TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

I like how you edited what I actually wrote, and replied to THAT rather than the actual original post:


This mass delusion that people are going to be allowed to play the vanilla era longer than the authentic roughly two year timeline is the most baseless asinine assumption currently on these boards.

You guys wanted authenticity, well here is how that works :

  1. Everyone on current classic is forced into tbc, just like you where in the day. I don’t care if you didn’t buy the tbc expansion and derped around at level 60, you where still playing the tbc game.

  2. There will be a limited amount of people who preferred vanilla, and that’s fine. Those people can take themselves to a fresh vanilla realm that will spin up at the same time as tbc starts.

That’s the authentic way to do things. No self entitled clowns get a game genie version of wow with unlimited time to progress in a specific era, and no one gets to ignore the foundational building block of content progression inherent to the design of the game. Either go forward authentically, or start over. The biggest key is monitoring population density because the overall population distribution will get more and more spread across the various expansions over time (though I’d be astonished if we got more than Wotlk classic)

any proof or jsut what you think…

If that were true we would all still be playing Retail Apocalypse you wanna play BC thats fine, don’t attack us for not wanting to.

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IF they wanna do fresh servers then w/e. Personally, I think they need to make classic only servers where everything is unlocked and people can copy or transfer their toons to those servers who want perma classic. The rest of us need to charge through that portal just like we did in 07. With all our gold and mats and everything in tow.

IF they decide to do TBC, and IF they decide to allow transfers rather than making it a separate game, then those who want all the change should be the ones to transfer off existing servers. Those who want stay in Classic should not be the ones to be uprooted and have to move. And I still wonder just how they would do that anyway. What, un-patch our characters so we can “go back” to how we were before all the changes to our characters caused by a TBC patch? Sounds to me like more hassle for Blizzard than simply making TBC servers and let the people bailing out on Classic do the transferring, and leave the rest of us alone.

The real title of this post should be classic is unfaithful to vanilla lol.

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Imo blizz will find a way to include tbc inside retail. Keep dos numbers.

No no to hell with that that would give BC xfers unfair control over the Classic economy. You want to start over you leave and start over. Leave the welfare R14 in classic and get a fresh start with your Rogue in BC. However I have to say if you are truly eager to play BC as a Rogue you are either average and didn’t really play it or are a great Rogue in some aspect.

Unless they allow faction transfers, I won’t be playing this character much anyway. I wanted vanilla, and still do, but what we got isn’t vanilla. I’ll be playing an elf paladin one way or another. If I have to start over, then that’s fine. It would be more fun though, if I had people to kill while leveling up.

No… we put just as much work into these economies… the very very few of you can make your new economy… i mean i see people constantly complaining about ruined economies… this gives you and your 9 best friends a chance to make their own economy. Far more will play TBC than will stick around for perma classic.

Maybe so but equity is needed here none of us have just one Toon on WOW servers. We shouldn’t have to Xfer one of two off probably sac the rest while you comfortably walk through a portal. And there are plenty of people not interested in BC, some of you came here with the sole intention of only getting to BC and rolling a billion Blood Elves, but thats not my problem.

Nothing would be stopping you from repeating your vanilla experience… On a fresh vanilla realm, once tbc launches.

That isn’t “attacking” vanilla players, it’s keeping the game and experience authentic to actual vanilla. There is simply zero logical reason to change the overall game’s design and allow people to perpetually sit in the same era forever with the same characters.

Other than the fact that was literally the expressed purpose of Classic.


There will still be classic stasis servers and it will be in your interest to be on one with others that just want to play classic. Let those whom want to go to TBC go. Eventually it will be the turn for TBC for those whom want to stay on a TBC server and those whom want to go to wrath. Don’t you see the logic in this?

Don’t see why a TBC server cannot accommodate a character copy or two, while also accommodating fresh rolls. In fact, it would be more like it actually was if they did that.

They will not do copies it will be transfers. And they wont snapshot entire servers and copy them and they wont do single character copies as that is very exploitable.

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No, the purpose of Classic was not to dramatically redesign the game subject to the overly entitled whims of players who insist on being gifted handouts. The purpose was to try and authentically recreate the game experience people had in vanilla.

Right, and that those characters would exist for as long as Blizzard hosts servers. Maybe I misunderstood what you’re saying. There is simply no way Blizz will force all players to progress into TBC. There will exist pre-tbc servers. At least as an option.

As far as copying/transferring Classic characters to TBC. We don’t know yet. I feel like a broken record saying that, but it’s the simple truth. Blizzard hasn’t told us their plans. If you look at the Survey they lay out all kinds of options.

Think about it like this. I like to envision Classic as a new server being created at the tail end of Vanilla. Hence, the 1.12 state of the game. The only real difference is the staggered content release. Other than that it’s like a new server being added in late 2006.

So apply that same logic to a TBC Classic. They add a new server middle 2008. That is what we’ll be playing. In that context we’ll again get the last patch of the expansion, and also everyone would start fresh, since you couldn’t transfer to brand new servers…at least for a few months anyway.

In the end we don’t know how Blizz will handle it. Someone could say 99% chance they’ll allow copy/transfers from Classic, and someone could say 99% chance everyone will start fresh and they’ll treat TBC as a standalone game experience. I’d believe both. We’ll just have to wait and find out.

I really think the vast majority of players will move on to TBC after a year and a half of classic. There will be a ton of returning players who quit at some point during classic and then also those who didn’t play classic and are hoping for TBC. It makes no sense from blizzards standpoint to move ALL those people to their own server. IMO the amount of people who want perma classic are in the minority. It makes far more sense to move less people rather than more.