How do you people still not realize this?
You asking for TBC to repeat in the 2019 polls is what put Classic WoW into the mess it is currently in.
- TBC traded 44 zones for 7, starting the lazy “expansion” formula they still follow today
- TBC introduced flying, killing any open world interaction
- TBC homogenized the factions by adding elves/paladins to the horde, shamans to the alliance and by forcing both sides into one city
The first falsely so called expansion turned the game into a city/instance simulator. It removed the World and the Warcraft from World of Warcraft.
TBC always was the root problem therefor all the garbage that came after it does not even need to be discussed.
long as Vanilla Era exists, I don’t care what other versions they provide for those that love them to play.
Vanilla is BiS, and everyone eventually comes back because its kinda like a black hole, you cant escape the unavoidable annoying BiS that it is.
I feel like different people have different opinions, perspectives, and preferences. And also that you’re not wrong.

I think Op is desperate for attention hence why the stupidly hot take on a great expansion i vote to just ignore the poor guy.
Objectively ended the World and the Factions of this MMORPG.
Great “expansion” that is.
The only problem with TBC was the space goats, level cap increase, power factor increase, making most older items obsolete, and PVP resilience stat in addition to over expanding the classes… in a lot of ways to the very blind making them worse.
EDIT: forgot about blood elves, they all must die also.
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Actually, the INTERNET is killing WoW.
Instead of actually having to LEARN your character or a Boss Fight, just look it up and follow a guide. This is how to TANK, This is how to HEAL, THESE are the BEST TALENTS to choose.
Which in turn, spawns people like the OP: “If you don’t agree with me, you’re WRONG.”
Honestly if you don’t like the TBC, DON’T PLAY it. You behave like it’s an affront to your rights if someone likes something you don’t.
It is odd, that your argument is that TBC introduced Flying mounts as a bad thing when CATA introduced Flying to Azeroth.
…and you say CATA was so much better.
The devs were smart enough to realize what would happen to the game if Horde got Bloodlust – with no sated debuff – while Alliance have no shamans. You, even in hindsight, are not.
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Every time someone complains about TBC ruining wow its always some male human paladins upset over the most trivial things like flying mounts.
i’m fine with TBC killing world of warcraft and i want to see it do it again.
The internet with all its guides certainly made it worse. Discord too. But it already was dead the moment TBC released.
I dont say Cata was so much better.
I say its bizarre to hate on Cata when you want TBC or WotLK.
All the falsely so called expansions are antisocial garbage and not worth playing.
Trival things like flying mounts. LOL. Oh yea, they only erased any and all open world interaction and PvP. Not a big deal. Who wants to interact with people in an MMORPG? Socially inept WoW players of 2024 sure dont.
WoW what a smart comment!
You understand they could simply… NOT add an ability like it?
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Hmm…then you obviously don’t understand the differences between the WotLK and CATA,
Antisocial behavior is brought on by people, not the forum. However,
the TOXICITY was probably compounded by the Achievement system in WotLK.
Aside from questing for more things to do, the addition of Jewelcrafting and Inscription were two added professions that I thoroughly enjoyed.
The forums were far less toxic as well. Patch Tuesdays people took in stride and jumped on the Forums to discuss/roleplay or whatever. It was just the thing to do back then. If someone was REALLY DESPERATE, they could always grab a sheet of paper and a pencil 16, 12, 4…“Four???” <Grabs another sheet of paper. …
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I really love the 7 zones though!
Flying didn’t kill interaction for me.
I liked the homogenization as you say.
I don’t see a problem with TBC. Hopefully we get it back in its own era format. There’s enough room for Classic Era, TBC, and also a Wrath server. How do you not realize that?
The only thing flying mounts did was disable ganking in pvp for the plebs. If you were good you could still get that pk in the air.
Textbook MHP waw waw over non issues.
How do you exist man?
How can you type this down and think its a defense for flying? Absolutely incredible.
Smartest TBC enjoyer.
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Run out of arguments so you just attack the other posters to justify your point?
I think (at this point) Andrin is correct.
TBC removed the other 44 zones? I don’t remember that
They could really stand to make a change in this area, I agree.
I used to think the shaman/paladin faction “uniqueness” was cool, but it just makes balance annoying. SOD amplified that reality.
If only there was a team that had the finesse and skill necessary to make a TBC with some changes. Sadly, there is not, so TBC is all we get when it comes to Outland.
Wrath would need even more changes than TBC, and so we’re just digging deeper into fantasy.
Era for life. SOD proved to us all that changes made by this dev team will only ever be in the flavor of retail.
I say flying killed open world interaction.
You are not going to defend this. He needs to be attacked for such a stupid comment.
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The internet killed the game because information.
No and yes. We had websites like elitistjerks to get into all the technical details of the game, class mechanics, boss strategies, and some top players wrote fairly exhaustive (even somewhat pier reviewed) guides directly on the WoW class forums. Thottbot was kind of a terrible version of wowhead, but it existed.
The private server community figured out a whole different meta than what top guilds were doing at the time, but the info was there and common knowledge among people who cared enough to look for it.
Flying killed the game.
Honestly? Yes, it did along with other countless conveniences that seemed like a great idea at the time but ended up being a poison pill of one kind or another.
Diminished faction identity
I could go either way on this. At the point in the story where Vanilla starts the Horde makes sense minus the Forsaken, and the Alliance makes sense minus the Night Elves. So it is already weird if you were into the RTS games.
TBC did a lot of things right. The game play was similar to Vanilla, gearing was still interesting due to interesting items, decent level of difficulty, gold was easier to make from just playing the game, resilience slowed down burst damage a bit, plenty for casuals and sweaty nerds to do in end game.