TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

Open up fresh servers for people who want it I suppose. But the whole idea of forcing a fresh reroll on everyone goes against have a recreation of TBC that is faithful to vanilla.

There are plenty of easy things to implement like gold caps on character copies that can keep the economy from being wacky until botters eventually take it over like classic.

So stop crying and stop trying to control the way everyone else wants to play TBC. Fresh servers aren’t needed but one or two would be cool for the people who really it. Even though it wouldn’t be the same as the actual TBC release.


Classic wow isn’t faithful to retail


4 Things are going to happen post Naxx.

Spoiler Alert

  1. All Servers will progress to TBC
  2. Classic Stasis servers will open for people who want to Transfer their characters back to a stasis server of their choice.
  3. Fresh Classic servers open (as needed) (non character transfers)
  4. Fresh TBC servers open (as needed) (non character transfers)

This keeps the community the most intact and allows players to choose what they want to play while allowing blizzard to properly gauge true server populations.


No doubt a great way to get blizzard to listen to you.

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There are too many players who would pitch a fit if they couldn’t have their vast nest egg both in TBC as well as a classic server. (Those individuals should be ignored)

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Blizzard doesn’t care about these forums and they aren’t my target audience. That should be pretty clear if your brain isn’t a literal rock.

So when you write:

It is supposed to be clear that blizzard is not the target audience? Or do you imagine players are the ones making the decisions?

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What if the Classic Stasis option was copy instead of transfer? Then people could have their nest egg in both places.

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As many posters on this forum are fond of saying: this isn’t Vanilla. Blizzard created Classic to give players an experience as close to Vanilla as possible. There was never any guarantee or even a hint that it would extend beyond the clearly defined timeline contained within that Vanilla period. It was merely: here’s a snapshot of a specific time in WoW’s history.

The same can hold true for a TBC server. It’s another snapshot of another time in WoW’s history…contained completely within that time. No connection to Retail or Classic, or Wrath when that eventually comes along. Simply its own entity.

Now will Blizzard do it that way? No idea. Maybe, maybe not. But it’s a possibility. People just need to open their minds and understand that their vision isn’t necessarily the only choice or the best choice. There’s lots of ways Blizzard could handle this whole situation.


No. It actually destroys the Vanilla community. TBC players should be the ones to transfer, not Vanilla players. Well honestly, it should be its own separate thing like Classic is. Connected to nothing else. But I’m willing to budge a little as long as it doesn’t ruin my characters I’ve become attached to.


People would then copy for the hell of it and it wouldnt offer the consequence of choice. And you would then have classic servers with copies of players that are playing tbc and not classic.

Realistically everyone has a particular preference of playing a particulatar version whether it is Vanilla or TBC or Wrath… you can even Say you want to play XYZ class for XYZ expansion. The idea is put the player to decide what he wants to play as that is where he will be most active.

Lets say for argument sake you want to stay playing classic vanilla which is perfectly fine. Don’t you want to be on a classic vanilla server with people who feel the same? Or would your rather be on a server that lost 90% of its players to the newer expansion and it is a ghost town. The best solution To keep both versions with viable/active population servers is progress every server but offer options for those whom want to coalesce and still play a non progressive server.

I don’t care what they do as long is it’s not a forced fresh start. There’s a good chance I don’t play BC if I am forced to level from 1-60 again just because.


What’s wrong with that? Classic Stasis servers would be just that, static. People keeping everything they previously earned for use on those servers won’t hurt anything about TBC or fresh.

That wont happen. But they will open fresh servers for those whom did not come to play classic to begin with and that is ok.

I think the only options being “forced migration to TBC” and “start from scratch if you want to stay in Vanilla” would be a mistake on Blizzard’s part.

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What does it mean for TBC to “be faithful” to vanilla… which it replaced.

Seriously, not trolling.


No copies! :no_entry_sign:

Transfers cool, so long as we (me) get some fresh TBC servers that won’t be open to transfers in the beginning.

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I started MC raiding Sept 8th 2019, have 34k gold, 3x 60s, and multiple profession alts and even I want TBC fresh only

TBC and Classic have to be completely separated. Too much damage happened in Classic to allow it to bleed into TBC.


Are blizzard employees on here crying for fresh servers? No. So obviously that’s not who that statement was directed at you clown

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I believe OP is advocating for TBC being a continuation of Vanilla - all characters, all gear/gold/achievements, etc automatically converting without needing to opt-in, just like what happened in 2007. But even if this happens for the majority, there’s no reason they can’t have a couple of fresh or seasonal servers that let people start over; after all that was part of the success of the private server scene for years and years.

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