TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

Lol TBC 13 some odd years ago was already unfaithful to Vanilla. How is TBC “fresh” supposed to be?

It took Vanilla communities, servers, and guilds … and shattered them.

Since #nochanges has died a long time ago we’re definitely getting F R E S H TBC.

TBC != Vanilla

you can’t use “no changes” and “muh faithfulness” as an argument when classic wasn’t faithful at all to the original game in so many critical areas. Balancing on 1.12 and sharding alone made classic a completely different game than actual vanilla wow even ignoring the ways people play today with all the min maxing.

and classic isn’t no changes

Never said it was, but the stated goal of classic is to provide the most authentic experience they can. A forced fresh BC is the exact opposite of that.

How so?

The option is going to be either the servers progress to TBC and you transfer your characters back to a vanilla/classic server or post naxx you will have option to transfer your character to a TBC server.

I can tell you all 100% it will not be copies it will be transfers. And the path of least resistance for them (blizzard) to do it effectively is to progress the servers but offer character transfers downward. Valarkin has summarized the reasoning for this with surgical detail.

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YES! So they officially announced TBC???

because it is an unnecessary step. why make your players jump through hoops?

Joyson your responses need have actual supporting statements as to why you are refuting. All i see is you saying copies are the way to go but you dont articulate any strong points as to why other than your opinions without supporting statements. Valarkin has made excellent points with alot of detailed statements. I have yet to see you refute any of his statements besides baseless opinions.

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feel free to challenge my opinion. i have yet to be proven wrong.

so, first off. “alot” is not a word. its a (and then) lot. secondly, valarkin barely managed to make any sense at all. and you just repeatedly saying that he did doesnt make him suddenly make sense. whats your problem with me? why are you so obsessed with me? obviously blizzard wont make players delete their characters off classic servers to play tbc. stop trying to force players to delete their characters.

I don’t need to challenge anything because i know for a fact it is going to be Transfers and not copies.

that requires players deleting their characters off classic.

my solution is literally the same except no deletion required.

You mean besides all of the reasons you already dismissed offhand?

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offhand? me? dismissed? me??? what???

My sentiments exactly!

Smart, ignore people who want TBC to be like TBC, obviously the worst group of players to listen to are those who like the game. Should market it instead to people who don’t like TBC at all.

There will be eventually dedicated servers for each version classic vanilla ,TBC, and Wrath

The only thing will be which of the two will happen…

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server that will never progress past level 60, with the option to transfer to a Burning Crusade server.

One of these will be what will be used, but the 1st one will be the most likely as it is the path of least resistance.