I mean it aint the end of the world if it did, but would be nice to get a fresh start in those areas.
Back then, people started TBC at all kinds of levels, if they could not go through the portal, they looked for summons into outlands.
Not that that ended well for a lot of them, if they didnt have a guild waiting to carry them but…
Allll the level 1 blood elves, LOL.
Just make the level 58 character a one-time-only thing and it’ll sort itself out.
Low level orc standing in IF
giggle and wave at the brave lil guy
Low lev troll hunter hunting cats and bears in darkshore?
carry on brave girl, you will not die by me today
Level 1 BELF any place in the game?
KOS with extreme prejudice.
I’m very much looking forward to creating my goat girl priest <3
BELF can not compete with the Waggle
- No BC servers, at all.
- BC overrides Classic, and Classic ceases to exist.
- Fresh BC server option with no character copies.
- BC server option with character copies.
- Copy the Classic server data (characters, progress, guilds, etc.) over to the new hosted server, and the old Classic server progresses to BC.
Option number 1. isn’t an option cause TBC is dropping regardless of the few whiners who want to continue on playing Classic. The majority of the wow player base wants to progress onto TBC.
I’m completely fine with option #5
It can very well be option in how Blizz wants to go, despite the naysayers that are “Pro-TBC”. I mean, Blizz went 10 years of “nope, you don’t want Classic” despite many of us wanting Classic. I’m going through every scenario possible, and you have to keep an open mind of all options. Even for the ones that you don’t like. 'Cause BC can very well not happen for awhile or not all. That’s always a possibility.
Yep, TBC will be implemented just like classic, NO CHANGES. Blizzard is only asking about the character copy thing because they want to see how best to replicate that original experience without affecting the classic servers.
What will be interesting to see is what happens when it’s time for WOTLK. If they release it according to the last patch, there will be things in there that players might not like. eg: heirlooms, lfg . Discussions around here should be quite lively.
Does not mean they have to transfer them all free.
I mean maybe they might, maybe they will even do as Glinda was talking about and clone the realms.
They could also offer a TBC only transfer, to what ever TBC realm is
related to your classic realm for something trivial like 5 bucks or something.
not sure, i’d have to review the patches and see what was the last actual content release.
I dont mind so much same realm LFG cause if your a butt nugget, well the realm is going to know pretty fast, and you’ll get booted from LFG groups quick enough.
I can do without cross realm though.
Heirlooms have 0 affect on me as i dont generally build an army of alts, and once you are done leveling, they kind of become useless.
But i dont think they are a needed thing, though i am sure someone will disagree.
Blizzard doesn’t “have” to do anything. But what they do will determine how many people continue to pay monthly subscriptions and how many quit.
Aren’t heirloom items a thing in BC?
Leveling was retuned in BC so it’s not as hard to level, 1-60 won’t be hard at all.
Did you guys forget all the leveling changes that come in BC?
Heirlooms became a thing in WotLK, with the Argent Tournament patch.
no, heirlooms were a wrath thing.
leveling was retuned in late bc, for a small section of the leveling experience.
there wasn’t as many as you seem to think there was
Was it wrath? I forgot since it’s been a while. I leveled up during BC 1-70 and it wasn’t as bad as classic. They made it easier, this cannot be denied. If you’re leveling alts now, can level during BC far easier. Why not stop alting now and wait for BC to drop?
Was it wrath? I forgot since it’s been a while. I leveled up during BC 1-70 and it wasn’t as bad as classic. They made it easier, this cannot be denied. If you’re leveling alts now, can level during BC far easier. Why not stop alting now and wait for BC to drop?
because you can get gold now to have a nest egg for starting when bc goes live?
Leveling was retuned in BC. The amount of XP it takes to get to 60 is roughly 20% less. Quests are also streamlined from zone to zone, so the pacing is much better than classic.
I understand completely why people want to carry over their 60s, however I really believe BC and Classic should be kept separate in order for both versions of the game to thrive. If people are allowed to clone their 60s to TBC relms, Classic servers will nosedive. It would completely tank classic server populations. Over 6 months classic would regain a percentage of their player base, but people would now be committed to their character’s journey, and too many people would stop playing Classic all together.
Making TBC 1-70 1x would save Classic servers because of the barrier of entry. It’s a very large time investment in basically a fresh version of the game. It would dramatically reduce the loss of players on Classic relms as players will most likely raid on raid days in Classic, and level TBC characters on off days. There will be those that ditch Classic entirely, however they were going to do so regardless. What Blizzard needs to do is prevent the previous iteration of the game from dying so that those that only want to play Classic can continue to do so.
I would like the option to level 1- 70 on a BC server, I also think they should let folks that are at least lvl 58 start on Hellfire just like you can now. I’m no sure why both sides couldn’t get what they want.