TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

I see no point in discussing TBC at all. Blizzard will do their best to find ways to scuff it. Just like they did Classic.

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Could be. As I think more about it that makes sense. My main point is just that players who want a pre-tbc server need a home somewhere.

I keep seeing suggestions all servers need to progress and all characters will be forced into tbc. That’s not going to happen. Now, just how they migrate players is up in the air. They might not at all. It’s still possible they keep the two games completely separate.

These two are the only likely ones imo, making four separate styles of server to appease everyone does the opposite and spreads players out too far. Progress all current servers to TBC and then make some true (fresh) Vanilla-museum servers for people who only came back for a Vanilla redux. Most people will go to TBC and a small handful of dedicated Vanilla players will stick around on the fresh servers. Your idea of four parallel iterations is more of a private server fantasy, Blizz isn’t stretching their attention that far (the fresh museum server might be more than they’re willing to do).

It must be fresh or maybe transfers available. But not progression. Classic is a museum

its not about spreading the players its just about demand. blizzard can progress everyone to TBC and give open options for existing players to transfer downward into one server ( consolidate all the vanilla hardcore players with existing character(s) ) and open servers as demand requires for that purpose. im sure you can have a few classic stasis servers with high populations where people can play it for a decade to come.

A fresh option is also needed for both classic and TBC and to open as there is a demand for it. Open servers as they become full.

Doing it in this manner creates higher player retention across the board while making sure each version have active players on server and not be a Hot mess of copies of un played characters.

Best part of it all is that you can effectively Scale this up and replicate this format moving to wrath.

Lets face it There are die hard classic, Tbc and wrath players. Each version of wow has a demand for stasis servers.

i’m not suggesting that will happen. I am suggesting the people who want to stay perma classic will be given their own servers to play on. There will be far less of them compared to the masses who want to go to TBC. It is logical that blizzard would move them to their own servers if anything. I am not suggesting they lose anything or have to start over. There is no reason they can’t have their own servers for the few who want to stay 60 forever.

I believe that the current classic servers will most likely progress in to TBC Classic. The people who want perma classic will get that but as there are far less of them they will be the ones to move not us.

For some reason it seems like they all think they are gonna lose everything or that they are entitled to the servers as if they are the only ones who put anything in to it. IMO its purely logical for blizzard to move the 10 over the 90.

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I think there should be options, certainly. When TBC launched there were plenty of fresh characters in addition to 60s and lower from Vanilla.

Judging from the popularity of Vanilla servers before Classic was available, I wouldn’t bet on it. I think TBC will see its share of locusts who blow through the content for the novelty. I think both Classic and TBC will have strong player pops.

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I wager the “masses who want TBC” that he speaks of, are retailer content locusts looking for new content, and not those who fought to get classic to be a thing.

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Originally when TBC released Blizzard also released some fresh servers. I think it would be a mistake for Blizzard not to release some fresh from level 1 TBC servers, maybe 1 server per region? depending on regional demand. But I do think players should be able to continue playing their current Classic characters if they want. I also think Blizzard needs to combined the the dead and 1 sided faction servers when we get TBC.

Wrong. Vanilla servers were more popular only because no one could make a very good tbc server. There’s like 2 right now. Tbc is wildly more popular. You’ll see.

I don’t play retail. Retail is garbage.

Ideally phasing in to BC and leaving classic servers on their own would be best as it would closest resemble actual BC launch, however with how ruined the economy is due to Blizzard’s mismanagement of classic, that would really hurt BC.

Blank slate servers is probably the next best option since it would solve the screwed economies, but wouldn’t be like BC launch as much, and it would result in a massive Horde bias due to min-max culture. Draenei and BEs would get to level with others at least.

Starting at level 58 is probably the worst idea one can do. It completely nullifies a section of BC content (BE/Draenei starter zones), will suffer from the same symptoms as PTR premades/level boosted charaters, not to mention there is actually 1-58 content that will become relevent to BC, such as professions, older faction rep, etc. Not to mention spawning level 58s will still cause the horrible faction imbalance of blank slate servers.

Should be transfers but with a gold cap. I know some people will hate they can only bring 1k or w/e they pick, but it’s better for the game as a whole.

Look Brokenwind No one here is anti Classic… We are all classic fans here. What you fail to realize is that Classic is an Umbrella that spans from Vanilla thru Wrath.

Classic right now has Vanilla Hardcore players and it has TBC hardcore players and Wrath hardcore players. No one wants to see classic disappear because we all want the other two versions to be afforded the same care.

Everyone has their preference and i have mines. I want everyone to have a home.
Is that wrong?

I preferred Vanilla to TBC although I loved flying. I liked several of the questing areas and some dungeons, which were overfilled with trash imho, often harder than the bosses.

I didn’t like many of the changes to classes and ancillaries (i.e., pets); I also didn’t care for Outland, in general. Favorite areas were Terokkar and Netherstorm.

Tempest keep was tedious; Kara was a blast, I must admit, and creative.

But pound for pound I prefered many things about Vanilla content and builds that I am once again enjoying immensely in Classic.

I will roll on a TBC server, but I really can’t wait for Wrath and Panda. Even Cata had its charm. I really wish they had left Azeroth alone and just added the new areas (with some laugh out loud questing :D)

Anyway, the game went straight downhill since Panda and all they have done is strip classes bare, only to try to Frankenstein them back together again. That coupled with the lack of choice, the embedded systems and the tedium; rental power and uninteresting content; Pathfinger and other chores… I give retail a pass.

That’s cool and all… but you’re in the minority.

These two ideas are dissonant. On one hand your ask for a faithfull transfer from WoW Classic to TBC Classic yet you’re suggesting additional gold caps which is not faithful to that process as it happened in 2007. The 214k gold cap was good enough back then, and it’s good enough now.

Classic running at 1.12 for its whole life is also unfaithful to vanilla. What’s your point?

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Blizz definitely was opening new servers around the launch of TBC… I know this because I was a new player who started on one of those new realms.

Same. I took a free transfer from Scarlet Crusade to The Scryers. The difference is back then Blizzard told us that our servers were over populated and that we could free xfer to a new server. Like 10 people transferred. A week later they said transfer or we will start moving people and there is no promise you end up on the same realm with your friends. Of course that got people to move. I wish they’d do it again with these mega servers.