TBC killed World of Warcraft, stop asking for it

We got Classic because a large community of players wouldn’t stop playing it on private severs and Blizzard decided to finally offer their own version they could charge a subscription for and players could legally play. Full stop, that’s precisely what and how it happened.

Players like me who never played private servers but asked for Vanilla since WotLK were fodder for the “wall of no” which is so famous you can google it. Unfortunately I have a big boy job and responsibilities and missed the boat in 2019.

Raiding was all over the place in those early years of the game, it’s true. People did not raid like they have since original WotLK where it is the main thing that everyone including casuals do. Really depended on your server more, it might have been a raiding hub with tons going on or a backwater with a guild or two that are really trying to clear content. What raiding there was had a heavy EQ influence, so it was just really different to how people play the game now.

I liked TBC a lot personally. It delivered what the devs said it was meant to without straying too far from what was good about Vanilla. WotLK is where it changed, drastically.


There’s a wall of no here if anyone wants to read it (from an archive site, as that forum is now gone)

WTB Vanilla or BC Servers. - World of Warcraft Forums (archive.is)

I’m not going to post the actual wall. :wink:


These “people” want bad games man.

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TBC was planed for vanilla, they just ran out of time and made it next expansion i think. but the ruff empty map of outlands is there. not sure about flying, that did do damage.


I liked classic TBC. I would play it again with friends if they released it again.


Except your wrong the new zones there was still stuff to do in vanilla content in tbc. People still ran naxx for the items pre-raid. As for the ‘homogenization’ of classes that didn’t really happen we had people being able to actually play specs which still resembaled the specs in vanilla given the group wide buff meta. The group wide buff meta also had its share of problems and which might be adressed by making them raid wide. But there was a general lack of people skipping phases the only that comes to mind is pre-nerf p5.


I agree with the first 2/3 of your points… but these were not enough to ruin WoW. TBC, outside of flying mounts and shrinking the world, was like vanilla but improved in almost every respect. TBC had way better raids, better classes, and replaced that garbage no-life honor system with arena. Those factors alone made TBC more enjoyable than vanilla.

I love vanilla, but TBC has 90% of the things I enjoy from it but better.


Easy, you just play classic Era because its BiS, and when players on other versions start to realize they’re missing out they come here.

I dont play Classic Era, its terrible.

Classic Era is forever locked into the worst phase, has an economy ruined by years and years of gold buying (GDKPs) and includes the world killing Chronoboon. Classic Era also features the new Rank 14 handout PvP system.

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Then what are you even doing here?

So I have done the PvP vanilla system pre 1.12 nerfed version that had 25%DR on HK’s…

The Classic 2019 system 2X (same as the 1.12)

And now the Era 1.15 nerf version.

In reality in this stage of existence on Era the 1.15 is in a strange way worse to do than the 1.12 / classic because there are a lack of active rankers so Q’s are slow, you get basically zero points for HK’s as a result and the honor cap is set for a much bigger player pool.

I have never used boon in PvE, but overall boon hasn’t done as you say, instead its made the world lots more active than classic 2019.

TL;DR you’re wrong and have no idea


Yes except last time i logged into era, A YEAR AGO, every horde player i encountered was rank 13 or 14.

Im clearly clueless.

And the Chronoboon removed the most interesting, most zone spanning and high stake portion of world pvp.

World buff related PvP caused people to work together and against each other, caused people to form massive raids to obtain buffs, and to take them away from others. Exactly what an MMORPG should be about.

Catching a fully world buffed tank in Booty Bay or Orgrimmar was absolutely the most satisfying and hilarious world pvp.

But im clueless and wrong.

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exaggeration much.

you are

What the Raid log meta where no one played because they all raid logged their mains?

dispelling / killing enemy players who were fully buffed was funny but in reality its why they all raid logged not long after that became a thing.

correct you’re just wrong about most things.

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no, literally. only rank 13 and 14 pops when i killed enemy players in the open world. biggest EU cluster. this was a year ago, every player on era must be rank 14 now.

Ah yes because a few mental cases do it, its the norm.

It isnt and it wasnt.

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You don’t play era, you don’t know. You even said so yourself that you don’t even like Era.

Why are you even here?

I dont play Era. I played Era. Yes Era is garbage, and i cloned my character so im not biased.

Every single player i encountered a year ago was rank 13 or 14. It is a free handout pvp system.

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The PVP system was not nerfed 1 year ago.

The PVP system was as built 1.12 version.

The PVP update happened in like August of 2023, this is not even a year ago.

If you played a year ago, then the characters you encountered were players who cloned just like you; there were tons of clones playing when I started fresh on Era.

If the system was a free hand out system you would have R14.

TL;DR you’re a liar and a troll; go away troll.

I don’t know why you waste your time debating with someone whose greatest achievement is killing Pshero without CDs.

The guy just hate the game and will not listen to any other opinion than his own.

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Ah reck pala detected… they’re always salty.

He had every cooldown. Theres videos of both perspectives.

And no, my greatest achievement was 300 players holding a discord meeting to try and get me guild kicked.

Never played reckoning.

Youre the one lying. When i say a year ago i dont mean to the day, but yes, roughly a year ago. My goodness what a dishonest way to argue. And once again, yes, absolutely every player i encountered in the open world was rank 13 or 14 then. I dont know why i need to even defend this statement.

The new pvp system is a rank 14 handout.

I can literally just log into era now and prove it.

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You’re trying to talk sense to someone that believes “reeeeee hyperbole” is somehow constructive.
And that’s a big stretch since he’s admitted elsewhere to trolling.