TBC killed World of Warcraft, stop asking for it

Defend what? Your bad behavior? TBC didn’t kill WoW, poisonous behavior like this killed WoW.
Belittling people for their point of view is something that is NEVER justified.


X thing killed WoW.
and yet WoW is still here and has several options for playing the game in numerous ways.

yeah sure I believe you believe this. WoW is not dead, far from it.


Why do people who don’t want a thing, but have the thing they want, feel the need to control others?

If we miss TBC, then we miss TBC. You don’t have to agree but you don’t get to control what we want.


Yes, 5 different versions, multiple of which are being labeled “Classic”. Its a confusing mess. I honestly dont know how new people would even navigate this nightmare.

The versions are completely unacceptable trash being dangled around by teams that have none of the original developers left in them.

Yea and you are the reason Classic is in its current state.

Because you Einsteins asked for the version that introduced flying and killed the factions to repeat, Classic is now in Cataclysm.

None of the falsely so called expansions should have ever been re-released.

If you people had voted with a little bit of thought in the 2019 polls, there could be a Classic + now. Instead theres a lowest effort SOD beta test.

You TBC/WotLK people are just not very bright.

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Having SOD was basically after they force Ascention game to be purchased, then they baked retail and and that games Talents and ideas into stupid SOD…

Classic+ would have been super cool if we stayed lvl 60 or 70 whichever but just open up Karazhan, Hyjal etc places and keep it all Original Vanilla wow no Flying that i agree would have been the best, but instead the company catered to the Retail crowd that crys and gets excited for 1 week over something and need new expansions released… for example Kara vanilla classic+ would be amazing and hyjal with Original talents and Story line… we could have played wowclassic++ even killing lichking as lvl 60 and no flying mounts… and no shamans or paladins on both faction…

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not true if fresh with no transfers or store boosts for 3 + months
in that case its 44+7 :sparkling_heart:

p.s. didya count eversong, ghostlands, bloodmyst, azuremyst, the 2 starting areas (and 2 capital cities_ silvermoon and exodar)? if not, then its 44+13 :grin:

could just not add the pally/shaman class but replace with druid for belfs and draenei. sure its somewhat similar problem just not factional homogenization since both sides already have druid access. my complaint there is, draenei shaman were awesome in tbc

Nope, Devs are the reason Era is in its current state. They could have released it as it was, hogs, warts, bugs and anything, And then later have released TCB in the same way, and given REAL Vanilla Era Servers.
And then repeated this process for Wrath and even Cata.

But the devs decided that we could not have Vanilla pure,only “artificial Vanilla”. So please shoot at those guilty, not on those - like myself - who with great pleasure and gusto would split my time between Era (HC mostly), TBC Era and Wrath Era.

Because I think I did - and I do!

I for one would HATE a Classic+ made by the modern Devs team.


flying is only an issue for pvp servers, so just no flying for pvp servers. if an area requires flight to access, just add teleport pad for pvp servers. its not a hard fix so not a reason to block tbc servers


well i have a great fondness and nostalgia for tbc because I’m a casual pve player and therefore don’t rate it based on pvp value. To me, flying was the greatest thing they ever added, whereas to a pvp’er or a person struggling with ore or herb competition, it was bad. With modern hacks, classic farmers are still gonna struggle getting mats, cause the cheaters just farm from under the terrain and fly hack to each ore, herb and skin. That leaves pvp’ers as the sole voice against tbc flying. So just don’t allow flying on pvp servers.


Just stop. You have no inner monologue, i get it.

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it seems more likely that the solutions i suggested are fixes for your criticisms. perhaps you could address them?

for example

flying is only an issue for pvp servers, so just no flying for pvp servers. if an area requires flight to access, just add teleport pad for pvp servers. its not a hard fix so not a reason to block tbc servers


could just not add the pally/shaman class but replace with druid for belfs and draenei. sure its somewhat similar problem just not factional homogenization since both sides already have druid access. my complaint there is, draenei shaman were awesome in tbc

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Your points are too borderline REDACTED to even respond to.

Just stop trying to form a thought. Youre going to hurt yourself.

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i realize you just want Vanilla with more vanilla like content, but other than flying and 2 new races, most changes for tbc were generally liked, such as paladin tanks, better ret paladins, improvements to locks, druids and shadow priests, sharing of fear ward, and i loved my water pet as a frost mage. tbc retained much of vanilla’s functionality, such as runes, candles, arrows, etc. professions were still viable and very vanilla like. Dungeons were more time manageable but as a result less memorable, but my gosh karazhan raid was amazing

p.s. group wide buffs, long term pally buffs and mage tables were a plus


No issue with this for belfs.
But I’d sub in humans (in a weird foreshadowing of kul tiran druids) rather than draenei. I just wish we could have gotten the option of the Broken model if wanting to play shaman on Alliance rather than the Draenei model.

Flying is fine and there’s still plenty of wpvp on TBC servers.

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That’s the thing. To be totally fair it is probably very hard to vibe on what the original devs were doing and make it seem like the same game. They might be brilliant game devs and super geeks for Vanilla but are they in the same head space about what the game should be as the original devs? That would be almost impossible.

I’m not even 100% certain the game is exactly as it was in the things they didn’t change to be honest.

Probably two of the better things about TBC. KZ and ZA were great, I did them for fun long past needing anything from either one. The heroics were good, almost exactly the right amount of difficulty and time required.


It made the world feel smaller. It’s easy and convenient when you can just fly over everything. that and you didn’t see people running around as much.

All these are subjective takes and I can 100% say they did not diminish my personal enjoyment of the game at all.

In fact flying made me enjoy the game even more.


TBC classic did. That’s because TBC classic wasn’t representative of actual TBC.

The open world was still booming. Why? Because people sucked and most people never even level - capped. These classic experiences were not remotely close to actually “recapturing” the feel of those expansions. People that say the love classic for its “chill” raiding are probably completely unaware of the fact that almost NOBODY raided in OG vanilla.

Even in Wrath, when the game was heavily streamlined, I still don’t remember “dead” open world being an issue until LFG was introduced.

While that’s not to say that no fun can be had or that they don’t have merit, those games were not designed for a 2024 audience.

Something the vanilla fanboys often neglect is that most of the world is STILL irrelevant at max level. Oh, you have to travel through some of them to do the tiny list of end game dungeons. So adventurous.

Additionally, while I thoroughly appreciated my romp through classic when it dropped, as I’m sure many did, once was enough. The quest design is horrendous. Its objectively all - over - the - place.

Not to mention, you have era. Its right there. Go play it.

The only thing worse than Vanilla bootlickers are WotLK bootlickers or even worse…the “every ARPG past Diablo II is trash” crowd.

It’s not about enjoyment and what people liked or didn’t like. Flying made the word feel smaller. Fact.

Whether or not people care. That’s a separate discussion.

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