TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

Yeah Dookcloggins, I’m done feeding the obvious troll, pointless conversation haha

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I agree with that point as well.


So… what if you transfer that gold to a different character or account? What if you trade that gold for items with someone else? Will that person be able to copy that gold?

I don’t think there is such a simple solution when it comes to character copies…

transfers make no sense.

gold restrictions make no sense.

the ONLY thing that makes sense, is all character data copy pasted on release night.

exactly how it was in 2007, check.
nobody loses anything, check.
everyone is happy, check.

anyone who wants anything different is short sighted and doesnt understand the consequences of what they want.

This is what is will happen i Guarantee it

And the reason that is going to happen the way it will because of the following

You can further argue moving forward from laying the ground work of post naxx era that blizzard could open server(s) that will be listed as stasis and those that will eventually will have (option) to progress but i doubt they will make such a bold forward thinking move.






  1. given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.

what an offensive thing to say about the players. an so unnecessary too. what impact do players have on you? you are entirely fabricating make believe fears to give your argument false credibility

just launch 10. need more? launch 5 more. need more? launch 5 more. repeat till satisfied. (50 iq required to understand this)

start by making the same distribution as they made for the servers during classic launch, and change it if info arises.

stop worrying about other players you schizophrenic alarmist

once again, people’s schizophrenia will get the better of them… “oh no!!! what are they going to do!!! bites nails

“hurp de hurpde durpde dur”

this segment alone should indicate the level of intelligence we are dealing with here

A prime indicator of how little blizzard cares about the game, is that posts like this fly under the radar of the community managers.

whats your point?

For the 50th time who in the world ever thinks they’re going to force everyone to do fresh reroll?

Does that make any business sense at all?

You gave one example that makes an assumption that you know how the copy process will work. What if the process is such that all characters are copied at the downtime when players are not allowed to log into the servers? The flagging of that copy would have been done prior to the down time. You see? Just because you can make up something that would be problematic doesn’t mean that it will be that way.

Oh yeah, I’m not trying to suggest that I know how whatever they decide to do will work.

If it is a one time copy of all characters that exist at the time BC Classic goes live, then that is one way they could do that.

Certainly. I’m not a proponent of copying characters, personally, but that’s my own opinion, and preference. I do not mean to suggest that others should share my preference.

Indeed though, no matter how they do it, there are trade offs to consider. And if they decide to have BC Classic along side WoW Classic, then they’ll need to develop a strategy for doing so that is different from what we have had in the past.

I’m looking forward to seeing what they end up deciding on.

TBC should be all fresh starting lvl 58

Just wanted to add in this post that
Classic =/= Vanilla.

ya it’s not TBC if we can’t go in with thousands of gold like we did in 2007 oh wait

You didn’t? Must have been user error.

You could say that for literally every expac. If this was truly the case there would be no need for classic as you would be able to play “vanilla” by just not ever buying expacs. Obviously this is not case, so you’re straight up wrong

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If players aren’t allowed to have a copy of their char on both legacy classic and BC servers, I’d just choose to leave this char on a legacy classic server and reroll in BC.

I also don’t see the point of Blizzard forcing players to choose, we all know classic gear is mostly obsolete reasonably quickly into BC given players will be ready to raid from the beginning unlike classic. Yeah there’s stuff like Thunderfury or high end trinkets in Naxx that are great deeper into BC, but even there it’s not that many items.

But there’s no way I’m giving up what I put into this character at 60. I’d quit if that’s forced on us.

I want to be able to go back to a classic/vanilla server and be able to use my Flask set or PVP in a BG or whatever whenever I feel like doing with whoever’s left.

But I am not saying it about literally every expac? :man_shrugging:

But what you said not only applies to every expac, but is completely wrong.

Agreed. No expansion has ever forced us to go back to level 1. I see no reason why a potential classic BC should.

The only argument I can kind of understand is the gold thing. The classic economy is pretty messed up, but you also don’t need a massive amount of consumes in BC like in classic. Some people get flying early, tbh who cares.